Chapter Fifty Six- Model

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Chapter Fifty Six-


"I thought this was a hush offer. Why do you want to help me?" I ask Anne, skeptically looking at the contract. I get paid in full for the shoot and I get free clothes like I asked for. The part that makes me double-check the fine print is that they put me down to earn commissions. Anyone who goes on the website and clicks on a link with my picture and buys something earns me money. Not only that, but she offered to pay for me to get professional headshots today as well.

"Dax told me more about you." She sits next to me and smiles. "I'm smack in the middle of seven kids and grew up on a farm in Oklahoma. I worked my ass off and did everything I could to get here. I packed my suitcase and moved here with nothing but the money I'd saved. I met a rich man who was interested in me, so I married him. It didn't hurt that he's also attractive and nice, but I would've married him either way. It takes a lot to break into this industry when you come from nothing, but if you're serious about it, I want to help you. Maybe then you won't have to marry for convenience."

I smile back at her and shift awkwardly as Fabian reads over the contract. Dax sent him with me to make sure I don't sign anything that would screw me over.

I feel bad now. If I knew she was a pretty decent person, I never would've threatened to tell her husband about her sleeping with Edmund. Especially now that I know that she only married him as a business arrangement. "Sorry, I'm kinda blackmailing you."

"I can't be mad about it. Playing dirty is pretty much the only way to get ahead." I move to scratch my eye, but she takes my hand. "Don't fuck up your makeup."

"Right. I keep forgetting that I'm wearing makeup." She unbuttons the top of my shirt as I continue talking. "So you married for money?"

"You didn't?" She looks at me curiously and I take the contract from Fabian when he permits me to sign it. "I didn't think it was Dax's 'lovely' personality that won you over. He used to make snide remarks all the time about me not needing to be in the men's conversations. He used to say that if I didn't have the money to contribute to the project, then it wasn't my place to contribute my opinion."

"Yeah, that sounds like something he'd say before I got a hold of him. Dax and I aren't married yet though. It's a 'no' anyway. I do love him. Sometimes I wish he wasn't rich. People stalked me and found some dirt that almost destroyed both of our reputations. And when he buys me things it makes me feel like I'm a gold digger."

She laughs softly and shakes her head as I sign my name on the contract and hand it back to her. "Just because you're not on a payroll doesn't mean you didn't earn that money. I'm sure you cook and clean for him. You're probably great in bed, and you put up with his bullshit. Relationships are hard work and the things he buys for you are his appreciation for you doing so well."

I laugh with her as she fixes up my outfit more. "Okay. I guess it's not that bad when you say it that way."

She has me stand up and leads me to the area in front of the cameras. There's a chair and a few other things to make it look like a high-end room rather than a small spot tucked in the corner of a photography studio. She has me sit down in the chair, letting me relax into the seat. She fixes my hair, slicking it back slightly before trailing her hands to my arms, squeezing my biceps.

"You started working out? That's good. If you can get some nicer abs, we might be able to get you in an underwear shoot or even a commercial if you're interested. You have such a nice face. No wonder Dax likes you so much. How did you meet anyway? He isn't the type of guy that likes slumming it with common people."

"I can't tell if you want to be me or if you want to fuck me," I smirk and take her hands to put them on my abdomen. "Also, I have abs already. Just because I'm not anorexic or on steroids doesn't mean I can't be a model."

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