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Wooyoung's POV:
I was working at home again, waiting for a single reply from my sister, Wonyoung.

"Hey Wonyoung...You haven't been chatting me recently...Is everything okay?"

"Good morning wony!"

"Wonyoung, you know, I really want to tell you that, I know someday I could be put behind bars because of my actions last month, and really lucky to still be here in the outside world. So please Wonyoung, I want to spend the remaining time I have outside of jail with you."

She hasn't even seen the messages yet. It's worrying me, to be honest. Even though she's busy, she always has the time to chat me and her family... "Wony...whatever's happening to you right now, I hope you're okay." I said to myself. I close my laptop, sighing. I spent some time alone, thinking about how life be if I'll be put behind bars. I knew I could easily pay the fine but I don't want people to think it's unfair that we, wealthy people could just get away with everything because of our money. I even thought about turning myself in. I'm sure everyone will be skeptical and be against me, but, I have to do the right thing. Plus, people will find out someday anyway. The problem is, I want to spend at least the first few days with my child... I don't want him or her to think I'm a bad mother that leaves her children. "I should take about this with my husband later." I said to myself.

- Back to the Hospital -

"What now? What about the promotions? I can't perform like this." Sunghoon said hopelessly. "Sunghoon hyung, take some rest first. Our fans will understand." Heesung said. "Yeah. I'll cut my contract with Music Bank as well. I've been feeling burnt out lately." Wonyoung informed. "Wonyoung...you don't have to do that. I know you're only thinking of doing so because of our current situation." Sunghoon said. "Hoon, I wanted to do so ever since you weren't my MC partner anymore." Wonyoung insisted. "Well if that's what you want, I won't stop you from doing so." Sunghoon said with a smile. "Thank you for respecting my decision Baekku." Wonyoung said, smiling back at him. "Let me just check my phone, it's been vibrating since earlier this morning...Guys, look after him for a while okay?" She said. The others nod and she leaves the room.

Wonyoung's POV:

I see tons and tons of notifications on my phone, but only one really caught my eye. "It's Wooyoung unnie..." I check all her messages and read them one by one. I forgot all about her drunk driving issue...So many things were going on, I didn't know what to do, I couldn't even think straight. I mean yeah we can totally pay for all the fines, it's not like she killed someone...But knowing my sister, she wouldn't let me do that. She even told me she will turn herself in...What about her child though? What about her family? All these thoughts were running around my head, I can't take care of her child, I'm way too busy and I don't even know how to handle children. I know the child's father will certainly struggle to raise his own child alone. "What do I do?!!?!" I ask myself, frustrated.

💗🥲 Guys I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting for so long and giving you this short chapter, PLEASE FORGIVE ME. As I said, there are a lot of events going on lately and I can't seem to find the time to write chapters every now and then :((( I hope you enjoy this chapter though :>

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