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Wonyoung suddenly started to feel nervous, fidgeting with her hands. Meanwhile, Liz was smirking as she was the one who gave her the gift from yesterday. "Oh~ a lie detector~" Liz said cheekily. Wonyoung glared at her but Liz laughed, a cheeky smile on her face. "Let's start. Shall we?" Niki suggested, smirking. Yujin passes the lie detector to Sunghoon and Wonyoung immediately had a bad feeling about it. "So Sunghoon...Spill the tea. What did you actually say to Wonyoung yesterday after the interview with Kep1er? Because if you look reallyyy close, her cheeks were all red." Yujin said. "It was just the make up!" Wonyoung said, defensive. She looked at Sunghoon and gave him a do-something-look. Sunghoon himself was nervous so he just said, "I was just talking to her about her celebrity crush." seconds later the lie detector electrified his hand and he yelled because of the pain.

"Hyung got caught!" Sunoo laughed. "Oh shut up Sunoo. I think this thing's broken." Sunghoon said avoiding eye contact with the others. "Trying to hide yur blushing face Sunghoon?" Jay teased him. Wonyoung stayed silent making her members ask her next. "Next up we have Vicky Jang." Gaeul said proudly. The others laughed and this time, they let Jungwon ask the question. "So...Wonyoung. Do you like someone in this room?" Jungwon asked, raising an eyebrow. Wonyoung didn't know what to answer because she doesn't know herself. So she just said no. The lie detector itself was having a hard time processing her answer. But in the end it said Wonyoung's answer was true.

A noticeable frown formed on Sunghoon's face as he heard her answer. "Don't worry Sunghoon maybe Wonyoung's just confused about her feelings so far." Heesung comforted in a teasing tone. The others agreed and they continue their game. This time, it was the eldest members time to answer. "Okay let's ask Heesung hyung first. I have a bunch of questions I want to ask him, to be honest." Niki said. "Niki make sure the questions you will ask isn't too embarrassing." Heesung pleaded. Of course, Niki didn't listen and asked, "Hyung be honest with me. What does it feel like when your voice cracks on stage?"

The question let everyone had a good laugh, including Heesung. "Uhh I don't know. Embarrassing of course." Heesung answered, chuckling. "Aigo what kind of question is that Niki. Ask something we actually don't know about." Jake said. They didn't even need to use the lie detector at this point.

It was Gaeul's turn this time and Leeseo wanted to ask something. "Unnie...Do you think you're the prettiest in the group and the best singer in the group?" Leeseo asked. "Of course not. You guys are more talented than me." Gaeul answered.

Of course, the lie detector electrified her hand. "Well not gonna lie, Gaeul is pretty." Jay said making Gaeul look at him. "Jay you're next." Sunghoon said. "How about Gaeul asks the question?" Rei offered, smirking. "Uh sure..." Jay said nervously. "But I don't know what to ask..." Gaeul told her. Just then Wonyoung whispers into her ear and says, "Ask him who do you think is the prettiest in IVE." Gaeul shurgged, asking that anyway since she had no questions in mind.

"Who do you think is the prettiest in IVE?" Gaeul asked. The room was filled with Oooos "You..." Jay said, not being able to control his smile. The other started to go crazy because of Jay's answer. "HYUNG DO YOU LIKE GAEUL NOONA?" Sunoo asked impatiently, wanting to know Jay's answer. "What if I say yes?" Jay said making everyone get excited. Gaeul was a blushing mess and the members keep teasing her. Gaeul couldn't even show her face because it was so red. "That's enough, Gaeul might be uncomfortable now," Jay said. "Oh look at him. He's concerned about her." Liz teased. Gaeul finally looks up and her eyes landed at Jay.

Jay's POV:
I was just laughing with my members when I saw Gaeul staring at me. I let out a soft chuckle, looking away.

The other members just continued playing their game but Sunoo noticed Jay and Gaeul staring at each other's eyes. He giggled and took a quick picture of the two. After Leeseo and Rei's turn, Sunoo suddenly asked, "By the way guys, do you want to make a group chat?" The others agreed and Sunoo created the chat. He added the others but couldn't add the IVE members because he didn't know they're numbers.

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