Chapter Eight- Andrew

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Chapter Eight-


When I wake up, I'm in my bedroom. He must've moved me out of the playroom. I sit up, my whole body feeling sore yet relaxed at the same time. I turn to the nightstand and see a note.

Come downstairs for dinner. Don't forget to stay naked for me.
~ D. Whitlock

Dax has doctor handwriting. I didn't even learn how to write in cursive while I was in school, so it takes me a minute to read. When I finish reading it, I stand and walk to the steps before going down, seeing Dax race around the kitchen, cooking some things.

"Sorry I slept so long." I mumble, sitting at the barstool at the island where the stove is.

Dax smiles at me and shakes his head. He's just wearing a pair of sweatpants now. Knowing him, I doubt he has underwear on.

"That's fine, baby. Normally when we eat here, I'll have you kneel next to me on a pillow, and I'll feed you from my plate. Today I'll let you sit at the table so that we can talk. I also want to talk about your room. If you want to bring some clothes here, that's fine. I'll also be taking you to the store so I can buy you some clothes that I like to put in your room. If I take you places, I want you to look nice."

"I always look nice." I reply.

He smirks and raises a brow at me before laughing a bit. "You look especially nice with no clothes on."

"Dax! I'm home, my lover!" I hear someone shout, making me turn my head to the entrance where Master Andrew is standing. He shuts the door behind him and walks over to kiss Dax on the cheek.

It's not even the slightest bit difficult to tell that he's not happy about it. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"So cold. What? I can't come see my best friend anymore? And his pet, apparently." Andrew mutters, giving me a little wave.

I lock eyes with him and smirk as I hold his gaze. A lot of doms find it disrespectful, but Andrew is not my dominant and we're not at the club. His gaze turns to a glare when I snicker.

"You should know your place." He tells me, but Dax just shoves him into the seat next to me and continues to cook.

"He's my submissive, and this is my house. He doesn't have to do anything I don't tell him to do."

Andrew rolls his eyes before glancing over to look me up and down. I'm fine being naked in front of him, but I don't know how Dax feels about his staring.

"You should really share him with me, Dax. It's got to be heaven toying with his body." Andrew admits, making me smirk. A little teasing never hurt anyone, right?

"You always seem so interested in me, Sir. Maybe Dax really will let you play with me. Have you two ever played with a sub together before? I bet I could take you both at once. That would be so hot, right? Two cocks fucking me while I'm bound and gagged?" I hum, watching his eyes darken as a tent forms in his pants.

I fake an innocent look and bat my eyes at him teasingly. "Too bad Master doesn't like sharing."

"Enough, Noel. Keep talking like that and he'll bend you over the couch no matter what I say." Dax warns, starting to put food on the plates. He makes two. One is bigger and plenty enough for the both of us, so I'm assuming that's ours and the second is Andrew's. He carries them to the dining room before gesturing to us to come over.

I stand and walk over to sit in the chair next to him while Andrew sits on the other side. Dax sighs and gives Andrew a look. "Our conversation doesn't include you but I can't exactly kick you out, so just please keep your comments and opinions to yourself, okay?"

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