Chapter Seventeen- Brat

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Chapter Seventeen-


"You know I have work, Master. You want me to try to keep that in and do my job well?" Noel complains, looking at the egg shaped vibrator in my hand.
"Exactly. I can control the vibrations from my phone so it should be entertaining."
"For you. People are going to think I'm crazy." Noel sighs. He climbs on the bed to lift his hips in the air and press his cheek to the pillow despite his complaints.
I smirk and kiss his lower back. I grab the bottle of lube from the nightstand and get some on my fingers before stretching his hole with them.
Once he's stretched enough, I slip the egg in and send a smack to his butt. He jumps a bit and rolls over to smirk up at me.
"This should be super fun. You can't fire me if I drop something though."
"Of course not, baby." I assure him. I stand up and get dressed in my club outfit. For today it's a pair of leather pants and a black tie because Noel likes it.
He's wearing his uniform which is a tiny pair of shorts and a vest that says 'The Closet' on the back. He has his collar on too, and I'm hoping that's enough for the other doms to not flirt with him even if it's just harmless.
We walk out to the main area and I check my watch. It's 8:00 now, so Spencer and his subs shouldn't be back until later.
Noel walks off to get ready to work while I walk to the VIP section. Right now it's Skylar, Dimitri, Hayes, Andrew, and Fizzle in this area. I take my seat and listen into their conversation.
"I'm just saying that Fiz could give him a run for his money." Andrew says, making Hayes scoff and roll his eyes.
"Ask literally anyone. Elliot gives the best blowjobs, hands down."
"How do you know if Fizzle is better at it or not? He's sucked you off before." Andrew argues more, petting Fizzle who doesn't seem to care about the conversation at all.
"Who have they both sucked off then? I'm obviously not going to let Fizzle just go suck some guys dick, and I'm sure you're not going to let Elliot do that either."
"It's not something you can really compare." I chip in. They've both sucked mine before, so I'd say I'm qualified to judge. "With Fiz, you get more control. He can practically unhinge his jaw like a snake or something, and if you like to fuck the subs face then he's perfect. He uses his lips pretty well too. He gags though which is a turn on for some doms and a turn off for others. With Elliott you can sit back and let him do all the work. He has no gag reflex and his throat is practically endless. I'm also convinced the kid's tongue is magic or something, but he gets cocky because everyone tells him how good he is. He's not good for doms that would want to control everything."
They process what I said and nod in agreement, but I continue. "Though the only reason Elliot still has a reputation at all is because nobody besides me has had Noel give them a blowjob. He's clearly better than both of them. First, he sucks me off like I'm the most delicious thing he's ever tasted. Second, he's not scared to tease me a little. Third, he knows exactly what to do to each little spot, and finally, he uses his teeth."
Most of the guys finch when they hear the last part. "You mean he bites you? You're a masochist now?"
"No, he doesn't bite me. I don't know how to explain it, but he like... gently scrapes his teeth against me while he's sucking. I swear it feels amazing. He'd put Fizzle and Elliot both out of business."
"Too bad you're hogging him then." Andrew teases, laughing a little afterward before scooting close to kiss me smack on the lips.
I push his chest and wipe my mouth with a little glare. "Stop doing that."
"It's a habit."
"One you've had since we were preteens. That's not a valid excuse anymore."
"Oh, shut up. You love me, Dax." He laughs, leaning over to kiss my cheek now.
I roll my eyes, but allow it. I pull my phone out and open the app connected to Noel's toy. I look around for a second before I see him. He's talking to Jasper and August. From the looks of it, he's flirting a bit, but it's hard to miss the collar on his neck. I smirk and turn the vibration on, moving it up to level 4.
He falters for a second, his legs shaking a a little before he regains his composure. Jasper looks worried for a moment, but I see Noel shake his head in response. He smiles and says something that makes the two doms laugh. Afterward he opens his notepad and writes down their orders.
At the club we have a bar but we do have some food items especially since snacks are a big part of aftercare for some submissives.
Noel turns ans walks off to hand the order to the person behind the bar before waiting for the order to be made. I can see him shifting back and forth uncomfortably, but it doesn't seem to be affecting him too much.
"Is that what I think it is?" Andrew asks, laughing a bit as he looks at my phone and then over to Noel. Andrew reaches over and turns it up to 10 just before I turn it back down, I hear a glass break, making me look over to see Noel blushing. He reaches down to pick the shards up, but James grabs his arm before he can. After scolding Noel, he starts to pick the glass up himself, making sure to get every piece.
When I look back at Noel, he's glaring at me, but I just shrug and turn it to 6, making his glare melt as he bites his lip.
