Chapter Twenty- High School

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Chapter Twenty-


The weekend is finally here. It's upsetting that I hardly get to see Noel during the week. I've been thinking more about how Spencer keeps his boys close to him at all times. Beck, his personal chief security officer basically acts as a bodyguard that stays with him at all times. Fly is his assistant who handles everything Spencer doesn't want to do. The point is that they're always with him.

When I have work, I can't see Noel at all, but maybe I could find him a position that allows him to be around me even while I'm working. Though, I'd have to exercise my self control because I'd be dying to bend him over my desk the moment he opens his mouth.

Honestly, I don't think Noel would be very good at either of those. Beck is intimidating and physically strong which suits the position he got. Fly is obedient and smart which suits his position.

Noel is different. He's not very intimidating, strong, obedient, or academically smart. If I use everything I know about business, I know that he's probably the worst possible person to have work for me. He's loud and can be obnoxious. He's flirty, and has no manners. He wouldn't hit it off well with clients or coworkers. I just wish I could see him more.

"Master? What's wrong? You look sad."

"It's nothing, baby. I just wish we could spend more time together, but I'm always at work."

"I can just bring you lunch and stuff so we can steal a few minutes together. I don't have much else to do during the week, but then people might start to suspect that we're together." He offers, glancing up from his phone a few times.

"I don't really mind if people see us together. I just wasn't sure if you wanted to have so much attention on you. If you're okay with that though then I'd love that." I say, coming to sit behind him and peek over his shoulder at what he's watching.

"What's this?"

"Flynn's Live. He plays games and people watch him. They're doing a Q&A right now though because people in the comments kept asking about why he kissed both Beck and Spencer when they got back from work." He explains, turning it up so that I can hear.

He leans back against me, letting me press my cheek against his temple.

"Are we all dating each other?" Flynn reads before smiling and responding. "Yes. I'm dating both of them and they're both dating each other too."

Flynn scrolls through a few questions, and I hum. "He's not answering them all?"

"He ignores the mean ones and inappropriate ones. Like these." He opens the comments ans shows me the ones asking about how they have sex as well as a few calling him a slut and saying that they're all going to hell. "He doesn't let Beck read the comments because last time he did, Beck threatened to kill anyone that said anything mean about Fly."

"Sounds like him."

"Oh! This is a good one. How did we all end up together? Well, Beck and I were dating for a while, but then we met Spencer and we had a serious conversation about how we both had feelings for him, and we decided to try out polyamory and now here we are. We've been together for 3 years, so I'd say it works pretty well." Flynn tells everyone. I scan the screen, my eyes widening when I see the number of people watching.

"Is he famous or something. Why are there so many people watching him?"

"He's kinda like a social media influencer. Most people who watch his videos are twenty somethings. He's really popular."

"Hey, everyone, please don't ask anything about our sex life. I have another channel that's just for adults but some of my followers here are kids, and I don't want to talk about that in front of them. Thanks." He says. I reach out to check the comments again, scrolling up to see what made him say that.

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