Chapter Twenty Eight- Never

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Chapter Twenty Eight-


"Punishment time?"

"Yes, and I consider what you did to be extremely reckless and dangerous, Noel. All of the people here were your responsibility once they got here. Most of them were drinking, and surely they didn't walk here, so they had to have been driving as well. People could've gotten hurt. Including you."

"I really am sorry, Master. I will never do it again. I'll accept whatever punishment you give me."

"I know you will. I'm going to push you to your absolute limit, you'll need to use your Safeword when you need it."

"Yes, Master." He looks a bit nervous, but I don't really care.

I'm paying close attention to him so that I don't go overboard, but I need him to know that his actions were severe and call for a severe punishment.

I walk to the center of the room and poke at the loose square in the floor. I lift it up and hook the chain to it. Once I'm done, I have Noel kneel in front of it. I chain Noel's wrists behind his back and to the floor so that he can't stand up or move much.

"What are your safewords?"

"Temperance to slow down and Transparency to stop." He tells me, closing his eyes as I put a blindfold on him.

Once he's blindfolded I make my way to the closet to get the machine I got for him. Originally, it was meant for his pleasure, but overstimulation can be a good punishment as well. I carry it back over to him.

"Lift your hips as much as you can."

He obeys, letting me slide the machine under him before grabbing the remote. When he moves his hips back down, he sinks onto the toy and moans softly. "W-What is that?"

"Your punishment. I have a remote that controls how fast it goes. I'll also be putting noise canceling headphones on you."

I take a deep breath and pet his hair. "I know that you like drinking and partying, Noel, but you can't do it so excessively. Too much of any good thing can be bad for you, and I intend for you to learn that."

I put the headphones on him and walk to the bed to sit on it and stare at him for a moment. I wait a while before hearing him speak. "M-Master. I'm a little uncomfortable. Are you going to turn it on?"

I ignore him. Even if I did answer he wouldn't hear me, but after a minute I click the button to turn it on.

He moans as the machine starts to thrust in and out at a slow pace. I can see him already shifting slightly due to the uncomfortable position. There's 10 speeds, so I set it to 4 before taking my phone out to look through emails.

I can't leave him in here or I won't be able to hear him use his safeword, but just because I can't leave doesn't mean that I have to sit around doing nothing.

I respond to a few of them before hearing him whine loudly. "C-Can I cum, Master? I don't know how much longer I can hold it."

I ignore him again. I won't punish him for cumming but I do want to see him squirm and struggle to keep himself from doing it without permission.

I look over his body, licking my lips at the sight. His hips keep moving slightly due to him trying to keep the toy from thrusting in too deep. The way he moves only succeeds at changing the angle and making him moan louder. I turn the speed up to 6, smirking when I hear a little yelp from him.

"F-Fuck! Master, I can't hold it anymore." He shouts.

I go back to looking through my phone while he arches his back and cums on the floor. He pants softly and continues to moan as the machine keeps working.

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