Chapter Forty- Meetings

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Chapter Forty-


"You look gorgeous."
"Well I feel like a fucking prick." Noel whines, loosening his tie.
I walk closer and tighten it back up before looking over him. I put him in dress shoes, slacks, a button up shirt, and a tie. I tried to get him to wear a sweater vest over it, but he said that he doesn't want to look like a tool.
"Just bare with it for a few hours. Could you put the sweater on, you'll be more comfortable."
"Absolutely not."
I lean forward to tuck his shirt into his pants while pressing a little kiss to his ear. "Just imagine how nice it'll be to have me take it off of you when we get back. If not, you may just have to undress yourself."
"Is that a threat?"
"Nope. Just a little incentive."
Noel pouts but eventually gives in. "Fine. Give me the fucking sweater."
I grin and peck his lips before rushing to get the sweater vest before putting it on him. I take a step back and look him over a few times, smirking again how sexy he looks dressed nicely.
"You're so gorgeous, baby."
"You owe me a broken back when we get back here, got it?"
"Say please."
"Dax, I'm wearing a sweater vest. If Mickey saw me wearing this shit I would literally never hear the end of it."
I roll my eyes and lead him out, discreetly moving my hand down to grab his ass before putting my hand back at my side.
"Mrs. Huntington should be ready for you when we arrive, Mr. Whitlock." Fabian informs me, tapping away on the company IPad while following behind Noel and I.
"You're driving." I tell him, handing him my keys.
"Should I add chauffeur to my job description, Sir?"
"Noel is rubbing off on you." I comment when Noel gives him a thumbs up for the smartass remark.
I take Noel's hand once we get outside. He looks over at me and smiles, interlocking our fingers while we climb into the back of my car and Fabian gets in the front to drive.
"Noel? I need to tell you some rules for meetings like this, okay?"
"Okay." He replies, leaning against me.
"Alright. First, if someone asks a general question, always let me answer it. The meeting will move quicker and more smoothly that way. Second, if someone addresses you directly, keep your response short and respectful. Don't be a smartass. Third, keep in mind that these people know of our lifestyle but don't participate in it. You don't need to divulge any personal information, and I'd like you to call me 'Sir' rather than 'Master'. Lastly, do you remember the nonverbal cues I taught you for strike one, strike two, and strike three?"
"Yes, Sir." He assures me. "I'll be good though, so hopefully you won't need them."
"Agreed. I love you, Noel."
"I love you too, Dax." He hums, looking up at me while moving closer to press his lips against mine. He deepens the kid as I do the same, pulling him closer.
He turns and moves forward to straddle my waist, pushing his tongue in my mouth for them to dance together in an intimate harmony. Once the car starts to feel hotter, I pull back.
"We don't have enough time, baby. We need to wait until we get home."
Noel hums softly and kisses my neck right below my ear. "You are so sexy, Dax. I can barely contain myself."
I resist the strong urge to tear his clothes off and fuck him while Fabian parks, and instead grab his hips to move him off of me. "Don't tempt me."
"Or what?" He challenges.
I bring my face closer to his and reach my hand up to gently wrap around his neck. I don't squeeze, but the threat is there, and the sexual tension in the car is thick enough to cut through. "Or I'll just have to make you pay."
"Go ahead. Right here, right now."
"I hate to interrupt, but you know how bitchy she gets when you're late."
I sigh and lean in to kiss Noel again before opening the door to climb out, extending my hand to help him out too. "What a gentleman."
I lead the way inside with Noel and Fabian following me. Making Fabian my assistant is probably one of the best decisions I've made. He's incredibly smart, and can easily deal with smaller issues that need attention while I focus on the bigger picture. Having him with me while I'm working just means that I have an extra set of hands for the less important tasks, and someone I can actually get along with too.
When we get to the floor that her office is on, we walk to the desk. "How can I help you?"
"I have a meeting with Mrs. Huntington regarding the space I bought in the building."
"Oh! Mr. Whitlock, I'll let her know you're here." The girl says, rushing into the office after giving a little knock.
I almost cringe every time I realize how much power my last name holds. I hate how right my father is about that. It's his name that gives me the reputation I have. It's his name that built my empire, and it's his name that makes people look at me as though I'm a god of some sort.
The only person who disregards my name entirely is Noel. It doesn't matter that I'm rich or that I have a higher status. He'll look me in my eyes and shamelessly tell me that I'm being a dick without any fear at all.
That's what I love about him. In a world that's always pampered me, it feels good to find someone who has no urge to be nice to me unless I earn it.
Just as much as Noel works to earn my affection and praise, I work to earn his admiration and love. It's a relationship full of challenges, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
After a moment, the secretary leads us into her office. There's two chairs in front of her desk, so I have Noel sit in one before taking a seat in the other. Noel looks over at Fabian like he's waiting to see his reaction to not getting a seat, but I know he couldn't care less.
