Chapter Thirty One- Politics

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Chapter Thirty One-


"It's my day off Noel. I wanted to take you on a date or something. Not babysit." I complain, sitting on the couch in their living room while he cocks his hip to the side with the infant in his arms.

"Well, Sawyer and that useless waste of space he calls a boyfriend decided to go to couples counseling to work through the communication issues they seem to have. I'm sorry, but I'm kinda stuck with him." Noel explains. I guess he's still not using Teagans name. "He's a pretty good baby though. We could still go do stuff. It's just that some people will probably think you're his dad."

"You mean we?" I correct, staring at the thing while it looks back at me with giant alien eyes.

I hate babies. Toddlers, children, pre-teens, and teenagers are all manageable, but babies are just so irritating. Especially since it's not mine.

"I guess so. Is it really so bad for people to think we're dads?"

"I hate babies." I inform him before rolling eyes. "I don't ever plan to become a dad. I thought we already talked about this?"

"No. I tried to talk to you and instead of answering like a mature adult, you stuck your hand down my pants to distract me." He pouts while the baby reaches up to grab at his ear.

"Probably because the conversation was over. Just like this one." I stand up and brush off my dark blue suit before sighing. "Just him, right. Not the other kids?"

"Yes. Just him. You can't keep doing that though. You can't just brush me off when I bring up a topic you don't like and you can't just end a conversation because you don't agree with me. You can't keep using sex to manipulate me into dropping the subject. That's toxic behavior."

"Oh, so now I'm toxic?" I snap at him. This is ridiculous.

I do not manipulate him, and I don't brush him off either. There's just some things I get tired of talking about. We've had this discussion about kids four times already and every time I tell him I don't want any. He keeps debating with me to try to change my mind. If either of us is manipulating the other, it's definitely him.

He's persuasive, and the only way I can keep myself from caving in is if I get him to shut up, and he can't talk if he's too busy moaning.

"Oh, quit with the victim complex. I never said you're toxic. I said you have toxic behaviors." Noel huffs, adjusting the child so that he's on the other hip.

"Right we'll if my behavior is so toxic then why are you still dating me?"

Noel glares at me and comes closer to grab my chin and yank me forward. He kisses my cheek before pecking my lips. "Maybe something that starts with 'L' and ends with 'ove'."

I smile and lean in to kiss him back before smiling and pulling away. "I love you too. Come on. Let's take the alien on our date."

"He's not an alien. He's a baby."

"He looks like an alien."

"Can't judge a book by its cover." Noel says, grabbing the baby bag before walking towards his car. We're going in his because I told him that I'm not going to put a car seat in mine.

He buckles the baby in while I walk to the driver's seat. I try to open the door, but Noel locks it before I can.

"I'm driving." He insists.

I roll my eyes. He can't drive to save his life. He speeds like nothing I've seen before and takes turns like a crazy person. I feel like I'm on the brink of death every time I get in the passenger seat. It's even worse with my cars. He always says that it's okay for him to speed in those cars because they're 'built different'.

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