Chapter Ten- Date Day

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Chapter Ten-


The day went amazing. We went to an old time arcade with pinball and old video game machines. Noel had a lot of fun there. He dragged me around and forced me to play Pac-Man just so that he could beat my score.

He convinced me to go to the gym with him to play basketball. We went against each other and he beat me two out of three. He's very fast and surprisingly athletic.

Afterwards we went to a fancy tailor place and I got him a custom shirt to fit him how I like. They said it should be ready in a day or two. Noel isn't one for fancy clothes, but I know I'll like the way he looks in it. If I ever take him to meet my parents he'll need to look nice.

I also learned that Noel hates children. I clearly thought it was strange considering how he has ten siblings and almost all of them are far younger than he is, but he told me that he had an exception for them.

I love making Noel happy. The whole day was filled with his smiles and laughs, and every second of it was perfect. He's nothing short of an angel, and for some reason, he chooses to stay with me.

"This has been the best day ever, Sir! Thank you so much." He tells me as I drive us back to my penthouse. I'm ready to give him the perfect end to a perfect day.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it so much." I tell him once I park in my section of the parking garage. I step out of the car and walk around to open his door. He takes my outstretched hand and steps out of the car.

"Thank you." He says, holding my hand tightly as I lead him to the elevator.

I smile and take a deep breath, trying to get rid of my nerves before telling him what's been on my mind. "You did it, Noel. You did what you told me you would."

"What? You mean-"

"I want to have sex with you. If you want that of course. Your training is complete and you are the best sub I've ever trained." I admit.

I don't want to let him go. I hope that he chooses to sign another contract with me. The fact of the matter is that his training should've been done a week ago, but I didn't want to let him go.

I don't want to see him exploring his desires with other doms. I don't want to give him the opportunity to leave, but he doesn't need me to teach him anymore. If he wants to be with someone else, then I have no right to him.

He's my submissive, not my boyfriend. Though I always find myself wishing he was both.

"Really?" He asks before jumping up to hug me around the neck. After a moment, he pecks my lips and pulls back. "I mean... see, Master? I told you I'd do it."

"Of course, baby. You don't have to call me 'Master' tonight. Just Dax." I tell him. It's going to be our first time together.

He nods as we step into the penthouse. I give Fabian a nod of acknowledgement as we pass him, but once the door is shut, I lock it.

Before he can even react, I grab Noel's face in my hands and pull him close to kiss him deeply. He lets out a noise of surprise but easily melts into the kiss. He reaches up to put one of his hands on my cheek before the other covers my own.

He kisses me back with just as much passion while I reach down to grab his thighs and lift him. He wraps his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck as I carry him upstairs without breaking away a single time.

I walk down the long hallway, but he pulls back when we pass the playroom. "W-Wait. You passed the playroom."

I nod and lean in to kiss him again while I keep walking. "We're going to my bedroom."

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