Chapter Thirty Five- Feelings

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Chapter Thirty Five-


Things haven't really blown over quite yet, but it's only been two weeks. The club is closed until further notice, but Noel has been inviting his friends over a lot to keep himself occupied. I've been spending time with my group outside of the club too. I can just tell that everyone is anxious to get back in.

Mostly, Noel and I have just taken the time to spend together and I've even been working from home to give him more attention.

I'm happy to say we've been learning from each other. It's crazy how little younger people know about the system in America. I've been teaching him about the government and the way it's set up.

I explained the Judicial system as well with the information I've learned from Andrew. He used to be a public defense attorney until he had to get someone acquitted even when they confessed to him that they committed the crime.

He felt guilty and switched to being a divorce attorney who only works for women. He prefers women over men which is odd since he's gay.

Noel, surprisingly enough, taught me a lot too. Though I don't agree with all of his opinions, some things make sense. I may have to consider myself a centrist or undecided after hearing his well executed arguments. He taught me a lot about my own community too.

I swear he wrote gender identities and sexualities on flash cards to teach me. He told me to start signing my emails with my pronouns too, so to make him happy, I do.

I'm pretty content with myself and didn't consider changing anything. I'm pretty simple. I'm a gay male with he/him pronouns.

Noel said that by definition, he's Omnisexual, but he prefers the term Bisexual because it just feels better and it's simpler to explain.

"Master, I would like a large order of attention, please." Noel says, coming into my office to lean on the edge of my desk.

"I appreciate you saying please, but I'm busy right now, baby." I reply, typing on my laptop to finish off the email I was putting together. ~D. Whitlock (he/him)

I send it and sigh as I open the reports I have to do. I need to hire more people to do this shit for me because the manager is out all week with a stomach bug.

"Oh. That's fine." He says, shocking me.

He always argues until I agree, so I wonder what's changed.

He starts to walk away, putting his finger on the edge of my desk. He slides it across before using it to push a paperweight off of my desk. Of course. Nothings changed.

"Oops." He tells me when it thuds on the floor.

"Noel." I warn him.

"It was just an accident. Like this." He pushes a pencil holder off, making the pens and pencils spread out across the floor.

"Do I need to put you in timeout?"

"What makes you think you could do that?" He challenges, holding eye contact with me.

I stare into his blueish gray eyes, letting a smirk stretch across my lips. I glance down at the day collar he's wearing, and smirk wider. "Because I'm your dom."

"Elliot actually mentioned something about dom meaning 'stupid' in Dutch. In that case, you really are a dom, aren't you?" He pushes further, closing my laptop.

I stand up and walk around my desk, backing him up against the wall. I grab his hips and yank him closer. "You want me to get mad at you?"

"I want you to tie me up and fuck me so hard I can feel your cock rearranging my organs." He replies, earning a little laugh from me.

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