Chapter Thirty Seven- Smoke

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Chapter Thirty Seven-


James has been following me for days. He may be annoying, but he's damn good at his job. I even tried to bribe him to leave me alone for just a few minutes and he wouldn't.

He stands at the door when I use the bathroom. He sits in my room when I'm asleep. He hardly sleeps, and when he does, he just leans against the wall and closes his eyes for a few minutes at a time. He watches me eat too.

I got used to having Fabian around because he's talkative enough to make me comfortable, but James is stone cold and quiet. Bodyguard my ass. Dax knows damn well that he's a babysitter. He's just a babysitter with military training.

I even got Fabian to try to seduce him long enough for me to sneak away, and he barely budged. Now I'm with my family again and we're sitting at the table together while James just stands in the corner watching.

"Why's that scary guy here?" Julian asks, looking at James who keeps a stoic face and says nothing.

"He's my babysitter." I answer.

"I thought grown-ups didn't need babysitters." Lottie chips in.

"Tell that to my boyfriend."

"He wouldn't tell you what to do if you didn't let him get away with it." Will huffs. He always has an attitude. Theo is the only one who gets to see him in a good mood.

"He blows my back out like a god every night, so I think walking around with a babysitter is the least I can do." I answer, smirking when he fake gags.

Sawyer reaches over to smack the back of my head and right on cue, the most inquisitive one of the kids asks the question. "Daddy, what does that mean?"

"It's not good to say. Noel is just being bad." Sawyer responds and Carson frowns.

"How come Noel always gets to be bad but we have to be good?"

"Because Noel doesn't listen to me anyway. I don't care what you say, but I know you want to be good for me and Teagan and that's why you behave even when Noel doesn't."

Carson smiles and nods quickly. "Yeah. I like to be good."

I roll my eyes, and catch a funny glimpse of Julian. It looks like he's thinking really hard about something. "Wanna share what's going on in your head?"

"Well I know you and Dax are in love, so then why does he hurt your back? I don't get it."

Will stifles his laugh, and I can tell by the little smirk on Lottie's face that even she understood the dirty comment, but Julian doesn't understand metaphors or sarcasm.

He likes it when we're straightforward because that's something he can understand.

I lean over close to him so that Carson can't overhear us. "Blowing someone's back out just means having sex with them."

Julian blushes and rolls his eyes while leaning back. "Well then you shouldn't say that stuff during dinner."

I shrug dismissively and look down at my phone when it buzzes.

Drug Dealer: I got some new exotic. Can I come roll it?

I go to respond to Mickey, but my phone buzzes again.

Master: Hey, baby. How are you doing?

I respond to the first one.

Me: yeah you can bring it over. Jasper and August let you do that still?

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