Chapter Forty One- Family Dinners

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Chapter Forty One-


I hate family dinners. I agree to appease my mother, but sometimes it's hard to stomach seeing my father. I always like to have Noel with me now. I love him so much and I love how he's always there to protect me.

I used to hate myself for letting him be there to protect me. It makes me feel weak. It still does, but I'm learning to be more accepting of it.

"You don't need to worry, Dax. It will be okay. He has no power now." Noel assures me, squeezing my hand.

I smile, stopping right outside the door. I look down and fix myself up. I flatten my suit jacket and straighten my tie. I always find myself trying to please my father even now that I'm an adult.

I turn to Noel and start to fix him up too. He raises a brow at me, but allows me to continue messing with his outfit.

"You remember the signs for strikes, right?"

"Yes, Master."

"Okay just... try to be cordial."

Noel rolls his eyes at me, but I let it slide as I knock on the door a few times.

"Oh baby! I'm so glad you came. Your father has been running me up a wall." My mom complains hugging me tightly while dragging me inside. After a second, she turns to look at Noel. "Hi."

"Howdy." Noel responds, taking my hand again as my mom leads us to the dining room that's already set up nicely. I'm surprised she said anything to Noel but I guess she's trying.

I take a seat at the table and Noel sits next to me. My mom sits across from us, and sighs. "Your dad is in the other room talking to his new assistant. Honestly, I think he found the kid on the street. They even share a bed now. I'm not sure why he can't go to his own house, but he's so far up your fathers ass I wouldn't be surprised if I walked in on them together."

I'm well aware that even though my parents live in the same house and are married, they aren't romantically or sexuallly involved. Both of them have had their fair share of affairs, and at this point, they're only married to keep up appearances. Though I never would've thought that my dad would be interested in men. Not after all the times he beat me for being gay.

My eyes widen as I look at her. "You think they're together? Together how?"

"Honey, I've been trying to read up on gays for your sake, and there's a few sites saying it's genetic. I'm not accusing anyone, but all I'm saying is those certainly aren't my genes."

Noel laughs softly. "Wow. It's always the closeted ones that are the most homophobic. No wonder he groped me when we first met. He said it's because I look like a girl, but maybe it's the opposite."

I sigh as my mom puts food on each of our plates, even forcing a smile at Noel who gives her one of his own. It definitely wasn't real but they're trying.

"The food looks great, mom." I tell her, twirling the pasta around my fork before bringing it to my mouth. I chew it slowly, ignoring how my mom nags me for eating before everyone else is sitting.

When the bedroom door opens, we all turn our heads. The sight of the two of them standing together makes my face pale, but I hear Noel laughing loudly now.

"You're kidding me. Seriously? God you're are so fucking desperate. He doesn't want you, Elian. You can stop stalking us." Noel snaps at him, making Elian roll his eyes and cross his arms over his chest, avoiding eye contact with me as he follows my dad to the table like a doting wife.

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