I smile and he starts working ag by hh ain. Eventually Elliot comes to our table, greeting us before kneeling in front of Hayes with a content look on his face. Hayes pets him a few times, staring at Elliot fondly.
I'm glad he showed up. I know that Elliot was happy with Teagan and Sawyer, but I also know that he thought there was something missing. I make it a point to know all of the doms and subs at the club. I do interview all of them before they can join, but I want everyone who comes here to be happy and find what they're looking for.
I've talked to Elliot a few times about what he was really hoping to get out of being here. He originally told me that he wanted a safe space to explore his desires and slowly get back into being a sub after the horrific things that his ex did to him. I always knew that he was only trying to protect himself from getting hurt again. That's the real reason he didn't want a relationship, but he's happier now.
He's not as fake either. I catch him glaring at people he doesn't like or frowning while getting lost in thought, and honestly, I'm glad. That's the real him, and he's fine the way he is. He doesn't have to pretend, and I think Hayes is helping him figure that out.
"Would you boys like anything to drink?" Noel asks, walking up to the table with a playful smirk.
"I'll drink anything you get for me, baby." Andrew answers, and Noel smiles, leaning closer to him.
"Then I'll get you something good, you sexy-"
I turn the vibrations to 10 for a few seconds, making Noel shout slightly and almost fall before I turn it back down.
He pants a few times before glaring at me. I laugh a little before ordering a coke for myself. Hayes and Elliot don't get anything, but Skylar gets a monster and orders a water for Dimitri.
When Noel walks away Fizzle pouts a bit. Andrew looks at him curiously and pulls him onto his lap. "What's wrong, baby?"
"You still want to play with me, right?" Fizzle asks quietly and Andrew nods.
"Of course, Soda Pop. I'm a changed man, remember? No more sleeping around. Your tight little pussy is the only thing I'm fucking anymore."
Fizzle blushes bright and looks down at his lap. "I don't like when you call it that."
"It turns you on, so I think you're lying." Andrew points out. Fizzle shifts in his lap before resting his cheek on Andrew's shoulder.
After a few minutes, Noel brings our drinks. I like watching him walk around in those tight shorts. I don't get to see his ass when he's kneeling in front of me or sitting on my lap, so being able to watch him is nice. I only tease him with the vibrator a few more times, he broke at least two more things, and every time, James comes to pick it up and make sure that Noel doesn't get cut by the glass. They act like they hate each other, but I've known James for a while and he's definitely warming up to Noel. His shift is almost over when I see Fly, Spencer, and Beck walk in. Beck is holding a bag which I assume has their change of clothes in it.
"Wow. Who is that? Damn Jasper and August are going to have a field day when they see that little one." Andrew points out, looking Spencer up and down. He does look like a sub. His eyes are down and his posture doesn't exude confidence. His face looks quite innocent. He looks like a traditional Sub. With Beck next to him, it looks even more like he's a sub.
Beck looks like a typical dom. He's not timid or scared to make eye contact. His chest is puffed out with a confidence that can't be faked. Even the darkened and sensual look in his eyes makes him seem like a dom.
Fly doesn't look like either honestly. He's got a normal amount of confidence. He doesn't look uncomfortable or timid, but he also doesn't attract much attention. He's pretty average. Though, I can't make that assumption about him as a submissive until I see him in action. The same does for Spencer and Beck which is why I requested to watch them. They're half an hour early though.
The three of them make their way to me, but Andrew is the first to talk. He looks at Spencer with a little smirk. "You're a sexy little thing aren't you? I'd be all over you had I not decided to be an honest man."
"Watch your mouth, Andrew. He's obviously the dom." Skylar snaps at him, and nearly everyone looks shocked that Skylar knows that.
"How can you tell?" Spencer asks, and Skylar shrugs.
"The two of them constantly look at you to see what to do next. They follow your lead which means you're a good dom. As a dom that often gets mistaken as a sub, I can see the little signs." Skylar points out.
Spencer sticks his hand out. "I'm Spencer."
"Skylar. This is my sub, Dimitri." Sky says, gesturing to Dimitri. "Say hi."
"Hello." Dimitri says quickly before resting his cheek on Skylar's thigh again.
"These are my subs, Beck and Fly."
Beck nods and Fly waves just as Noel rushes over.
"Fly!" He shouts, making Fly turn and smile.
"Hi, Noel."
Noel turns his head to me. "Can I clock out now so Fiz, Elliot, Fly, and I can go dance until you get the room ready?"
"Depends." I respond.
"On what?"
"How you answer my questions."
"Ask away." He hums, walking over to plop down in my lap.
