Chapter Forty Three- Taming Dommes

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Chapter Forty Three-


"Look... I can explain."
"Explain what, Candy? That you decided to do this shit and didn't even think to tell me? Since when do we keep secrets from each other? God, you are such a bitch. How long has this been going on?" I snap at her, and she huffs, turning back to the table of girls.

None are wearing collars and two have women kneeling in front of them, so I'm assuming they're all dommes. Is Candace a domme too?
"Sorry about him. He's my stupid brother. I'll be right back."
She grabs me by my hair now and drags me back to Dax who doesn't seem as upset now that he's aware of why I left. "Does this thing belong to you?"
"Yeah. Sadly, that one's mine." He responds to her jokingly, taking my hand when she lets go of my hair.
"Can we go somewhere more private?"
Dax nods and leads me into a back office with Candace behind us. Sienna looks up at all of us with a confused look, and Dax sighs. "Can we talk in here?"
"So?" I ask, gesturing to her skimpy outfit. "Explain yourself."
Candace takes a seat in one of the chairs and crosses one leg over the other while leaning back with an amount of confidence that makes me think there's no way she's a sub.
Then again, I'm sure that's how I look at the club and I'm just a brat, so maybe I'm wrong.
"The way you and Sawyer talk about BDSM didn't ever sound appealing to me. I'm controlling and I like things my way. I don't like the thought of letting someone else have power in my sex life or in a relationship if that's how I end up. That's why I didn't want to try it."
"Well you clearly are, so what changed?"
"I met this guy. He's a really good friend now and he's a dom at the club you go to. He told me about how he first got into it and a lot of his worries were the same as mine. I knew it was appealing, but I didn't want to be a sub. I didn't think I was cut out to be a domme. I mean I'm a little petite compared to other domme's here so I thought they wouldn't take me seriously. All the doms I'd met so far had been super rich, and I'm just not like that." She explains, sitting up more while looking at me.
I don't say anything, trying to give her more time to explain.
"He encouraged me to try it and told me there's no shame in backing out if it's not for me. So I came here and met with Sienna to apply to join. I'm still in training. Other domme's are teaching how to stay safe about it and what to do in certain situations and the only sub I've touched is Sienna because she trains all of the dommes and subs."
Sienna looks over at her before biting her lip and looking back down at her desk. Dax gives her an odd look, but lets it go as we continue talking.
"Great story. I don't give a fuck. I want to know why you hid it from me."
"When was I supposed to tell you? I don't know if you missed it, Noel, but you're so far up Dax's ass that I doubt you even noticed that I'm gone more than normal now." She snaps at me, making me glare at her.
"Are you serious? You're supposed to be supportive, Candace! I call you all the time-"
"To talk about you! You always call me to tell me everything going on in your life, and yeah I love hearing it, but you never ask about me. You never ask how my day has been or if anything new is happening. You're so fucking selfish! You just ramble on about yourself and hang up on me because 'oh, Dax is calling' or 'Dax is finally home'. You sure know how to make me feel important. Family is supposed to mean everything to us and you practically ditched us for him as soon as you got the chance."
For once in my life I'm actually at a loss for words. I think it's because I know just how true her statement is. I never meant for it to seem like I don't love her or the rest of my family anymore. Of course I do, but I'm an adult now.
Surely she knew we wouldn't be joined at the hip for our whole lives. We have to move on from being kids at some point, right?
She thinks I ditched them. It's true that I hardly ever stay at the house anymore and I do spend most of my time with Dax now. Am I distancing myself from my family?
"I... I didn't mean for it to seem like that. I'm sorry."
Candace takes a deep breath and stands up to wrap her arms around me. "It's fine. I know you love him and obviously you want to spend time with him. You're still in the honeymoon phase, but sometimes I just wish you'd notice us more. I wanted to tell you. I really did, it just never seemed like the right time."
I hug her back, breathing in her scent. I calm down a bit and pull away, looking over her outfit. "You look like a tramp."
"That's what I was going for. You look like Frankie's boyfriend." She comments.
I look down at the shirt and smile. "The band is pretty good actually, and the shirts are even better."
"Well now that the two of you have made up, do you want to step out? Sienna and I have business." He walks closer to hug Candace and kiss her cheek. "You look lovely."
Candace smiles and hugs him back before leading me out to her group of domme friends.

