Chapter Three- Positions

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Chapter Three-


"You're letting him train? He only wanted to join to piss Sawyer off, Dax." Teagan grumbles.

My new pet should be here in about an hour, but it seems like The Foursome will be around too. Apparently I'm supposed to keep Sawyer and Noel from seeing each other, but it's bound to happen eventually.

"He must've had an epiphany then because the reason he gave me seemed very genuine. He's doing this for the right reasons. I find him intriguing too."

"That's shocking. You almost never have a sub because all of them are too-"

"Boring. I mean no disrespect to them, but most of the submissives are either too obedient or too vanilla for me. This kid barged into my office, shamelessly checked me out, and then told me I was the 'daddiest beefcake' he's ever met. He curses like a sailor and goes on these long stories about his life. Everything that comes out of his mouth is interesting and unexpected. I asked him what his hard limits were and he told me he'd try anything at least once and he'd just safeword if he wasn't comfortable. The only sub I know that wouldn't try to push themselves past their limits for my pleasure." I rant, imagining the snarky man with a little smile.

Even with his attitude, I had him naked and kneeling telling me 'yes, sir' in less than an hour.

"He's a bratty little kid who has no respect for anyone and curses like a biker in a gang." Teagan complains.

"That's just because nobody put him in his place before. Right after the interview I had him naked and kneeling. He didn't look at me unless I told him to. He answered with 'yes, sir.' It only took him 5 times to kneel perfectly, and his posture in that position was perfect too. He's so sexy. A few smacks from my crop and he was dripping precum all over the place."

"You do know that I've known Noel since he was 14, right? The last thing I want to think about is his cock." Teagan groans, making me roll my eyes.

"That's not the point anyway. The point is that he had me leaking in my leathers. He's exciting and new. He'll challenge me, and I'll do the same for him. I'm sorry if Sawyer feels uncomfortable with it, but it's not his decision. Noel is an adult and it's my club. This is just what I need Teagan. An adorable, new submissive that I can train to my heart's content. One who is open enough to try new things, but is confident in himself enough to know that it's okay to safeword. One who has a big personality and bold attitude but will be obedient when I want him to be. He's perfect." I confess, making Teagan smirk at me.

"The kid will probably benefit too. He needs someone with authority to calm his excitability and tame him a bit." He admits just as I hear a knock on the door.

"Just open it! He won't care if I go in or not." I hear Noel's voice quite clearly though the door, but eventually, James answers.

"You don't know how it works here yet, but Mr. Whitlock doesn't like being interrupted by rude little brats like you."

I laugh softly when Teagan gives me a curious look. I stand and walk to the door to open it, smirking at Noel.

"Come in, pet. Thanks James. You can go back to your post." I let him know. He usually stands outside at the door to make sure nobody gets in unless they're a member here.

"That bouncer hates my guts." Noel tells me, stripping off his shirt while in the hallway before walking in. He starts to unbutton his pants, but pauses when he sees Teagan. "Oh hey. Is Sawyer here or are you going to fuck one of your other boyfriends tonight?"

Before I can think, I smack his ass with a little glare. He jumps a bit, his eyes snapping over to meet mine before lowering. "S-Sorry, Teagan and sorry, Sir."

"Woah." Teagan mumbles, staring at Noel with wide eyes. I hide my pride behind a mask of indifference, but I'm very impressed with Noel.

I give Teagan a little smirk, and a smug look, but he just rolls his eyes. "You're pretty good at this, Noel. Keep it up."

Noel doesn't look up, but he does smile and nod a bit. I reach out to pet his hair which makes his eyes flutter shut. Teagan nods a goodbye to me before leaving and shutting my door behind them.

"Good boy, pet. I didn't even have to tell you to apologize. We do need to work on making sure you're respectful to other Doms, mainly my friends."

"You and Teagan are good friends, Sir?" He asks, stripping out of the rest of his clothing before folding them and putting them in the chair like yesterday.

"We met in college. He found out that I owned a kink club and decided to try it out. He and Sawyer started training here at the same time. That's how they met." I inform him as he kneels perfectly at my feet. His back is straight and positioning is flawless.

"Did you ever fuck my brother, Sir?" He asks randomly. I wonder what his reaction would be. He doesn't seem like he'd care much, but I don't really know him well enough yet.

"I haven't. He is a very obedient and seasoned submissive. I prefer someone who I can mold the way I want and someone who's more of a challenge." I admit, petting his hair. I crouch next to him and smile. "You kneel perfectly, pet. I do want to start by telling you my other position commands. This one is a basic submission pose. If I tell you to kneel, this is the one."

"Yes, Sir." He answers before backtracking a bit. "I didn't ask that because I'm jealous or anything, Sir. I just don't like to be compared to him. That's all."

I stand up straight and nod. "I won't compare you to anyone, Pet. Now spread your knees farther apart and put your forehead on the ground. Good, and stretch your arms out with your palms facing up."

He does the position perfectly. His upper half is pressed against the ground with his butt still resting on his heels. His arms are stretched above his head with his hands open. "This is the punishment position. If you've done something wrong and I'm preparing for your punishment, I'll have you in this position. Sometimes this position will be your punishment. I could have you stay like this for an extended time. If you've done something wrong without my knowledge and wish to tell me then you should also get into this position before telling me."

"Can I move, Sir? I don't like this position." He tells me, sighing.

"Stand, pet." I tell him. I'm sure he just doesn't like to be in the punishment position because he knows it means something bad. "When I give you positions that don't involve the bed, I'll refer to them by names. You've learned submission and punishment. There's also a wall position."

I guide him to the wall and move him so that he's facing it. I have him lift his hands above his head, crossing his wrists before putting them against the wall. I pull his hips slightly so his butt is poking out just enough. "This is the wall position. It's one of the most simple ones."

"Submission, punishment, wall. Got it." He repeats to himself before nodding.

"Last one we'll do here is presentation." I inform him, pulling him away from the wall. I move him so that his feet are shoulder width apart, his head is straight and his hands are at his side. His eyes are downcast as well, making me smile.

"This is it. When I tap your arm I want you to put your hands behind your head." I inform him. When I tap his arm, he does as I instructed, making me smile. "You're a natural, Noel. I don't see why anyone thought you'd be bad at it."

"Thank you, Sir. I told you I'll be the best sub you've ever trained." He has a confident smirk on his face now.

"I want you to remember the positions. We'll practice them every time you come in for training." I inform him.

We need to walk to my playroom, but I'm not sure if he wants to be naked around the club. I walk to my chair and reach down to get my button up shirt from on top of my briefcase. I help him put it on. It goes right past his thighs so all of his areas are completely covered. "We're going to my playroom now."

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