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Wonyoung's POV:

All of the members were back at the door but Gaeul was still restless, she can't help thinking about the accident the two got into. The other members wanted to stay with her, it was their first time seeing her like this. I sighed deeply and left the dorm quietly after dressing up. I get some bread from the nearby bakery for the members and me. "Here you go miss! These are fresh out of the oven! You're quite early today." The seller said. "Yeah...I can't wait to taste these ma'am." I said, leaving the shop. I knew well that the members will wake up late, they stayed up all night yesterday waiting for me and Gaeul so I just left the baked goods on the dining table and left the dorm once again. I was planning to go to the KBS building to cut my contract with Music Bank. After Sunghoon got hospitalized and after Youngmin got imprisoned, I made up my mind and planned to end my days of being an MC on Music Bank.


Wonyoung has now arrived at the KBS building. She was still feeling quite tense and she stared at the entrance door for a while. "Is this the right decision?" She thought to herself...She takes a deep breath before entering the building, her heart still racing and thoughts running around her head. She already told her manager last night and unexpectedly, her manager respected her decision which gave her the courage to end the contract today. Wonyoung made her way to the Director's room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" He yelled. Wonyoung opens the door hesitantly and told the manager all about her plans of ending the contract. "You're ending it quite early...After all, you just renewed it." The Music Bank director said. "Yeah, I thought so too. But I think I'll be way too busy to keep working as an MC right now..." Wonyoung shared. "Alright, it's understandable." He said, pulling out a piece of paper from his drawer. "Please, take a seat and sign this." Wonyoung nodded and signed it after reading carefully. "Thank you so much for your hard work Wonyoung. It's been an honor having you as our MC for Music Bank." The manager said with a smile. "Thank you so much as well sir..." Wonyoung replied, bowing before leaving the room.

Wonyoung's POV:

I take out my phone from my pocket and start scrolling on social media, coming across some articles...

"Music Bank MC, Chaemin, in jail for getting involved with a car accident. Read more."

"ENHYPEN Members Sunghoon and Jay, injured badly due to a car accident. Read more."

"ENHYPEN's group promotions will be canceled for now. Read more."

"Jang Wooyoung, sister of Jang Wonyoung, in jail for a hit and run offense?! Read more"

"What the hell?! How did they know already?!" I exclaim. I click on the article about my sister and saw all the comments... "Wonyoung's sister did this? Her sister is a criminal!" "She deserves to be in jail." "Can't believe Wonyoung's sister was like this. She seemed so kind..." Reading the comments infuriated me. I won't let people talk about my sister like this! Especially when it's not her fault she wasn't feeling well at that time! I call my manager, asking her to delete the posts about my sister.

"I'm sorry Wonyoung but we can't do anything about it right now. The article isn't even about you."

"Yeah it's not about me, but it's about my sister."

Her manager let out a deep sigh...

"We'll find a way to get rid of the articles and rumors, don't worry."

She hangs up, hoping her manager actually finds a way...


Jay's POV:
I was still in the cold hospital room, being taken care of by the doctors and they were updating me about my status. "Good morning Sir Park, you're currently getting better. You might even get discharged a bit earlier." The nurse said happily. I was delighted and let out a sigh of relief. "We just need you to rest a few more months until your spinal cord is actually fully healed. Remember, we can't start doing intense activities right after you're healed, even if it seems like you're ready to do so, it will cause more pain." The doctor explained. I nod, slightly sad that me and Sunghoon won't be able to join the group for a while..."How about Sunghoon? Do we get discharged together?" I ask. "Depends on his current status, we will check on him when he wakes up." "Alright, thank you so much sir."

I look at Sunghoon who was right beside me, sleeping peacefully. "Hope we get out of here soon Baekku." I said softly.

Someone knocks on the door quietly... I wonder who it could be. Maybe it's Wonyoung? The door opens to reveal Gaeul who was looking tired but still forcing a smile...

"Yah...what are you doing here?...you don't have to visit me every so often."

"Come on Jay, I can't just let you stay here and not visit. Here, I bought you some food."

"I don't wanna eat though..." Jay said pouting.

"Aish don't act like a baby." Gaeul said, giggling.


Wonyoung's POV:
After knowing Gaeul has visited the hospital before me, I decided to visit Sunghoon as well. I got to the hospital twenty minutes later and see Sunghoon, awake. No sight of Gaeul unnie though, maybe she already left. About Jay, he was sleeping again. "Wony~ I missed you so much~" Sunghoon pouted. "Me too...How are you though? Does anything hurt?" I ask, sitting down beside him. "Well...I can't stand up properly yet and it actually hurts when i try to get up..." Sunghoon said. "I hope you get well soon Baekku...Is there anything I could get to make you feel better? Your favorite food or a stuffed toy?" I asked. Sunghoon didn't answer but pointed at his lips, giggling. "Yah, we can't do that here" "Who says?" my face felt like it was burning, its been a while since our first kiss..."You're turning into a tomato again." Sunghoon said, laughing at me. I hide my face, embarrassed. "Oh Wony...I forgot to ask. Did you cut your contract with Music Bank already?" He asked. "Yeah... I just did today." I answered. "I wonder who's gonna be the next mc who will replace us." Sunghoon said. I nodded, smiling weakly. "Hey, is there something wrong?"

I told him all about Youngmin and my sister going behind bars, he was shocked..."Wooyoung? Why did she go to jail?" Sunghoon asked. "Well...remember the time Youngmin went after us, he did that because my sister hit his dad with her car by accident that night and she only went to jail now..." Wonyoung explained. "How long is her sentence?" He asked. "5 years..." I answered. "What about her baby though..." He wondered. "Well yeah we're tryna figure that out as well..." I revealed. "I hope you two can sort things out..." Sunghoon said...

❤️Its been past 2 weeks since I uploaded but here's the new chapter! Kinda long actually that's why it took a while to write 😭😭 I hope yall liked it tho! Stay safeeee

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