Chapter Five- Introduction

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Chapter Five-


Master is great at aftercare. As he was wiping my body down to clean off all of the sweat and cum, he explained that different levels of play will require different levels of aftercare. He's treating me especially good right now because that was my first real scene.

He's already cleaned me up and told me a million times that I did amazing. Now he's giving me a nice massage that has my eyes rolling back in pleasure.

"Fucking Christ, that feels fantastic." I moan softly as he digs his fingers into my back. I'm sore on my ass and thighs because of the flogger and spankings.

It felt amazing during the scene, but now it's throbbing a bit. It's not unbearable or really painful even. It's just uncomfortable, but the massage is keeping my mind from focusing on it too long.

He swiftly massages the rest of my body, ignoring my comments and obnoxiously loud moans. Some were real, but most were just to tease him.

"Shut up or I'll spank you again. And not in a good way." He threatens when I moan again.

I laugh at his reaction, but keep my mouth shut aside from that.

He stands and walks to the dresser, opening the bottom drawer to pull out some things. He comes back and puts a bottle of pain meds on the table before dropping two containers next to me on the bed.

He opens one of them and scoops some of the cream onto his hand before slowly massaging it into my ass cheeks. "This will help sooth the pain a bit and make the soreness go away quicker. Your body shows marks easily so I'm sure you'll have bruises here for a few days but nothing permanent."

I hum softly and let my eyes flutter shut as his hands work magic kneading the cream into my butt. It's starting to feel better already.

"You work wonders, Sir. That feels amazing." I tell him honestly. I lift my butt and wiggle my hips slightly, but he just grabs them and forces them back down onto the bed.

"Don't tease me, Noel. It's been fine up until now, but I'm terrible at controlling myself when it comes to you." He warns me, kissing my lower back.

I turn my head to look at him with a little smile. "So I'm your soft spot then? That's sweet, Sir."

"I'm considering having you meet my friends tonight so that I can introduce you before you start working here." He informs me.

I nod in agreement before taking. "I'd love to, Sir. I love meeting people."

"Good. Your clothes are a bit too casual for the club, so you can wear this." He says, standing to walk to the closet. He rummages through a few things before tossing me a tiny pair of black shorts.

I stand up and slip them on, not getting the slightest bit embarrassed by how much skin is exposed. "Thank you, Sir."

"Here's some ground rules. This is a kink club, and I don't tolerate kink shaming. Everything happening here is consensual and I don't want you looking down on people for what they enjoy. I also want you to respect all of the doms. Just try not to be rude and reign in the smartass comments a little, okay?"

"Yes, Sir. I'll try my best."

"Good boy. Let's go." We walk out of the playroom and start making our way down the hallway, but he gives me a few small pointers about how it's good to walk slightly behind a dom so they feel like they're leading and not to stare at people.

"Dax? Is that a new pet?" I hear a voice say, but I'm looking at the ground so I can't see who it came from. I'm not too fond of being called a 'that', but I bite my lip to keep myself from saying anything.

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