Chapter Twenty Three- Service Sub

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Chapter Twenty Three-


My eyes flutter when I start to wake up. The bed feels more comfortable that it did when I fell asleep, but it only takes me a second to realize that it's because there's a warm body pressed against mine and a heavy arm wrapped around me.

I open my eyes and reach a hand up to wipe the sleepiness away before turning my head to look at him. He's so peaceful when he sleeps.

I swear I could stare at him forever. His lips are parted slightly, letting out puffs of air and his hair is strewn over my pillow. He's not wearing anything but his boxers, so his bare skin is against mine. His body is always so warm. He's like a personal heater... a very sexy personal heater.

I sigh and turn completely to face him, leaning in to kiss his forehead. I can't stay mad at him, but I know one thing. I'm not apologizing first, and I'll pretend to be mad until he says 'sorry'.

I grab his shoulder and shake him a few times for him to wake up. When he does, he gives me a charming smile that nearly makes me forget all about my plan, but I manage to choke it down and glare at him. "Why are you in here?"

"Watch the attitude, Noel." He answers, reaching out to pet my hair before leaning in to kiss my cheek. After, he sits up and climbs out of the bed. "I'll make breakfast for us."

"Right. I'm going to take a shower."

"Oh, and just because you're mad, doesn't mean that you get to ignore my rules. I want you naked."

"Sucks that we don't always get what we want then." I respond, walking into the bathroom to close the door and lock it. I reach into the shower to turn it on before grabbing a few towels to set on the counter for when I get out.

I climb into the shower, feeling the warm water pelt my skin. I've always been the type to just stand in the shower and relax, but I am pretty hungry, so I decide to be quick about washing myself. Dax bought me a few things that are scented. I smell like vanilla all the time because if it. He said he got it because the name reminded him of me 'Vanilla bean Noel'.

Once I'm clean, I get out and dry myself before putting lotion on. If I'm going to walk around naked, I might as well look good while I'm at it. After that I shake my hair out and brush my teeth before going downstairs. I can already smell the pancakes and bacon.

I make my way to the kitchen and sit on the chair, while watching Dax finish cooking. We've got bacon, pancakes, and fruits. He's pretty good at cooking, but there's a few things I'm better at. He sucks at making macaroni and cheese. Actually he sucks at making any pasta, so I usually do that.

"You're cute." He mumbles, making a big plate before sitting next to me.

"Oh really? And why do you say that?"

"Because you complain when I tell you to do something, but you always end up giving me what I want." He explains, cutting a piece of the pancake before holding it up to my lips with a smug look.

"You're a dick." I inform him before taking the bite off of the fork and chewing it.

"And you're being passive aggressive because I'm not going to apologize."

"You're so stubborn."

"You're one to talk."

"I'm not the one who started calling you names just because I disagreed with something." I argue.

"I'm not the one who made stupid suggestions to get married at 19 and have kids together just a year later. Marriage is the beginning of a union between the two of us, and you won't even wait a few years before adding a third person into the mix."

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