Chapter Forty Seven- Crush

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Chapter Forty Seven-


"There's a few basic concepts that any and every dom should know before ever touching a submissive." Andrew states, walking around with a riding crop in his hand.

I didn't really expect it to be like this. Me and some of the newer doms who are training are knelt on the ground in his playroom. We're allowed to look at him, but he is requiring us to have perfect kneeling posture. Of the people here, I'd say I'm the best. I'm also a sub though, so I've got more practice.

Andrew is a pretty tough teacher. He hasn't even said much but when he asked us to kneel, one guy argued with him about it. Andrew kicked him out and then gave a lecture about how awesome subs are and how no dom should ever have the audacity to think that doing something subs do is degrading. He went on and on about how submissives are stronger and go through much more than doms do and should never ever be disrespected.

I always knew that Dax had a rule about doms respecting subs, but I never realized it was so strict. Andrew told a story about how he treated Fizzle badly one time. He crossed a line and Dax punished him in front of everyone.

Fizzle is here too. He's kneeling silently in the corner while Andrew talks. Usually Andrew lets him hang out and dance with his friends while he does these lessons, but I think he's being punished for something. He's been stuck to Andrew the past few days and hasn't spoken a word to any of us. He still texts us but hasn't mentioned anything.

Andrew's been walking around, tapping doms each time they drop their position. It's painful when you have to keep your shoulders back, especially if you normally slouch, but it's worth it to me because I know it pleases Dax.

"Anything that happens to your sub during a scene is your fault. If they get hurt or become uncomfortable in any way, you should notice, and if you don't then that is your fault. Even if a sub doesn't use a safeword or say anything, that doesn't mean that they're okay. It's important to pay attention to little things like body language or odd behavior." Andrew explains further.

I look up and tilt my head in confusion. "What? That doesn't make any sense. Subs are responsible for their safety too. They should use their safeword if they feel uncomfortable. It's their responsibility to communicate."

"Stand up." Andrew orders simply. I get to my feet, wincing when he uses the crop to smack me across the face.

I lower my eyes and glare at the ground, trying my best not to talk back. Dax and I both gave Andrew permission to teach me the way he teaches all of the new doms, and that includes using the crop on me.

"Now you can kneel again." I return to my knees and huff softly. I'm doing this for Dax. I have to keep reminding myself that this is important to him otherwise I wouldn't be able to handle an hour of dealing with Andrew. "When you bring a sub into a playroom and sign a contract with them, you're taking power and control, but you're also taking that responsibility. Some don't know when to stop. They push themselves for us, and we cannot let ourselves take advantage of them in weak moments."

He circles around us like a vulture, correcting bad posture. After a moment, he gestures to Fizzle. "My slave has a bad habit of pushing himself too far. Trust me, you'll want to let it happen. I can't even express how much I want to hit him one more time or choke him a second longer, especially if he'd let me, but the second you let them put you above themselves is the moment they start to believe that their limits aren't as important as your desires. That's what we want to avoid."

I never thought about it like that. Obviously I push myself for Dax, but do I really go past my limits? Maybe that's why he stops during punishments. He always stops before I say something.

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