Chapter Thirty Eight- Ice Cream

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Chapter Thirty Eight-


I know I gave Dax a ton of shit for making James follow me around, but I really like that nobody is stalking me anymore. The first time, Dax was upset that I didn't notice people following me, but James is trained to do that, so I don't have to worry about it.
Since things have died down, Dax sent out an announcement to everyone who's a member of the club letting them know that he's starting construction at the new location.
Dimitri runs a construction company and actually ended up offering Mateo a management position so he's making a ton more than he used to. Both of them have been working on the new club, adding walls and soundproof insulation for the playrooms. They're adding a dungeon for sadists too, which made Andrew practically squeal like a little girl getting a new puppy.
Dax said that with a bigger place, it may be better to split up management. He would still own the club, but he suggested that Andrew manage the dungeon so that Dax doesn't spread himself too thin.
Anyway, back to James, he's like my best friend now. I really appreciate him letting me do whatever I want to him. He doesn't let me do things that Dax wouldn't, like drinking and smoking, but he lets me dress him up in different things.
"This color looks really good on you." I tell him while painting his nails black. It's the only color I have and Candace's nail polish smells weird.
James doesn't respond, as usual, but he does give me a little shrug. He doesn't talk much, but I know he likes me. He's always really nice and even at the club, I realized that whenever I break something, he doesn't let me pick it up. At first, I thought he was just bossy, but I realized that he didn't want me to accidentally cut myself.
James was in the military. I found out the hard way when I tried to wake him up by shaking him once. He choked me so hard I thought I'd actually die, but when he recognized me, he let go and apologized a ton. I still haven't told Dax because I know it was an accident. I trust James.
"Hey, maybe you should organize my room like how you had to do yours in the Army." I suggest, making him roll his eyes.
When I finish his nails, I sit back and watch as he looks at them, admiring them. "I really appreciate this, you know? I mean I know you're probably not stoked to be my babysitter, but it's nice that you look after me when Dax isn't around."
"It's my job."
"I know, but I also know it's a little more than that. You're a really good friend to me. Aren't you happy that I made you take me to Dax when I showed up? If you turned me away then we never would've been friends and I wouldn't have Dax either."
"You're not as annoying as I thought you were." He confesses, sitting back on the floor before leaning back against the wall. That's how he falls asleep too. He never lays down. At the most he just leans back a little bit.
"I know. You totally love hanging out with me. So are you excited for tonight? Dax finally gets back from that stupid European thing, so you can go home and fuck your fiancé."
"What I do with my fiancé is none of your concern."
"Fabian tells me all about it, so I'll find out one way or another. Now, get up. I want ice cream." I tell him.
He stands and waits while I start to undress. When I glance over, I notice that he's still watching, so instead of taking my pants off, I raise a brow at him.
"You're gonna watch me get naked?"
"Dax said, and I quote 'He's a sneaky little brat. Don't take your eyes off of him or he'll disappear.' So yes. I'm going to watch you get dressed."
"Okay. I'm not going to make it easy for you." I comment, grabbing my phone to put on some music. I look through my phone for a minute, settling one one of the more sexy songs before starting to sway my hips, trying to be seductive enough for him to look away.
If he looks away, I win. I like winning. I slowly start unbuttoning my pants, eventually slipping them down further and further, kicking them to the side when they're off.
James gives me a bored look before raising a brow at me as if to say that I'm not even the slightest bit appealing.
I huff and hook my thumbs in my boxers, pulling down the front just enough to expose my hips before pulling them back up, I sway my hips more and turn so that my back is facing him. I slowly pull my boxers down, shaking my ass a little.
God, Dax would beat my ass if he saw me doing something like this. Or if James told him, but I know he won't.
I pout when James still doesn't react at all. "I know I'm hot and I have a super nice ass and you're still just gonna stand there and look even when you have a fiancé?"
I turn towards him, watching as he finally averts his eyes, looking up at the ceiling. "Just put on pants."
"Hah! I won!" I shout, going to my dresser to grab a new pair of boxers before throwing them on and picking out an outfit from my closet. Most of my clothes are now at Dax's place, so I have a pretty limited selection. Luckily, I don't wear much aside from jeans and t-shirts.
When I'm totally dressed, I head outside to walk to the ice cream shop that's right down the street from my house. James follows close behind me, looking all scary for no reason.
It is really cool that he scares people away from me. If I blab to a reporter again, Dax would be mad.
"I want cookie dough with chocolate chips on top." I tell the lady when I arrive. It's usually pretty quiet, so I'm the only one in line. I turn to James and gesture for him to look at the ice cream. "Which one do you want?"
He just shakes his head, so I shrug. When she tells me the total, I reach my hand out to James, making him give me a deadpan look.
"Dax will pay you back." I whine, making him roll his eyes and take out his wallet to hand the girl a couple of bills. When she hands him the change, he puts it all in the tip jar, waiting for her to scoop out my order.
I love this place. Most ice cream stores are so fucking stingy with their cookie dough, but this place has a chunk in every single bite! It's so good. I can practically feel my mouth watering.
