Chapter Fifty Nine- Nostalgia

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Chapter Fifty Nine-


"I don't think Dax is going to go for that, Mickey." I sigh, sending the message anyway as he rolls his hips against mine. Jasper and August are out of town too and Mickey is pretty desperate to get some ass. "Do they even let you sleep around?"

"As long as I wrap it before I tap it. Obviously, they don't want me to get an STD or knock someone up."

I turn and glare at him. "Again."

He huffs and gestures to his cheek. I gently smack him, not annoyed enough to actually hurt him. "It was an accident."

"Right. You tripped and your penis ended up in my twin. Sounds convenient."

"I meant getting her pregnant, idiot."

"Whatever. It was like four years ago anyway." I turn him around so that I can grind against his ass now. "If he says yes, I'm topping. I never get to top anymore."

"Which sucks. I know he's super tall and all that but his ass is so perky and round. I'd pay to fuck him. I'd get so much satisfaction managing to convince someone that cocky to get on his hands and knees so I could rail him from behind."

I smack the back of his head. "Shut up. He's never going to bottom for someone again and even if he did, it would be me. You shouldn't talk like that. Dax has punished subs for a lot less. Trust me. I got punished for eating the last of his ice cream one time."

"I'm not a little bitch. I can take punishment. I wouldn't steal your man anyway. Also, as much as I'd love to have you fuck me like old times, it's fine if he says no. I have a million other options." Mickey hums, looking around the club. "Why is everyone so sexy? I'd bend over for Beck in a heartbeat. Too bad he's monogamous. Well, as monogamous as a throuple can get. Ramey is cute too, but I can't get down with the whole 'daddy' thing. Fizzle is a little too spineless for me. Who's that cute blonde one? He has such a nice ass. I bet he'd look cuter shouting my name and begging me to-"

"I think he's taken," Claude tells Mickey with a little smirk. He peels his eyes off Beau and turns to face him.

"Are you?" Mickey looks him up and down before licking his lips. "Damn, you're hot."

Claude shows him his ring and gestures back to Beau. "We're recently married."

"Is that why I haven't seen you around yet? I'm Mickey. Jasper and August-"

"I know you. Jasper and August are friends of mine. They told me about you because Beau and I usually sit with them. Just some advice, you can stop looking at doms. They're lenient sometimes, but there's no chance they're going to let you sleep with one here." Claude informs him before turning his attention to me. "I actually came over to talk to you though. Do you mind if we go somewhere more private?"

I nod and let Claude lead me toward the back of the room, telling Mickey to wait there. Once we stop, I tilt my head curiously. "You want to talk to me, sir? Sorry that I'm so confused, but we've had like two conversations that lasted maybe four words each."

"I'm aware that we aren't exactly friends, but I find you to be one of the most interesting submissives in the club. I'm more of an observer, and I think you're incredibly unique."

I smirk. "Aren't you married?"

"Let me finish." He insists, taking a deep breath. "I've already asked Dax, but I've been struggling to find inspiration for a new book since I finished the one about Beau and me. I wouldn't use your real names or locations or anything like that, but I'd like it if you'd consider talking to me a bit about your relationship with Dax sometime. I want to write something based on the two of you."

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