Chapter Twenty Six- The Milkman

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Chapter Twenty Six-


I wanted to surprise Noel by coming home early, but I'm not even off the elevator yet and I can already hear the music blaring and voices cheering and shouting. I vividly remember telling him that he could invite a few friends, but I didn't want him to wreck the place.

I sigh and make my way off the elevator to the door where someone is standing. "Five bucks to get in."

"It's my house."

"I don't make the rules buddy. Milkman said to charge everyone who comes up."

I roll my eyes and fish in my pockets for a bill. All I can dig up is a 50, so I throw it at him and walk past. What kind of world am I living in when I have to pay to enter my own house.

"No-el! No-el! No-el!" I hear people chant as soon as I walk in.

I turn my head to see him doing a handstand on a keg while someone holds the nozzle in his mouth, counting how long he can drink it for.

I raise a brow and lean against the wall, thinking of the punishments I can give him. He's drinking obviously, and that's against the rules. He invited all these people into my house which I definitely didn't give him permission to do. The whole place is trashed, and I swear I saw someone puking in a vase.

I sigh deeply, rolling my eyes. I just wanted to do something nice for him and now he's making me punish him. I do notice that everyone is barefoot or in socks and there's piles of shoes at the door. There's tarps on my couches to keep anything from staining the white fabric. There's also caution tape on the banister going up the stairs, so hopefully nobody is fucking in my bed. Or worse, the playroom.

Once Noel finishes the keg, he gets off, giving everyone a goofy little smile as they cheer for him and pat him on the back. His friend wraps his arms around him and drags him to the center of the livingroom to start bouncing with the beat of the song.

I'm getting a few stares, but it's expected. This is a stupid little party for childish teenagers and I'm decked out in an all black suit.

Noel's friend seems to notice me and whispers something to him. Noel's eyes widen as he says something back, looking around quickly, but not seeing me. The guy points at me, and I see all of the color drain from Noel's face when our eyes meet. He mumbles what looks like 'fuck'.

I take that as my cue to shut the party down. I walk into the livingroom where the stereo is and unplug it from the wall, drawing everyone's attention when the music goes off.

I clap a few times and clear my throat. "Hi everyone, lovely to meet you all, but this is my house, so, kindly, get the fuck out."

"Fuck you, man. Turn the music back on." Someone shouts.

"Oh. Did I forget to mention that I called the cops and they're 2 minutes away?" I lie.

That seems to get them all moving, practically trampling over each other to get to the door. I notice Fizzle and Elliot standing awkwardly while the guy next to Noel stays put.

Once everyone else is gone, I walk right to Noel and kiss his forehead with a little smile. I don't want him to worry about me being upset right now. It's clear that he's not in his right mind. "Did you have fun while I was gone?"

"Are you going to punish me?"

"Not right now. You can't consent unless you're sober, baby." I answer.

The place is a mess still. There's solo cups and streamers strewn all over the place along with unopened condoms and glitter. I don't have any anger bubbling up because I know that it can easily be all cleaned up, but I am upset with Noel. I don't care as much about the mess as I do that he put himself and everyone else in danger.

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