Chapter Thirty Six- Photoshoot

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Chapter Thirty Six-


He told me not to talk to them. He said to ignore them and eventually things would blow over but it's getting so annoying to have people constantly pester me for information as if it's any of their business.

"Mr. Grayson, is it true that you're dating Dax Whitlock?"

"Is it true that your hairline is receding?" I reply to the reporter girl who's holding a notebook in her hand, writing things down.

"Does he abuse you? Is he forcing you to stay with him?"

I clench my jaw and keep walking. Dax doesn't want them to know about our private lives, and I don't either, but I can't just stand around and let people keep painting him as some terrible guy and me as some victim.

"Did Mr.Whitlock molest you when you were a minor? Is that why you stay with him?"

I turn to her and stop walking. "You want a fucking exposé? Here you go. Dax Whitlock wouldn't hurt a fly and the more you ask stupid fucking questions like that, the dumber you sound. To answer all the other ones you people constantly ask me, no, he didn't kidnap me. No, he doesn't abuse me. No, he wasn't sleeping with me when I was a minor, and no, I am not some naive little kid. I'm a grown adult and if I decide to have sex with someone older than me, it's my fucking choice. Get the fuck out of my face or I'll call the cops on you."

I spin on my heels and start walking away and she stays stopped to quickly write everything down. I practically sprint away, only slowing down when I can't see her anymore.

Dax knows it won't blow over enough for it to be safe for people to return to the club. All it takes is one bitch with a camera to snap a picture of one of the guys walking in and their whole life is ruined. It's not safe for them there anymore, and we don't think it ever will be. Dax is planning to sell it, and rebuild one somewhere else. Somewhere more inconspicuous.

He's thinking of putting it at the top of a tall building. That way, James could still keep people from entering, but it's not as obvious as before. Nobody would be able to guess what people are going into the building for.

I think it's a great idea, and gives room for possible improvements. We could add a rooftop bar. We could add a whole separate level where the public scenes can take place so that people like me who love dancing don't have to stop. We could even have a 3rd floor that's more dungeon-like for the sadists. I know Andrew is content with what he has, but I'm sure he'd feel even better somewhere that looks more... edgy.

Fizzle explained Andrew's dream playroom. He said he wants cement walls and chains everywhere and a whole wall of torture devices like a crazy serial killer. I'm surprised he doesn't own a chainsaw.

I huff and keep walking. I was at Andrew's place with the rest of Nerff and it was a big deal because Andrew hates having people come over, but I'm walking back to Dax's now. They live close so I didn't expect to run into reporters, but of course I did. The universe loves to fuck me over. It feels homophobic.

I walk into the building and take the elevator up, flipping Fabian off as I get out. He rolls his eyes and flips me off too, making me laugh. My smile fades as I walk in. I can feel the tension in the air.

"Dax?" I ask, walking into the living room where he's seated with his computer in his lap.

"Why don't you listen to me?" He asks. He doesn't sound upset. He actually sounds worried, and it just makes me feel even worse.


Dax looks back at his laptop and starts reading.

"Mr. Whitlock's mystery lover gets belligerent after being asked about their situation. Are his words true or is he covering up something darker?" He reads off before looking at me again. "You only made things worse, Noel. They will never leave you alone if you keep talking to them. I know you don't want them around, but saying stuff is only adding fuel to the fire. They'll twist it to fit their narrative."

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