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Wonyoung's POV:
The weather was really rainy and cold this morning. I woke up with my head burried in Sunghoon's chest and his muscular arms hugging me. I look up and see him, sleeping. I giggle and caress his cold cheeks, waking him up.

"Good morning love..." Sunghoon said in a sleepy voice, hugging Wonyoung tighter. "Good morning Baekku" I said with a small smile on my face. "Let's just stay like this forever. Hugging each other in the rainy weather." Sunghoon said, making me blush. "Yah...we still have our rehearsal today. We'll be late" I said, giggling. "Aww...I don't want to go yet~" Sunghoon said in his sleepy voice, pouting. "Don't be such a baby Baekku. Get up we have to go." I said with a smile on my face. Sunghoon pouted and sighed but got up anyway. "Uh...Wony...where's the bathroom???" Sunghoon asked. I was flustered by the question but just pointed to the bathroom which was near the bedroom door. "I'll just go brush my teeth." Sunghoon said. "Oh-okay..." I said. "How about you?" Sunghoon asked. "Me? Uhm...I'll do so too." I said, slowly walking inside the bathroom which was huge to be honest. I get my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth and so did Sunghoon. I suddenly burst into laughter because his mouth was full of bubbles. "Why?" Sunghoon asked while brushing his teeth. "Your mouth " I laughed, pointing at his mouth. He checks himself in the mirror and laughs at himself. After a few seconds, we finished cleaning our faces and we head out the dorm without saying goodbye to the members because they were still asleep.

We get on the car and the driver drove us to the KBS Building. There, Sunghoon and I had a quick chat. Just then Sunghoon's hand suddenly comes in contact with mine... "Yah...what are you doing?..." I asked, flustered. "Holding my girl's cold hand" Sunghoon said. I didn't know what to say and just stared at him. "You don't like it? Sorry..." He said taking of his hand off mine. "Didn't I tell you yesterday I feel safe when you do that?" I said making Sunghoon look down and smile. "Hold it whenever you want. I don't mind." I said with a small smile on my face. Sunghoon's face turns red and he holds my hand tightly, obviously not wanting to let go making me giggle. We talked quietly to not let the driver hear our conversation. A few minutes later we arrived at the building.

~end of Wonyoung's POV~

(btw here are their outfits for rehearsal)

(btw here are their outfits for rehearsal)

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They get on stage and the music starts playing

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They get on stage and the music starts playing. They do as they practice and the cameramen, producers and stylists were all smiling. At the end of the performance, they all clap happily and were very satisfied by their performance. "I love their chemistry." One of the producers said. The other staff beside her agree and look at the two, smiling at each other. "They look so good together!" Another staff exclaimed. Even the cameramen enjoyed their performance. Meanwhile, the two were just smiling at each other after rehearsal.

Wonyoung gives Sunghoon a thumbs up and he just smiles. "Okay, you two! You did such a great job! I loved your chemistry and your stares at each other! You really look like a couple on stage!" The producer said. The two bowed and thanked her and they proceeded to pre-recording. The two change into their stage outfits and perform once again. In the end, they were very satisfied by their recording. Both of them thanked all the staff, producers, and cameramen and went back to each other's dorms.

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