Chapter Twenty Four- Playtime

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Chapter Twenty Four-


"Are you ready, baby? You know you can safeword at any time and everything will stop, okay?"

"Yes, Master. I'm ready." I tell him. Andrew and Fizzle should be coming to our playroom soon.

Dax warned me that Andrew is going to push me further than Dax ever has when it comes to pain, but he does have enough restraint to not push me too far, and if he does, he'll stop when I safeword.

I'm excited actually. I'm a masochist, but I've never even considered how much pain I could really take.

"After I take you home tonight, I have to catch a flight. I have meetings tomorrow but I'll be back the day after."

"Alright. I get it, Master. Duty calls. I bet those meetings won't run themselves."

"You'd be right." He answers, kissing my lips gently before sitting next to me. "You can stay at my place and have a few friends over if you'd like, but just don't wreck the place."

"Me? I would never." I say, putting my hand to my chest while feigning innocence.

He laughs a bit while Andrew walks in with Fizzle following close behind him. Fiz is naked, but that's not unusual. Andrew always says it's for easier access.

"Oh how I wish I could bone you instead of your sub, Dax."


"Fair enough. I'm sure Noel will do fine."

"I'll do a hell of a lot better than fine, Sir. I'll make you see stars." I assure him, and Andrew just shrugs.

"I think you'll be the one seeing stars. All I'll see is your adorable little tears." Andrew turns to Fiz and smirks at him. "Go suck Dax's cock, and do anything he says."

"Yes, Master." Fizzle answers. He kneels in front of Dax and looks up at him as if to ask permission.

Dax positions himself so that it's easier for Fizzle before petting his hair. "I'm nicer than Andrew when it comes to sex, so don't worry. I don't like gagging either."

Fizzle nods and unzips Dax's leathers, wasting no time pleasing him.

Whacked I'm distracted, Andrew comes and lifts me off the bed before placing me on my feet. "Lift your arms up. I prefer to torture little sluts while standing."

I put my arms in the air, letting him hook metal handcuffs to my wrists. Dax usually uses leather cuffs because it's more gentle, but I know that Andrew's goal right now is to hurt me as much as he can without making me tap out.

He runs his hands down my back before sending a slap to my ass. He laughs softly while unbuttoning my shorts to pull them off. "You have a pretty nice ass. God, I can't wait to make it black and blue."

I smirk and wiggle my hips to tease him, but when I look into his eyes and see the evil glint in them, I sick in a sharp breath. "How do you feel about fear play, Noel? I like scaring subs like you."

"Give it your best shot, but you don't scare me, Andrew."

He reaches his hand down to squeeze my length, digging his nail into the tip. I yelp and squirm a bit which just makes him laugh.

"It's sir. Be disrespectful again and I won't stop until you bleed."

My heat speeds up and my cock gets harder as I respond. "Y-Yes, Sir."

"Much better. Nobody likes a bitch with an attitude problem." He teases.

He wraps his hand around my neck to make me look into his eyes before leaning in close. "Pick a number between 1 and 5. The number you choose dictates what exactly I'm going to do to you, so you better hope you don't accidentally pick the whip or knife."

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