Chapter Thirty Nine- Photos

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Note: the picture is the "picture" Kiyomi took. The art is by @Kion_Wolfheim on Instagram

Chapter Thirty Nine-


"You're going to come with me tomorrow." I announce once I get back from work.

I had a meeting today with a few philanthropy experts to discuss a charity. I've been planning to make one ever since I started coming into exponentially more money about a year or two ago. I want to help people, but in order to gain publicity and donations, there should be a theme of some sorts.

There's charities for foster kids, animals, old folks. I want to do something more original than that, so I've been brainstorming with people who are experienced in this whole "giving back" thing. I haven't quite decided yet, so I'll have another meeting next week to discuss it further.

"Go with you where?" Noel asks, barely looking up from his video game and he violently smashes the buttons on the controller. "Fuck, Elliot! Stop shooting at me!"

"Stop standing in front of my bullets." Elliot answers over the phone.

"We're going to take a look at how the new place has been coming along, and have a meeting with the building management to ensure that nothing gets confused. You'll have to wear something more professional like that outfit I bought for you."

Noel pouts, glancing over at me for a few seconds before looking back at the screen. "I hate that uncomfortable shit."

"I know. You'll wear it to make me happy though, won't you?"

Noel sighs deeply. "I guess. Why are you home so early? I thought you'd be at the office for a few more hours."

"Kaida is coming over with our photos. I need to pick which one will be the center so that I can have Dimitri put it up in our playroom." I answer while taking my suit jacket off and loosening my tie.

"Hey guys, I gotta get off. Beck is going to beat my ass if I keep screaming at the TV." Fly says.

"Me too. It's date night with Hayes."

"I wanna spend some time with Dax, so I'm gonna go too. Love you guys." Noel tells them.

"What a bunch of simps." Mickey groans before letting out a soft sigh. "Whatever. I guess I'll just have Quinn come over."

Everyone says their goodbyes and they each hang up. Noel turns his game off, walking closer to wrap his arms around my neck and lean close to peck my lips. "How was work?"

"It was alright. The supervisor I had to cover for is finally back from being sick. How was your day?"

"Boring. I watched some porn this morning and then cooked breakfast for myself and cleaned the kitchen. I did some laundry and went shopping with Elliot and then came back to play video games, and now you're here."

"You skipped lunch?"

"I ate at the mall with Elliot."

"You watched porn this morning?"


I tilt my head, slightly shocked by him admitting it so casually. You'd think I'd be used to his filterless commentary by now, but he still surprises me every time he opens his mouth.

"Did you masturbate?"

"I didn't break your rules, Master. I know I'm not allowed to touch myself without permission. It's just fun to watch. I laugh at the people who keep their shoes on when they have sex."

I smirk and kiss him gently, pulling back to stare at him for a second. God, this view is the reason I feel so blessed. The soft sweep of his wavy hair and glittery sparkle in his blue-gray eyes make my heart swell. It all but bursts when his lips pull into a smile. He laughs a little and stares back at me.

"Why do you always look at me like that?"

'Because I'm so in love with you that I wouldn't be able to survive without you.'

Instead of saying that, I just shrug off his question and pull him into the kitchen. "Let's make dinner."

I pull my tie off and put it on the counter, unbuttoning my shirt a bit before starting to get ingredients out to make chicken alfredo which Noel is totally obsessed with for some reason.

He stops me before I can reach up to get the seasonings, unbuttoning my shirt the rest of the way.

"Not right now, baby."

"I don't want to fuck. I just like watching you cook for me shirtless." He answers, pulling my shirt off before letting me continue.

"Well you're going to help. We need to make enough for Kaida and Ramey too." I give him the chicken while starting to boil the water for the pasta. "Cut that into pieces, please?"

"Aww. You're learning." Noel coos, referring to the please I added. When we cooked together the first time, he kept calling me 'Chef Ramsay' because I was bossing him around too much, and eventually just went to the livingroom to watch tv instead of dealing with me. I do really listen to everything he tells me though. I'm always trying my best for him.

Noel starts to do what I asked him to while I start to cut onions and garlic into thin slices. Once I'm done, I put them in a pan with olive oil to start sautéing them. I add a few seasonings and eventually put the chicken in when Noel is done. He puts the pasta into the water while I get another pan to start mixing the sauce. We always get store bought sauce, but it's not good enough so I usually add cheese and seasonings to give it a better flavor.

When Noel gets bored, he stands back to watch me while I move fluidly around the kitchen to cook up everything I need. Once the pasta and chicken are both cooked, I add everything into the sauce, turning the heat on low while covering it with a lot to let everything simmer.

"Dishes, Noel."

He just clears his throat and raises a brow at me.


"You don't get what you want by being a bossy little shit."

"Oh." I think about what I said and come up with something better. "Could you do the dishes for me, baby?"

He grins at me and nods. "Of course, Master." He cleans the dishes while I put everything up, wiping the counters to make sure everything is nice and neat how it was before we started.

After a few more minutes, Fabian comes in. "Your friends are here Mr. Whitlock."

"Let them in. And Fabian? Go home early today. You need some time for yourself."

He smiles at me and nods. "Thank you, Mr. Whitlock."

I put my shirt back on as he leaves, and soon after, Ramey and Kaida come in. Ramey is wearing a green shirt and dinosaur overall shorts that make him look an awful lot more childish than normal. He has a pacifier today too. Kaida told me he only uses them when he's feeling really quiet and introverted.

Noel notices the pacifier too, so instead of striking up a conversation, he just waves which Ramey does back.

I focus my attention back on Kaida who is carrying three fairly large pictures, all of them framed. "Good afternoon, Dax. How've you been?"

"Busy today, but it's getting more calm. I made dinner. Do you guys like chicken alfredo?" I offer.

"Sure. Thank you." Kaida says, walking with Noel to sit at the table in the dining room. Ramey follows him closely, scooting his chair closer to Kaida once they both sit.

Kaida looks at him and leans over to kiss his forehead, whispering something that makes Ramey beam at him.

I quickly make the plates, bringing them out to put things in front of everyone while Noel hands out the silverware.

When we all sit down to eat, I continue talking to Kaida. "So how did the pictures turn out?"

"Really well. This is the first one." He tells me, holding the frame up a bit. It's the one with Noel by himself. His hair is spread across the pillow and his eyes are glancing off in a different direction. The lighting makes the light layer of sweat on him and his cum on his chest more apparent.

"Wow. I'm so fucking sexy. Damn, I wish I could fuck myself."

I laugh softly and ignore Noel's comment. "That's a great picture, but I want one of both of us to be the center. That one would look good on one of the other walls."

"Alright then we have this one." He puts the one of me to the side and shows us the one of Noel kneeling in front of me while staring into my eyes.

"Wow. They're just all so good." Noel mentions. He'll likely let me have the final say since he's indecisive about stuff like this anyway.

I nod in agreement with him. I like this one, but if I remember correctly, the next one was the one that was my favorite when I saw them the first time.

"And then we have this." Kaida shows us the last photo, and I smile instantly. It's such an intimate moment that he captured. It's like right at that second, we were only thinking about each other. Noel seemed uncomfortable from the get go, but once I had him in my arms, he instantly let all of his worries float away.

"That's the one. Wow... I'm honestly speechless. That's amazing."

"I think so too. I thought it would be a hard pick, but that one is perfect." Noel agrees.

"I think the other two can go in our playroom here, and then I'll have this one in the new playroom at the club." I suggest, waiting for Noel's approval.

"Okay. Yeah that's a good idea."

"Awesome, Kaida and I are going to hang them up after dinner. You and Ramey can stay here and find something to do."



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