"Here you are, sir."
"Thank you ma'am, and may I just say that you look absolutely radiant today. Your boyfriend, girlfriend, or theyfriend is a really lucky person."
She blushes and smiles at me. "Thank you. Have a great day."
"You too."
I grab a spoon and leave the store, walking around for a little bit before spotting Dax with Fabian following close behind him. Fabian recently got a promotion of some sorts. Since Dax has tightened security around the building  and changed his locks to be less hackable, Fabian is now his personal assistant.
Honestly, I think he likes it a lot more than sitting around and being bored at the apartment all day, but Dax always has something for him to do, so he never gets bored.
"Hey look." I tell James. "What are they doing here? Dax hates coming downtown."
James shrugs and follows me when I start to follow him. After a while he turns to walk into a store. When I look at it, I realize that this is the place he gets his suits tailored at. I guess he's getting a new one.
I look at James for a moment, taking another bite of my ice cream. "Time to blow our cover."
I walk into the suit store, walking straight to the back where I know Dax gets fitted. I hand my ice cream to James and pull the curtain back enough to walk in.
"You can't be back here. If you need to be fitted, you need to wait-" the man starts to say, but Dax cuts him off.
"It's okay. He's my boyfriend." Dax says, turning his head to me while remaining still so the man can take his measurements.
"Hi, Master! I was getting ice cream with James and saw you come in here so I wanted to say hi."
"Well hi to you too, baby. You aren't giving James a hard time, are you?"
"Me? Giving someone a hard time? Never." I reply sarcastically. I'm Noel Grayson. It's my job to give everyone a hard time. What am I supposed to do? Take it easy on them?
"I'm gonna have to pay him more if you drive him insane. It's hard enough that he rarely gets to be around Fabian."
"I know. I told him that Fabian can come over, but he said he needs to focus on his job. What are you getting a new suit for?"
"A party meeting. I needed something a little more fun than formal so I was thinking of a solid color for the jacket and slacks and then a pattern for the shirt." Dax tells me, but I shake my head, walking around to check him out while imagining something professional and stylish.
"Solid for the jacket and slacks, a different one for the shirt and a pattern tie that will bring the colors together."
"That's a good idea." The tailor says, finishing up Dax's measurements. "We have this tie here, and we could do a dark blue suit with a turquoise shirt."
I look at the tie and hold it up to Dax's face. It makes his hazel eyes look more blue, but I think the color suits him.
"Yeah. That's great." I agree.
"Alright well, the boyfriend has given his final answer." Dax tells the tailor.
"I'll have it done in a week tops Mr. Whitlock."
"If you have it by Wednesday, I'll double the payment."
"Consider it done." He agrees, sticking his hand out to shake Dax's.
We start to walk out of the store, leaving Fabian and James to spend time together. James doesn't hover when Dax is around. It gives him time to just relax and not worry about me. I'm sure he'll be happy to spend the day with Fabian.
"How has your day been, Master? James and I ate breakfast and he let me paint his nails. Isn't that so sweet?"
"You better not drive him crazy. He'll only need to follow you around a little longer. The stories are dying down and construction on the new club will be done soon."
I frown and make my pout very obvious to him. "I like James. He's nice to me."
"I'm nice to you."
"Sometimes." I argue. "When you're not bending me over your lap for being a bad boy."
When we get a few weird stares from people passing by, he grabs my hand to squeeze it as a warning. "Careful what you say, Noel. You don't want to spark more rumors."
"I mean, it's not really rumors if it's true, but okay. I uh... I need to talk to you about something when we're in private again." I inform him.
The rest of Nerff has been practically begging me to tell Dax about the kink that I have that I'm worried he won't like. Honestly I don't even know if I like it, but I think it's worth it to try and see. It's weird for me since I'm not used to being embarrassed about anything. Even with all of the things we've already tried, none of it made me feel embarrassed before.
Dax keeps walking for a while, but after a little bit of time, we make it to the building he lives in. We make our way up the elevator and through the front door.
"So what did you want to talk about?" He asks, taking off his suit jacket to drape it over the couch before rolling up his sleeves and getting to work in the kitchen.
God, there's nothing more sexy than Dax cooking for me in his fancy clothes.
"I have a kink."
"You have a lot of kinks, baby. I electrocuted you a few days ago."
"I mean a kink that you don't know about."
"Like what?"
I blush and slip my shoes off, sitting on the barstool in the kitchen. "I think we should try piss play."
"Okay? It's taken me months to fucking blurt that shit out and all you have to say is okay?"
Dax turns around and walks closer to lean over the counter and peck my lips. "It's adorable that you're so embarrassed, but I'm pretty open to try anything. Besides, it's not like you haven't pissed on me before."
"God, don't remind me. I uh... well I was hoping we could try it the other way though."
"Trust me, you don't have to ask me twice. It'll be the first thing we try in the new playroom. Fabian and I went to check out the area again today and Dimitri is getting things done really quick. It may only be one more week."
"I'm excited to get back to working. Something about teasing doms with the skimpy outfit and chit chatting actually seems like the perfect thing for me. It's an awesome job and helps that you're my boss." I lean in and connect our lips again, kissing him deeper than before.
"I love you, Noel."
"Duh." I respond, laughing a bit. "I love you too."

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