Chapter Fifty Four- Fake Smiles

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Chapter Fifty Four-


"You don't have to come," Dax tells me, fixing his tie with a nervous look on his face.

"If you don't want me there, you can just say it," I answer, trying to tuck my button-up into the uncomfortable slacks.

"It's not you, Noel. It's a fake party with fake people who spend the whole time saying fake things. It's not something you'd like." He informs me. "It's a bunch of stuck-up rich people talking about their kids' amazing au-pair or how they threw out their designer rug because the color clashed with their designer sofa. They sip martinis and get trashed at 11 am and pretend it's classy. They snap their fingers at the wait staff because they think throwing a few dollars at someone means they can treat them like animals. They're everything you hate."

I walk closer to peck his lips, smiling when he starts to fix the parts of my outfits that I messed up. "As much as I hate people like that, your little gang of upper east siders is a part of you. I need you to trust me. I can do this."

He nods and pecks my lips again. "Did you go over the synopsis I sent you?"

"Yes. I know their names, what they do, and the companies they're affiliated with."

"Do you remember what you can and can't say?"

"Don't use any slang, and stick to big words. Say lovely, radiant, and beautiful. Never say hot or sexy. Basically, I just have to try to sound like a pretentious asshole."

"Exactly." Dax agrees, taking my hand to lead me out of the apartment, his persona already changing. He tosses his keys at Fabian who catches them as if he's used to it. "Four seasons. Skylar's parents are throwing a party."

Fabian nods curtly and walks behind us. I turn to him and give him a little nudge. I clear my throat and try to act properly for once, straining my voice to fake an English accent. "Forgive him, he's just getting into character."

Dax laughs softly. "A little less accent, Noel. You don't want them to think you're making fun of them."

"I was."

He rolls his eyes as we go down the elevator and walk toward the car. Dax and I cuddle up in the back seat of his car as Fabian drives us to the prestigious hotel. They're hosting the party in the event room there.

"If you see my father, don't speak to him. If you see Andrew, keep things professional, and don't speak to your friends. You don't know how to control yourself around them. If anyone mentions the scandal, talk around it. Never address it. If they ask what you do for work, tell them you work with me. If you get caught up, excuse yourself and find me. Understand?"

"Dax." I nag, climbing out when he does. I take his hand and let him lead me to the doors. "I got this."

He takes me inside and to the event room, my body already tingling with the best jitters possible. He thinks I'll make a fool of us. I take that as a challenge.

I let go of his hand and smirk, kissing him on the cheek. "I'll catch up with you later."

Before he can complain, I break away from him and insert myself into a conversation. If I remember from the document Dax sent me, this is Margeaux and Quentin Dupree, Skylar's parents and the owners of Dupree Instruments. They're the hosts. They're speaking with Spencer's parents, the owners of Laurier and Co. Josephine and Marcel Laurier.

Dax told me to always greet the host. A firm handshake and a greeting for the men. Kiss on the hand and compliment for the woman.

"Sorry to intrude, but I just had to say hello. It's a very lovely party, Mr. and Ms. Dupree." I tell them, giving Quentin a firm handshake and a small smile before taking Margeaux's hand. I bow slightly and press my lips to the top of her hand. "You look dazzling, Ma'am."

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