Chapter Two- Let's Begin

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Chapter Two-


"Really? C-Can we start now then?"

"If you'd like to." He agrees, opening one of his drawers to pull out a handle with a piece of leather at the end. If google was right, it's called a riding crop.

"Yeah we can start, Sir. So uh... when's the part where you tie me up and dick me down so hard I can't even remember my own name?" I ask, standing when he gestures for me to.

"I'll fuck you when I think you've earned the pleasure of having my cock in you." He answers simply.

I want to be upset that he's talking about his dick like it's some holy present or something. However, it's just another challenge for me. I don't deserve his cock yet, but I'll earn it. I'll be damned if I let him make me give up.

"I'll earn the pleasure of having your dick in me quicker than any sub you've ever trained." I tell him, smirking at his amused face.

"I don't doubt it. Now strip." He demands.


"Did I stutter? Strip. I won't repeat myself again."

I tilt my head in confusion, but quickly pull off my shirt, carelessly tossing it on the floor which only earns my chest a sharp smack from the riding crop.

"Fuck! That shit stings." I whine, rubbing the spot he hit.

"Fold your clothes and put them in a pile on the chair."

I strip the rest of my clothes off, rolling my eyes as I bend down to pick them up. "What are you, my mother?"

The next smack is on my ass. It makes me jump, but the sting of the crop is more pleasurable than painful to me.

"Watch your mouth. I let a lot slide during the interview because I was planning to say no, but if you're serious about this then stop treating it like a joke."

"Sorry, Sir." I respond, putting my clothes on the chair like he said.

"Good boy." He praises, coming over to pet my hair. "Kneel."

I do so instantly, getting on one knee before the other and sitting back on my heels.

"When you kneel try to slowly sink down onto both of your knees at once rather than one then the other." He advises, having me try again.

It takes a few tries for me to do it 'gracefully' but once I do it right, he pets my hair and praises me more. I'm not a dog, but his actions end up making me smile and fueling me to do better.

"Good. Now spread your knees shoulder width apart while keeping your heels together." I do as he says, and he continues. "Clasp your hands behind your back and keep your head straight and your eyes down."

I obey yet again, and feel a gentle smack on my back from the crop. "Back straight."

I straighten my back, keeping my eyes downcast where I can see my cock leaking precum onto his floor. I never thought it would be such a turn on just to kneel naked in front of someone with my whole body on display for him.

"Good boy. This is the basic submission pose. When I ask you to kneel in front of me, this is what you should look like. When you come in for training, I want you to immediately strip and kneel in this position. When I decide to take you into the club area to meet my friends, you will kneel at my feet in this position, understood?"

"Yes, Sir."

"I'm going to ask you a few more questions that I need to know as the dom who will be training you. The answers to these have nothing to do with whether or not you will be accepted as a member seeing as I've already made that decision."

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