Chapter Four- Masochism

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Chapter Four-


"Why's it called a playroom?" Noel asks while I lead us down the hall to the only room with a colored door. Dark blue while the other doors are all black.

"This is where we'll do our play scenes." I swing the door open and let him inside before closing it behind us. The walls are dark blue and the whips, paddles, crops, and other torture toys are hung on one wall. The next wall is full of restraints like different types of rope, metal handcuffs, leather handcuffs and some others.

I also have a dresser. The top drawer is full of the more kinky toys like nipple clamps, cock rings, blindfolds, etc. the middle drawer is dildos, plugs, other vibrators and more common toys. The last drawer is for aftercare products like muscle relaxing body oil, moisturizers, soothing cream, pain meds.

There's a door that leads to a closet where I keep most of my club outfits. I usually wear a suit and change into my leathers when I arrive. There's another door that leads into the bathroom. It's got a large tub and shower.

"This place is so cool. Is that a whip?" He hums, walking over to look closely at it, running his fingers over it before moving to the flogger next to it. He repeats his actions and turns to me. "I like this one. It looks less intimidating than the whip."

"We'll use it then. I wanted to see if you truly enjoy the pain of it or if yesterday was just because you were feeling a lot at the moment."

"Yes, sir." He responds. After looking around the room, he gets naked again. He folds up my shirt and puts it on the dresser before kneeling in the center of the room.

"Good boy. Before we start, I want to talk to you about what being my submissive would entail. First of all, I am the head Dom of the club because I own it. This means that if you're my sub, you will always be given the utmost respect by everyone. If anyone treats you in a way you don't like then let me know. I will bring you around my friends, and you'll obey my orders. I don't want any sass from you while around them. I also expect you to train your body for me. This would include practicing to get rid of any gag reflex, work on your ability to delay your release, and stretching your hole daily so I don't have to worry about hurting you."

I pause to let him sink in the new information. I can practically see the gears turning in his head, and after a second, he nods.

"I'll tell you my rules now too. Rule One, do not touch or speak to another dom without my permission. Rule two, all of your pleasure will be received through me. Rule Three, always ask permission to cum. Rule Four, always swallow my cum. Rule Five, do not hesitate when I give a command. Rule Six, your body belongs to me and I want you naked when we're alone. That includes here in my playroom, and in my penthouse if I ever bring you there. Rule Seven, when spanked with my hand, I expect you to say 'Thank you, Master. May I have another?' Rule Eight, I will always give you respect and I expect you to return it. Rule Nine, don't ever fucking lie to me. Rule Ten, always tell me your honest feelings about anything and everything regardless of other rules. when I say everything, I mean everything. Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing." I make sure to talk slowly enough for him to comprehend every rule, and he nods as if to tell me he's got it.

I rake my eyes over his body and smirk when I see his hard cock starting to drip. I walk closer and crouch, running my finger along the vein on the underneath of his length. I stroke him a few times before pulling my hand back and brushing my thumb against his pubes. "I like my subs clean shaven everywhere, including here. I'll help you do it for you tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir. Fuck, you're so skilled at this stuff. I bet you could get me to cum without laying a finger on me." He informs me, making me smile at his randomness.

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