Chapter Forty Six- Trouble

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Chapter Forty Six-


"Are you okay? How was it? Electro play always scared me a little so I don't have much experience with it." Elliot admits, rushing over to me with the rest of our friends.
Their doms are scattered around the room, chatting or drinking. Surprisingly enough, Hayes and Andrew are dancing how we usually do. Those two have some sexual chemistry neither of them cares to admit but Fizzle at least gets to enjoy watching them. Those are the two hottest doms in his opinion.

"I'm great." I assure them. "There's nothing to be scared of, Elliot. You just have to trust that your dom will take good care of you."
"Yeah. I think it's more ticklish than painful actually. It's like the sensation radiates all over your body." Fizzle explains.
"It makes me a little uneasy too. Beck always wanted to try but Spencer said no and I told him I wasn't sure." Fly tells us.
"It just sounds like it would be less controllable than other sensory play." Elliot explains.
I roll my eyes and take his hand, starting to lead all of them to the dance floor. We sway our hips to the music and sandwich against one another while continuing to talk. "Did you ever try it before you came here?"
Elliot gives me a look as if he knows why I'm asking, but just shakes his head. "No. Thank god he wasn't a fan of it. I'd probably be dead if he were. Anyway, Sawyer and Teagan are both pretty basic in their bdsm so I never really got the chance to try it, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to either."
"I think you should. Even if you don't like it, at least you'll know for sure. Besides, Hayes would castrate himself before hurting you, Elliot."
"I know. If I were to try something new it would definitely be now while I have a dom I know wouldn't ever push me past what I can handle and who really cares about me."
"Andrew always says that one of these days he's going to shock me with jumper cables instead of nipple clamps." Fizzle mumbles, making me laugh.
"The funniest part is you'd probably agree to it too. Is there anything you wouldn't do for Andrew?"
"I don't let him sleep with other subs anymore unless he asks, and I don't let him leave bruises in my face. I'd agree to pretty much everything else." He confesses with a little shrug as if there's no problem with that.
Honestly, if they're safe and happy, It's not my business. Sometimes I wish I were more experienced and a dom. I've never had sex with someone quite as freaky as Fiz. Even when Fiz and I had sex it was all just for show. He's great and all but it was boring because even with me, he was still trying to please Andrew.
"We don't have many extremists at our club. Most of them have to tone it down based on their assignments." Piper informs us, watching as Killian, Claude, and Kaida get to chatting.
"Damn. Maybe your head dom should make a dungeon. It may actually encourage more intense people to join."
"I guess. It never really bothered me much because I'm not all that into risky play. I just like the bondage and rough treatment. I mean I like sensory play too but nothing with knives or fire or anything." Piper explains.
I shrug and nod with each thing he says. "Yeah I understand. I think electro play would be good to try. It's not much different from what you like."
"Yeah I'll ask Killian about it later. He really likes those doms I guess. He doesn't get along with many of them at our club." He let's me know while staring across the floor at Killian. He's still with Claude and Kaida, but now Beau has joined them, holding Claude's hand with his head delicately resting on Claude's chest.
I notice the ring on his wedding finger. It's gorgeous. I knew they were engaged but it's crazy to see it happen so quickly. If they actually get married in June like they planned, they would be getting married less than a year after they met.
I move my eyes back to Killian before looking at Piper. "Does Killian have rules about what you can do with other people?"
I look at him again, smirking when I get an idea. I pull Piper closer to me and move away from Elliot and Fizzle who struck up their own conversation. I sway my hips, grinding against his.
"H-He's definitely the jealous type. He hates when I sleep with other people, kiss them, or give them more attention than him. He doesn't have a ton of rules, but I don't know if he'd like you doing that either."
"Do you care?" I ask, stopping my movements for a moment.
"No. I like annoying him too." Piper admits as Killian looks over at us.