"Who's the best dom ever?" I ask teasingly, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
"You, duh. I thought these were supposed to be hard questions."
"Alright then who's the sexiest dom ever?"
He hums softly and leans in to kiss my lips before answering. "It's a tie."
"Between who?"
"You and Teagan. I mean, you're clearly the sexiest one right now, but back when I was 14 and that sexy hunk of man came into my life, I thought I was crazy. He singlehandedly triggered my bisexual awakening. I seriously questioned my entire identity after accidentally walking in on him in the shower."
"I've never met a sub with balls as big as Noel's." Hayes mentions as Elliot laughs.
"Seriously. This kid is hilarious. Not only are you admitting to being attracted to your brother's boyfriend, but you also said that your dom is tied with him when it comes to how sexy they are." Andrew laughs loudly, nudging me teasingly.
"I should tell Teagan he said that." Skylar adds on.
"You guys are so annoying. Look you can call it whatever you want. Balls, bratiness, stupidity. It doesn't matter because at the end of the day, I wouldn't let anyone but Dax lay a finger on me unless he said it's alright. He asked me a question and I respect him enough not to lie or just tell him what he wants to hear. I speak my mind and I've never acted like I wasn't going to. He knew exactly what the fuck he was getting into when he signed the damn contract so just shut the fuck up and mind your own business!" Noel snaps at them before turning to put his face in my neck and pouting.
I put my hands on his hips and rub them, kissing his neck and shoulder while everyone else just stares at us. They're shocked by his outburst and I can tell that they're at least a little bit upset that he'd talk to doms that way, but I have my own way of handling those things.
"Take a breath." I advise, feeling him inhale deeply before slowly relaxing. He does it a few more times before he starts to loosen up his tension.
"Look at me."
He pulls back and looks into my eyes, letting me see that his were starting to water.
"Are you okay?" I ask. He nods, and I smile. "What got you so upset?"
"It's not their fault. It's just... nobody thinks that I can be a good sub because my personality is h-hard to deal with, and I try really hard to be good for you, b-but sometimes I think that other subs would be better." He tells me, starting to cry as his bottom lip trembles.
"What brought all of this on? You know that all dom/sub relationships have their own dynamic. They all work differently and I've told you multiple times not to compare what we have to other couples."
"Did you love Elian more than me?"
My eyes widen at the sound of the question, and I can see the look on Andrew's face as well.
I turn to the table and smile at everyone. "We'll be back in a little bit. Spencer, you and your subs can get acquainted with the table. Make yourselves comfortable."
I wrap my arms around Noel and stand, carrying him to my office before sitting on the couch with him in my arms.
"Why would you ask that?"
"You were going to marry him so you must've loved him a lot and now he wants you back, and I... I'm scared. I don't want you to leave me." He cries, sniffling a little bit.
"You think that I loved him more than I love you just because I wanted to marry him?"
"Well, you only get married to people that you really love so-"
"Noel Grayson, Will you marry me?"
"I said will you-"
"No! Are you crazy? I'm only 18. What kind of 18 year old gets married?"
I smile at his reaction, happy that it at least got him to stop crying. I hate seeing him so sad.
"I love you ten times more than I have ever loved him. If you think that marriage proves that then I'm ready whenever you are." I say honestly. He'll, I could have a wedding planned in a few weeks tops, but there's still so much to do. I'm strong believer that the journey is the best part and I don't want to cut it short by getting married so quick, but if that's what it takes, then I'd do it in a heartbeat.
"I love you, Master, but I'm not ready to get married yet. Maybe in a few years. I want to be able to legally drink at my own wedding." He admits, laughing a little.
I laugh with him and stare at his cuteness. The tears made his eyes a bit puffy, but the redness on his face brings out the blue in them. "You're so beautiful."
"You are too. Speaking of which." He sighs and looks down at his lap, starting to play with the waistband of his shorts which he does when he's nervous. "I'm sorry that I think Teagan is super hot."
"Ignore them. Do you remember what you said the first day we met? You stormed into my office and said..."
He thinks for a minute before laughing and repeating it. "Holy mother of fucking Christ, I thought Teagan was the daddiest beefcake around but I clearly hadn't met you."
"I've known what I was getting into since the day I met you, so don't let anything they say affect our dynamic okay? I like your bratty honesty, and I wouldn't change it for the world. That being said, you cursed out three doms who are all good friends of mine."
"Yeah yeah yeah. Punishment."
"I'll think about what to do with you. In the meantime, try to get Beck and Fly introduced to the other subs while I take Spencer to get a playroom ready for their scene."
"Yes, Master. I love you, you know?"
"I love you too."

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