Chapter Eleven- Daddy Dearest

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Chapter Eleven


We pretended that it didn't happen. I woke up in his arms on his bed. He told me before that he doesn't like subs sleeping in his room yet he made an exception for me.

Once he woke up, we had sex again. We had sex like 6 times before actually getting out of bed and taking a shower where we proceeded to fuck two more times. When we got out, he threw on a pair of sweatpants and gave me a loose shirt to wear. He said something about being tempted by me.

Now we're sitting in the kitchen and Dax is walking around cooking breakfast for us. I never said it again, but as time passes I'm realizing how true it was.

Dax is kind and loving. He's honest and protective. He's got the biggest heart and I couldn't ask for anymore. I do love him. It's not something I've felt before, but I know what this is. It's love.

"Noel?" Dax says, making my eyes come up to meet him. I wait for a moment before he speaks again. "I need to know if you meant what you said. I know you've been trying to avoid it, but I really need to know."

"I... well I just-"

"Rule nine." He reminds me. Don't ever fucking lie to him.

I sigh deeply and gather my thoughts before speaking. "I love you, Dax. I mean it."

"I love you too."

I look up quickly and feel my eyes starting to water as I look at him. He loves me. He wouldn't lie about that, and he really loves me. I can't see why, but he does.

I jump up and rush over to kiss him. After a moment, I pull away and smile widely. "Does that mean we're... ya know? Dating?"

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asks.

I nod instantly and bite my lip in attempt to hide my smile. I love him and he loves me and we're going to date. Maybe we could even get married or something in the future and have a bunch of ankle biters.

Hell I wouldn't be surprised if he knocked me up. We didn't use a condom so he came inside every time. With how fertile my mother is, I'm not so sure that being a guy keeps me exempt from having kids.

"Fuck yes! Now when I tell people that you're my boyfriend, it won't be a lie." I tell him once I sit back into my seat.

"Right. If you'd like to, you could meet a few of my friends from outside of the club as well."

"Oh like your lovely doorman who gives me a nasty look every time I see him?" I ask.

Dax laughs loudly before rolling his eyes. "You're very rude to him."

"Dax, can you sing?" I can be random at times, but I've told Dax before that I'm easily bored with conversations and like to start new ones when it gets to that point.

"I can. Why? Did you want to hear something?" He puts a plate in front of me and sits next to me without making anything for himself. I guess he's not hungry right now.

"Of course."

He thinks for a moment before smiling and reaching out to brush his thumb over my cheek. He stares into my eyes as he takes a deep breath and starts singing.

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