I lock eyes with him and continue to sway my hips against Piper's, even going as far as to lean my head down and press my lips to his neck. Killian glares at me, only earning himself a smirk. I trail my lips teasingly up to Piper's ear before kissing him there too.
"He's pretty sexy when he's mad."
Piper blushes, and that seems to be all Killian can take. He excuses himself from the conversation and starts to walk towards us. Once he's close enough, he sticks his hand out to grab a handful of my hair. He takes Piper's arm in his other hand and pulls us apart before using his grip on my hair to force my head back so I'm looking into his eyes.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He asks me, still glaring at me with his pretty green eyes.
I feign innocence and tilt my head slightly. "I don't know what you're talking about."
I don't always know where Dax is, but ever second I'm in the club I can feel his eyes on me. He's never too far and I know he watches me like a hawk, so I'm sure he'll make his appearance any moment now.
"It wasn't his-"
"Shut up." He cuts Piper off and turns his glare towards him next. "I'll deal with you later. For now I'm going to have a talk with this little-"
"Pick your next words carefully."
I flash Killian a little smirk as he lets go of me and turns his head to look at Dax. The two are almost the same height, and both radiate a dominant energy that fills the area around them in a way that's hard to describe. It's like heat waves of testosterone coming off of them.
Is it bad that I can't help but to think of how hot it would be if they fought? I've always wanted guys to fight over me. Maybe not in this context though.
"I know you're not a member and you don't know any of my personal rules, but I'll have to ask you to refrain from touching things that belong to me."
Killian agreeably nods. "I'm assuming that belongs to you."
Dax steps closer to me, gently putting his hand on my waist before tapping my hip three times.
Geez how did I get to strike three already? I've been good all day.
"Unfortunately." Dax answers jokingly. I know he's not actually mad. I was actually kinda hoping he would be though.
"He's a brat." Killian tells him. "I don't like when people get too close to my sub either. Do you mind handling that for me?"
"Trust me, he won't do it again."
That doesn't sound good for me.
"Good luck with him. You're better than me, Dax, cause I don't think I could deal with that attitude long term." Killian admits before dragging Piper back to the group he's decided to mingle with.
"You think that's cute?" Dax whispers in my ear. His quiet angry voice is surprisingly more scary than his yelling angry voice.
"I mean it was kinda funny." I confess.
He glares at me and starts dragging me to our playroom by my wrist. "You're doing too much."
"What do you mean? I'm always like this."
He shakes his head and sighs at me before leading me into the room and having me kneel on my spot. He gets a crop from off the wall too, making me nervous. I lower my eyes again to make sure I won't get into even more trouble.
"You're a brat. You like to get in trouble. Sometimes you like getting your friends in trouble, but what you just did was too much."
I frown and huff at him, earning myself a swift smack to my thigh with the crop. "I asked Piper if he was okay with it before I did it. He said Killian doesn't have lots of rules about that stuff."
"You weren't trying to get Piper in trouble or yourself. You wanted me to get upset with Killian. You wanted to see me angry with a dom. You can't do that, Noel." He insists, pinching the bridge of his nose. "When doms get punished, especially in public, it's the furthest thing from fun for them. It's degrading and humiliating, and for good reason. It's meant to humble them, so they don't mess up again. It's not a kink or a scene. It's a broadcast to everyone that they fucked up and probably hurt a sub in the process. It's not funny like it is with Fizzle or Elliot who like the outcome they get."
"I didn't mean to. I mean I did but I didn't know that."
"Then you need to get a better understanding of doms."
I slump slightly, feeling bad about upsetting Dax so much. I just think it's funny when people get in trouble, but I wasn't thinking about how Killian would feel about it. I guess he's right. I'm used to things like that being lighthearted and funny.
"I'm sorry, Master. I won't do it again. I'll try to understand better and think more carefully." I assure him.
He just nods in agreement. "You're right. Since you need to learn, you're going to start training as a dom with Andrew."
"What? You want me to learn to be a dom?"
"That's the only way you'll ever really understand and respect how doms feel and think. It's important."
He crouches in front of me, causing me to look up before nodding. "Okay. I probably won't ever want to be a dom, but I can learn."
"Good. You'll begin bright and early tomorrow. We're going home soon so get in your normal clothes and say goodbye to your friends."
"Yes, Master."

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