He pushes his blue light glasses up on his face and types away on the company IPad I got for him.
I like having an assistant. He answers all my emails for me and schedules meetings for me so it's a lot of work taken off my plate. I know Noel is happy that I can actually turn my phone off on our dates without worrying about what's happening at the office.
"Mr. Whitlock. I hear construction on the upper levels is running smoothly."
"It is. Should be finished in a few days."
"Well I'm excited to see what you do with the place. I wanted to go over some things with you too."
"I'm all ears." I say, discreetly reaching over to rub Noel's thigh as a way to thank him for staying quiet and being good.
"For starters, do what you need to do to make sure that it's soundproof. The last thing I need is people complaining about hearing screams."
"Of course. The rooms have all been soundproofed so there's nothing to worry about there."
"I know it's a promiscuous club, but I will not have my building be the center of a sex scandal. Keep it as exclusive as it needs to be so that I don't have people knocking on my door for information."
"Trust me, another scandal won't happen. I don't want to be in that situation any more than anyone else here."
"And you can keep your boyfriend quiet? He seems to blab when reporters question him too much."
"I do not." Noel complains, but I tap his thigh with one finger, making him sigh and shut his mouth.
We have nonverbal cues for his strikes. As a warning, I'll tap his leg with one, two, or three fingers in order to tell him what strike he's on.
"He'll keep his mouth shut. I assure you, you have nothing to worry about."
"I surely hope so. I trust that you'll have good judgement. Aside from those rules, I just needed to discuss the space. The elevator has a code that must be typed in to get to the top 3 floors so only your members who have that code will have access to the top floors."
"That definitely works. I heard there was something you wanted to tell me about the top floor?"
"Yes. I let the construction manager know that the kitchen could only on the top floor, and he said he could work with that. There's a rooftop bar as well." She explains before tilting her head. "And I'm not sure how many workers you had, but security on this building is good as is, so any guards or bouncers you have aren't necessary."
"I'll find something for them to do. I don't like making a habit of firing people who depend on the income I provide them with."
"How generous of you." She says though I can hear the hint of sarcasm in her voice.
"So aside from that, are we good to open this Friday night?"
"Yes. And I'm sure I don't need to tell you that any underage drinking or drug use of any kind is not allowed in this building."
"I'm well aware. Nothing illegal will happen on my watch. I look forward to doing business with you Mrs. Huntington."
"Likewise, Mr. Whitlock. I'll email you all the details as well as the elevator code."
"Thank you." I answer, leaving the room soon after. We had a meeting and signed a contract arrangement when I gave her my offer to rent the space, so this was just to iron out some details and get things finalized.
As of Friday, The Closet will be back open for business.
I hate how cheesy it sounds, but I miss my friends. I always just considered most of them just people I see often, but this time away from them is making me realize how much I enjoy their company. Skylar and Spencer are thick as thieves now and Mateo has unspokenly replaced Hayes at our table.
I know Elliot isn't always comfortable being around Teagan and Sawyer so much, so Hayes opts to sit with the duo and Claude instead.
Mateo gets along with everyone quite well and I'm surprised at how much I like him despite us having hardly anything in common. Honestly, I can't deny how he lights up any room he's in and always puts people in a good mood.
Then of course there's Andrew who pops up at my house every once in a while, but I don't mind it as much as I used to. Andrew has been far less annoying since Fiz got him wrapped around his finger.
Fizzle may still feel like a sub, but Andrew is 100% irrefutably in love with him which means that Fizzle can tell Andrew to do whatever he wants.
"That was a short meeting." Noel laughs, as I wrap my arm around his waist to pull him a bit closer.
"We've already discussed the bigger issues, so I was expecting it to be shorter. Thank you for behaving, baby."
"No problem, Master. I love you."
"I love you too."
"So when we get home..." Noel trails off, looking at me with knowing glint in his eyes.
"I owe you a broken back, remember?"
"Good. Sorry, Fabian, but you'll have to stand outside." Noel tells him, nudging him with his elbow. "Unless you want to watch."
"You are a special person, Noel Grayson."
"That sounds like an insult."
Fabian stays quiet now, and Noel pouts before reaching over to take my hand. He looks up at me with a little smile. "I can't wait for things to get back to normal."
"Me either, baby. And hey, there is a bright side to all of this. Now that people know about the full extent of the two of us, we have less to hide."
"I like that. No more hiding for me. You're my sexy dom boyfriend and now you can be that in public too."
I smirk and lean down to press my lips to his, for once, not worrying about if a few pictures might be snapped.

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