Chapter Thirteen- Punishment

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Chapter Thirteen-


Dax hums softly and pulls out of me before tucking himself back in his leathers and zipping them. "Noel?"

"Yes, Master?" I ask curiously, turning to face him.

"You came." He tells me. Scooping a bit onto his finger before bringing his hand up to lick it off. I blush at the sight, and it only gets worse when I feel his cum start dripping out of me. "You didn't ask permission."

"Oh... fuck. I'm sorry, Master." I mumble quickly. Luckily, he picks me up and carries me out of the room before the lights turn back on. I don't know how I'd feel about being seen covered in cum.

"You've been such a bad Pet today, baby."

Once we get into the playroom, he puts me on the bed and stares down at me for a moment. "What am I going to do with you?"

I know the question is rhetorical, so I don't answer. I just look down at my lap as he moves around the room, getting everything he'll need. After a minute or two, he drops some things on the bed before wrapping a blindfold around my head before I can really look.

"Do you trust me, Noel?"

"Of course, Master. I'm sorry for cumming without permission. I didn't mean to disappoint you. I just wasn't really thinking." I mumble, but he just pets my hair.

"I'm not angry with you, but I do need to punish you so that you remember not to do it again. Do you understand?" He asks, running his hands across my body to show me how he wants me positioned. Punishment position.

I hate this. My wrists are cuffed together and attached to the bed and I'm on my knees with my forehead against the pillow and my ass resting back a little bit. I want to be the best submissive ever. How can I do that if I make little mistakes like this?

"I'm going to use the belt, okay? After each one, I want you to count and say 'I'm sorry Master. May I have another?'"

"Yes, Master." I answer, frowning as I wait. I jump a bit when the first one comes down on my ass. It doesn't hurt that bad, but knowing that I disappointed Dax makes me feel terrible. All I want is to make him proud and please him. "One. I'm sorry, Master. May I have another?"

He swings the belt, hitting in different spots each time. He avoids hitting my spine, and makes sure to keep each hit pretty light. Despite his kind and gentle treatment, I still have tears pouring down my face.

Dax has made me cry from both pain and pleasure, but part of me knows that this isn't supposed to be a painful thing. It's more of a mental punishment, forcing me to understand that I didn't live up to his expectations. He knows that my disappointment in myself is far worse than any physical punishment he could give me.

"20. I-I'm sorry, Master. M-May I-"

"That's the last one. You did very good, Noel." He informs me, rubbing his bare hands over my stinging ass and back.

I squeeze my eyes shut and bite my lip to hide my crying from him. I'm the one that fucked up, and now I'm crying like a baby. My tears keep flowing more and more. I just got my collar and now I feel like I don't even deserve it.

He takes the blindfold off and turns me so that I'm on my back, forced to look up at him. He wipes my tears and leans in to kiss my cheek.

"Are you okay, Baby? Did it hurt? If you were feeling that bad then why didn't you use your safeword?"

"I-I'm fine. I just... I just didn't want to disappoint you. I w-want to be the best sub you could ever have, but I keep messing up little things that all the other submissives can do so much better than me." I cry, clinging to him when he sits on the bed and pulls me into his lap.

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