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Wonyoung's POV:

As usual, I wake up the earliest. I rub my eyes and get out of bed. I looked at the mirror placed on my side table and fix my messy hair. Since it was so early, a take out my diary from my drawer and write a few things inside. Oh and tomorrow is time for another music bank interview so we have script reading today. I'm excited to meet with our seniors and juniors. Even though I've been an mc at music bank for a while, I'm still kinda nervous everytime we are preparing to meet other great kpop groups. I wrote everything I had in mind into my pastel blue diary.

The Diary:
Hello again my diary, it's 6:47 right now and I just woke up. Well, I have a lot in mind right now actually and I'll tell you all about it. First of all...we only have 5 weeks left to be the mc of music bank. I know it sounds like it is still long but Sunghoon and I only meet once a week. Plus, I'm gonna miss going to music bank's studio... But, nothing lasts forever right? Oh and I'm so happy because our new song that just got released was successful! My members and I are gonna celebrate on the weekends with our staff and producers. I can't wait!"

I sighed and closed my diary. I put it back in my drawer and did some morning stretches. I look at the clock and noticed that it was already 7:15. After doing some stretches, I exit my bedroom and check to see if my members are already awake by quietly entering their rooms. They were all sleeping peacefully except Yujin. She was using her phone.


Yujin's POV:
I just woke up a few minutes ago and was using my phone when I heard the door opening. I look at the door and saw Wonyoung entering my room.

"Oh unnie you're awake already." Wonyoung said with a smile. "Yeah. Why?" I asked. "I was just checking on you guys." She replied. "Aww, our Wonyoung is growing up now." I said. She chuckled and walked towards my bed and she sat on it. "Unnie let's cook something for our members and eat together when they all wake up." She said. "Sure!" I said. We walked out of my bedroom and went to the kitchen. We decided to cook pancakes, ramen, and eggs. Both of us tried not to make noise to not wake up our members.


Sunghoon's POV:
I was woken up by our manager and it's currently 8:00am. And it was time for me and my members to eat breakfast. Jay was already awake and he was cooking food with Heesung. The food smelled so good! They were setting up the table until they realized I was already awake.

"Oh hi, Sunghoon! You're already awake." Heesung said. "Yeah, looks like you guys made delicious breakfast food." I said while looking at the table filled with food. There were fish buns, pancakes, cheese eggs, and even ramen! Also, there was orange juice for Jay and the others, hot chocolate for Niki and Sunoo, and coffee for me. "Yah I cooked almost all of that. Heesung just helped with the ramen." Jay said. "Well, at least I did something." Heesung replied, making me laugh. "I'll go wake up the others now?" I asked. They nodded and I went to our bedroom to wake the members up.



We were woken up by Yujin and Wonyoung to eat breakfast. The food was all set up and they were waiting for us to wake up until they started eating. The food looked so good and it smells amazing! There were pancakes, ramen and eggs. Our go-to food choice. We sat on the table and started munching on the delicious food Wonyoung and Yujin made.

"Wow, this is so good! Unnie, did you guys really make this?" Leeseo asked while happily eating the food infront of her. "Yes Leeseo, we cooked all of these just for you guys." Yujin said with a smile. We continued eating and talked for a while. Meanwhile, the members noticed to noticed that while they were having a conversation together, Wonyoung was just spacing out, not even tkaing a single bite out of her food. "Wonyoung... What's wrong? What are you thinking about?" Liz asked. "Right... You haven't been taking a single bite out of your food for minutes..." Gaeul said, worried. "Guys there's nothing to worry about she's just thinking of the script reading later for music bank. Right Wonyoung?" Yujin said with a smirk. Wonyoung gave her a what's-wrong-with-you look and was so confused. "Unnie? Are you embarrassed to see Sunghoon again because of those birthday gifts he gave you?" Leeseo asked curiously. "It's not that Leeseo. It's just I'm a little nervous since we're meeting new groups we haven't met before." Wonyoung answered. "Oh okay." Leeseo said and continued eating.


Enhypen's POV:

We woke up and went to the dining table. There was so much food! We got ready to dig in and our faces lit up. It was so delicious! We continue to eat quietly until Jay broke the silence and asked, "Oh right... Sunghoon why did you came back so late yesterday?" Sunghoon looked flustered and didn't answer. But Heesung, who was beside him hit his arm and told him to answer.


Sunghoon's POV:

I decided to keep quiet because I can't let them know that I went somewhere yesterday and didn't share the chocolates I bought with them. I just kept eating the ramen in front of me and the cheese eggs. Heesung was forcing me to answer so I let out a sigh and just told them I bought chocolates for myself and didn't share any.


"You don't eat chocolate on a daily basis though..." Jay said. "Right... Something's off here Park Sunghoon-ssi." Heesung said. "Yeah. You just had chocolates the day before yesterday." Sunoo said. "Well I decided to treat myself yesterday." Sunghoon answered. "Ayy liar. I saw you going somewhere else after buying those chocolates. I bumped into you remember?" Niki said. "Oh hoho" Jungwon said with a smirk. "Just tell us Sunghoon!" Jake said impatiently. "Maybe he bought it for someone else..." Jay guessed. "But who did he give it to?" Heesung asked curiously. "Right." Niki raised his eyebrow and looked at Sunghoon with a you're-suspicious face. Sunghoon simply said "I gave it to my sister, now, be quiet and continue eating." Jake looked at him and asked, "Didn't you say your sister was at Japan for a vacation?" "Well I gave it to my parents so they can share it with her when she comes back." Sunghoon answered in frustration. The members finally believed him until...

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