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-Sunghoon's last day at Music Bank-

Sunghoon's POV:
I wake up as early as I can to go to work since its my last day. The fact that Youngmin will replace me still angers me. I decided that I should cherish this day as this is the laast time I could do our Jangkku intro with Wonyoung. I lot of thoughts fill ny head as I was dressing up infront of the mirror. "What if Wonyoung falls inlove with the new mc?" "Am I still going to be her one and only?" My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the alarm on my phone, indicating it was time to go. Following my Friday routine, my driver takes me to the KBS building to film music bank. While we were on the way, I take out my phone and the members were going crazy in our group chat.

"What's this all about?" I ask myself. They've been chatting nonstop, tempting me to mute the notifications but this one text caught my eye, "Heesung and Haewon! What a great match!" I immediately open our chat room and saw tons and tons of messages. Sunoo was even talking about Heesung going outside last night to visit Haewon at 1:00am. "What did i miss?" I ask in the group chat. The members were so done with me. "You missed a lot. A LOT." Jake replied. "I can see Heesung hyung's face turning red as we chat." Jay said, teasing him. "NO IM NOT." Heesung denied.

We obviously didn't believe him. "One night I saw him going crazy while chatting Haewon, how cute of you hyung," I said in the chat. "Stop lying Sunghoon!" Heesung replied, still in denial. "Ayyy don't need to lie hyung," I replied. "Sunghoon-ssi. We're here at the building." My driver says, stopping the car. "Oh okay thank you, sir!" I exclaim, turning off my phone. As usual, I get out of the car and people start taking pictures, I wave to the people and get in the building as fast as I can. Behind me was Wonyoung, all dressed up and ready to film. I could hear the loud cheers coming outside when she arrived. She really is a shining star. "Baekku!" Wonyoung exclaimed, following me. "Hi love," I whisper, giggling. "Yah! Someone might hear us." Wonyoung said, laughing. "So what? It doesn't matter." I said. "You know Sunghoon. Every time you walk beside me, I get the urge to hold your hand tightly and never let it go." Wonyoung whispered, looking directly into my eyes and smiling at me. Her eyes were sparkling and I couldn't look away from them. "Sorry to interrupt but it's time to film you two." The director said. The two of us immediately look away from each other and follow the director to the stage and start recording. We already memorized the script yesterday and got our styled before we started. The cameras start rolling and...

"And for the last time I say, Ever-evolving kpop. The heart of the Korean wave" I said.

"With the whole world watching..." Wonyoung continued.

"It's music bank live!" Both of us exclaimed.

"Hello! Jangkku!" The last time we said that...

"I'm super cute cherry bunny manager Wonyoung!" Wonyoung exclaimed.

"And your ice prince Baekku!" I exclaimed.

"Baekku-ssi. What did you mean this will be the last time you say our intro?" Wonyoung asked.

"Well Wonyoung-ssi... I've got some bad news..."

"What is it?..." Wonyoung asked.

"This is my last day at Music Bank..." I said.

"Ayy stop with these jokes. You're not actually leaving right?" Wonyoung asked.

"I am...but don't worry, someone will replace me. He will be someone as good as me..." I said, looking down.

"So that explains why you're so dressed up today. It looks great on you." Wonyoung said.

"You look beautiful today too." I replied, that wasn't in the script but hey...I'll say whatever I want today.

"Wahh thank you...Oh, wait! We forgot to introduce today's lineup!" Wonyoung exclaimed.

"You're right! For today's lineup, we have...Nmixx coming back with their powerful song "DICE", Lesserafim with their new song "Antifragile" and Mamamoo with "ILLELA"!" I exclaim.

"We also have Seulgi having her first Solo debut with her new song, "28 reasons" and Chaeyeon's solo debut with "Hush Rush"!" Wonyoung continues.

"All of these awesome performances are on Music Bank today!" I exclaim.

"Coming up soon!" Both of us exclaim.

The recording ends and the idols' performances flash on the screen. We bow at the cameramen and stylists and of course, we got touch-ups done. While waiting, we memorized our scripts more and took our seats. As usual, we interviewed the idols and their groups, watched their performances and now, we're back on stage, gathered with the other idols and groups. Finally, it's time for me to say goodbye.

"Today is the last day with bank president Sunghoon here at Music Bank. Sunghoon-ssi, please say our last words to our depositors." Wonyoung said.

I didn't even have to read my script and just said whatever came to my mind. "It was like yesterday when I did my opening lines a year ago...Time flies so fast. I'm really grateful for everyone who offered help this year and tried their best to help me become a better MC. I'm also thankful to all the depositors who supported me and gave loads of love to the show which gave me confidence in myself. And of course, thank you so much Wonyoung for being a great MC partner to me and helping me out. Nevertheless, I would still be at Music Bank not as an MC but as Sunghoon from Enhypen. Love you guys so much!" I exclaim, waving at the crowd with my script and a trophy in my hand.

"Then let's say goodbye," Wonyoung said, tearing up.

"When you need music, watch Music Bank! Have a splendid weekend!" Both of us exclaim. I give the trophy to Wonyoung and bow at her, waving goodbye. She was left on stage, trying not to cry in front of the camera. She passed on the trophy to the idols who will do their encore stage and left the stage as well.

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