Chapter Six- Electro Play

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Chapter Six-


I didn't expect to wake up to yelling, but I did expect the sleeping child on my chest.

Carter and Cameron always end up in Sawyer's bed during the night. Lottie sometimes ends up crawling in bed with Candace, but Carson is always in mine.

She sticks to me whenever I'm around, and I can tell that she favors me over most of our other siblings. I'm surprised she didn't wake up to the familiar voices yelling downstairs.

I wrap my arms around her and sit up, glancing to the other bed to see William waking up as well.

"Is that mom?" He asks, and I nod, quickly standing and rushing to the room that Julian and Frankie share.

I leave Carson with them, seeing that Carter, Cameron, and Lottie are all in here as well. Once the little kids are together under Frankies supervision, Will and I make our way downstairs.

Sawyer is wearing a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, looking pissed off while Teagan, who is only in sweatpants rubs his shoulders to calm him down. A few feet in front of them is my mother, looking like she swallowed a basketball.

"You're fucking pregnant?" I snap, quickly gaining the same anger as Sawyer has.

We haven't seen this damn egg donor for almost a year and she shows up out of nowhere looking like she's about to pop another fucking baby out.

"You should've got a fucking abortion, you damn whore! Do we look like a fucking daycare to you?" I continue, but she just glares.

"You shouldn't speak to your mother that way. I'm due in a few days. We've bought some baby stuff and there's things at the house, but your father and I have a flight out next week." She says.

Her dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes would normally be beautiful, but my hatred for her warps her features into something more ugly. I can't see her as beautiful when she became absent in my life before I even hit double didgets.

"I'm not taking care of another one of your kids! Hell, none of these kids are even yours. They're my kids! Carson doesn't even remember you guys. I have to tell her so many times not to call me 'daddy' and remind her that I'm not her dad, but I am. I fucking raised every last one of them, and they're all great fucking kids." He shouts at her.

I agree with him. He was just a sixteen year old kid who just got his license when she dumped us in his lap and only showed up again when she had more kids to pop out. Candace and I have taken up some of the responsibilities, but it's still a lot.

"They're not your kids, Sawyer. They're your siblings, and after all we've done for you, you owe us this much."

"I don't owe you shit. I'm not taking care of whatever fucking gremlin you pop out next unless you sign away your parental rights. To all of the little ones actually. Julian, Lottie, Cameron, Carter, and Carson. I want to officially adopt all of them, and if you don't agree to that then you can put the new one up for adoption or something. I couldn't care less. Now get the fuck out of my house before I call the cops and have you forcibly removed."

My eyes widen at his statement, and my mom looks just as shocked. I never thought that he'd want to adopt them. He's already a legal guardian, but adopting them means my parents won't have rights to them at all.

"Fine. Whatever. You can have all the damn kids if you want. No wonder they turned out this fucking bad. With some incompetent child raising them, they'll all end up being as big of a disappointment as you."

Before anyone can process what's going on, Candace swings her hand out and smacks our mother across the cheek. I didn't even notice her come downstairs, but she looks just as pissed as the rest of us.

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