Chapter Thirty Three- The Truth

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Chapter Thirty Three-


I know it was my mistake. It was my naivety that caused this domino effect that led me to being the bad guy in his head. I thought it was better to let him believe the lie, but now I regret it. I regret everything.

I'd do anything... anything to get things back to the way they were before.

"You dumb fag, answer me! Are you there yet or not?" Mr. Whitlock snaps at me. He hasn't been the kindest person since we started conspiring together.

He yells at me and calls me names and hurts me by yanking me around and grabbing me too hard. He smacked me too. The day after I tried to fix it the first time and found out that Dax already moved on. Luckily the bruises that guy left in me were bad enough to blend in with the bruise he left on me.

I know he doesn't like gay people, but part of it feels like he's forcing it. He always goes overboard and a few days ago he offered for me to stay with him. Since I don't have a place here yet, I agreed.

He informed me that he and his wife are only together to keep up appearances. They sleep in separate rooms which meant there was no guest room, so I slept in his bed. He made a big deal about me having to stay on my side but once he started getting tired, his hands wandered a bit.

Then the next day when I was taking a shower I noticed him watching me. Even when I got dressed, he never stopped looking which made me a little uncomfortable. When I mentioned it, he said he was just irritated that I was taking so long.

"I'm headed up now. Fabian shouldn't be here yet. I just have to hope his new toy isn't here." I let Mr. Whitlock know.

When I first decided that I wanted to apologize and make amends with Dax, I didn't know where he lived, but he took me to his parents house a few times and I remembered the address. I went there hoping to ask them where he lived and that's when Mr. Whitlock gave me his proposal.

He agreed to help me get back together with Dax and in return, I'd encourage Dax to accept his fathers offer to have him take over as CEO of his company. In some sick twisted way, Mr. Whitlock does love Dax. It's just that parents are always doing what they think is best for you rather than listening to what you want.

I realize now that the only reason he wanted to help me was for his own selfish gain. Maybe he does want good things for Dax, but he didn't pick me because I'm best for Dax. He picked me because I'm easier to manipulate than Noel is.

I keep thinking about how mad he got when I first went. He was furious that I couldn't get Dax to fall for me again, but he sent me in without even telling me that Noel existed. How was I supposed to know that?

I may have rubbed Dax the wrong way when I shows up again. It was just irritating that he would hardly acknowledge me. I was also trying to keep my secrets hidden but maybe I should tell him the truth. The real reason that our relationship crumbled.

"He shouldn't be. Just remember what I told you. You have to tell him the truth." I sigh and voice my agreement before hanging up.

When the elevator gets to the top floor, I step off and walk down the hallway to his door.

I take a deep breath and go to knock, stopping when I see the door is cracked open slightly. He must've been tired like he gets after a stressful meeting. Sometimes he goes to shut the door and it doesn't close all the way. He had a bad habit of doing that when we were together and I always got on his case about it.

I push it open in walk in, looking around as I make my way up the steps. This Noel guy has added quite a bit of color.

Dax prefers everything to be clean and white, but there's colorful blankets and pillows on the couch now. There's a few paintings on his walls that would've normally been blank. There's decor all over the place.

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