Chapter Twenty Seven- The Morning After

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Chapter Twenty Seven-


I wake up and look to the side of me to see Noel still fast asleep. There's no vomit in the trashcan next to him which is a relief, but I still need to punish him for yesterday and get this place cleaned up.

I stand up and put on a pair of sweatpants before walking to the window to throw open the curtains, making Noel groan.

"Go fuck yourself, asshole." He whines, rolling over on the bed without bothering to open his eyes.

"Oh, so I'm an asshole?"

His eyes snap open as he turns to me. "D-Dax. Uh... no of course not. What are you doing here?"

"I live here."

"I thought you weren't coming back until tonight." His face starts to pale as he looks around the room as if he's trying to find something wrong with it. "So, uh... how was your trip?"

"Great until I came home to you doing a keg stand."

"Right." He lets out a nervous laugh. "Am I going to be punished?"

"Absolutely. Not yet though. We're going to eat a big breakfast and clean up. Once you're feeling okay then we'll talk about a punishment."

"Okay. I really didn't mean for things to get that wild, but Mickey has a way of convincing me to do dumb things." Noel tells me while opening the door and walking down the steps. We're both only wearing pants, but I don't mind him being shirtless.

As we walk down the steps, I notice that the caution tape is missing. I also hear loud moans that sound like a woman's, which is odd because I'm positive that I went to sleep with only men in my house.

When we get to the bottom of the steps, I look around to see that every single piece of trash is gone. The carpets and couches are spotless. All of the glitter, condoms, and streamers are nowhere to be seen. It's as if that party never happened at all.

"Morning lovebirds. I called Quinn who called Sam who called Xavier who knows a guy that's brothers with the dude that works at that house cleaning place, and I just used some money from last night and had them come over to get everything tidied up for you." Mickey says from the couch.

I almost thank him but before I do, I notice the porn playing on my flatscreen.

"What the hell are you watching?"

"Oh and I bought some pay per view on your credit card."

"If you're going to watch porn, can you at least pick something that everyone can enjoy." I mumble, averting my eyes from the curvy woman riding on the man.

"What do you mean? They're both super hot. Right, Noe?"

"Only my siblings can call me Noe. Besides, Dax is full gay. It is hard to imagine being gay though. How can you look at tits and not want to grab them?"

"Right? Look. They're the perfect shape too."

Noel stares at the Tv for a moment, his sweatpants failing at hiding his growing erection.

"You two put on something that's actually entertaining while I cook."

"Oh! What are you making?" Mickey asks.

"Eggs, waffles, and bacon."

"Any turkey bacon?"

"No. Turkey bacon is disgusting. Real bacon is better."

"Right, well I'm Jewish so I wouldn't know."

"What does being Jewish have to do with turkey bacon?"

"Jewish people usually only eat Kosher foods. Pig isn't kosher so I can't have bacon. It's fine though. I'll just do waffles and eggs."

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