"I'm back. Everyone, this is my twin brother, Noel."


"You train all of the dommes now?"
"Not technically." Sienna admits, her face looking a bit more red despite her dark skin.
"Since when do you submit to white people?"
"I don't. Look, it's hard to explain. It's just when she came in I... well she's just so... I don't know." Sienna tries to explain as I sit in the seat across from her.
"I know you don't want to hear it from me, but you don't need to feel ashamed for being attracted to certain people. She's a beautiful girl, and if you like her then go for it." I encourage her, looking over her.
Her hair is straightened, falling in silky locks over her shoulders. She has on a black corset and tiny leather shorts that look more like underwear. She wears heeled thigh high boots with them. Most girls at the club do.
"I know. I am. I just don't want to hear Andrew's mouth, you know?"
"Trust me, I definitely know how that feels." I agree before skipping the topic and mentioning what I actually came to talk about. "You've still been having issues with the dommes not obeying rules just because they don't want you in charge?"
"Not all of them. Just Taylor."
"Your old domme?"
"Yeah. She's not happy that I didn't want to sign another contract and I think she's trying to keep Candace away from me too." Sienna admits, sitting back in her seat.
"Should I talk to her?"
"No. No, when you talk to them it feels like I'm a little kid tattling on her bullies." She insists. "I just want you to give me the liberty to punish them."
"I can't do that."
"It's too unorthodox. A sub punishing a dom? Especially in public? Sienna, you know I can't allow that."
"You better learn to allow it because the more you keep letting the dommes here run around and do whatever they want, the more danger the subs are in. They don't respect us! They're never going to until you fucking do something about it." She snaps at me, huffing.
"Did something happen?"
"You're lying to me."
"One of the subs left. She wouldn't say why, but Taylor was her last domme."
"The day before she decided to leave, Taylor did a public punishment scene with her. It was public humiliation. Nothing out of the ordinary, but when she asked to leave, I looked at her file. Dax, public humiliation and exhibitionism are both on her hard limits. She never should've been put in that situation." Sienna informs me, reaching in her desk to pull the file out.
Joanne. I open it up and flick through, seeing that anything even close to doing things in front of others is a hard limit. Swapping, threesomes, and sure enough exhibitionism and public humiliation too.
"Did she safeword?"
"Dax, that's not the point. Taylor knew-"
"Did she safeword? I'm not asking you again, Sienna."
"Then what's to say that it wasn't an accident?"
"Are you serious?"
"Yes, Sienna. It's the subs responsibility to stay safe just as much as the doms."
Sienna glares at me and huffs. "All doms are taught to read the body language of a sub. All doms are taught that they should never coerce a sub into changing their limits. All doms are taught that their sub is their responsibility. There is no reason that scene ever should've happened. Other girls even came to me afterwards saying that they saw how uncomfortable Jo was."
"How do you know that it wasn't an unfortunate misunderstanding?"
"I was her sub. I know that she knows how to read body language, and I know that she will push a sub past their limits if they aren't firm enough with her. If you don't keep them in line or at least give me the liberty to, it's only a matter of time before one of the girls gets assaulted in your club."
I run my fingers through my hair, thinking hard about it. I can't let a sub punish a dom and still sleep at night. Obviously I can't punish them because I don't know their past with men and the last thing I want is to traumatize one of them. I don't really know the dommes here so I can't trust them to take that responsibility into their hands.
"How well are the dommes taking to Candace?"
"She's smart and confident and beautiful. She's good with people and makes friends easily. She's down to earth. They love her. Why?" She asks.
"How would you feel about running the club with her as your VP? That way you have the liberty to dish out punishments but not be the one doing the punishment."
"She's not finished with training yet."
"Then when she is?"
Sienna rolls her eyes and seems to be contemplating it for a moment.
"You'll get to spend a lot of time with her." I coax, making her finally agree.
"Fine. They still need to know I'm in charge though."
"Of course. I'll have Fabian send out an email to all of them stating that if the dommes break any club rules, they'll be punished however you decide."
Sienna smirks and nods. "Thank you, Dax."
"Happy to help."
"I love you."
"I love you too. Now, I need to go fetch my brat. Good luck taming your dommes."

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