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His manager sighed but continued to talk with Yoon Youngmin. "So Youngmin. I hope you're ready for the job. You will replace Sunghoon next week after their last day together at Music Bank on Friday." His manager said. "That's great sir. I'll be glad to replace Sunghoon, my dear friend." Youngmin replied. "Friend? You two know each other?" His manager asked. "Not really. Just bumped into him and Wonyoung one day." Youngmin replied. "Wonyoung was there too? Jang Wonyoung?" The manager asked, startled by his statement. "Yes sir. They were even holding hands back to Wonyoung's dorm." Youngmin said. Sunghoon's manager was in disbelief. "What kind of idol holds someone elses hand in public going to their dorm?!" His manager thought to himself. "Sir? Are you okay? You seem to be mad...Well if I were you I would feel the same. What kind of idol does such things in public?" Youngmin said, trying to make the manager side on him. "Forget it. Focus on your job. You better do well." His manager said, walking out the room. Youngmin chuckles to himself and smirks. "Payback time!~ HAHAHA" He said, laughing.


Jang Wooyoung's POV:
I heard about the news just now and was shocked. How come my sister didn't tell me she was seeing someone? And most importantly, does she know how much trouble this could get her in? I immediately call Wonyoung, wanting for answers to my questions. The phone has been ringing for a while but she didn't answer even after a minute. I just chat her instead, waiting for her reply.

Wooyoung Unnie:
Wony! What's this news
I'm hearing about?
Are you okay?
Call me if you need someone to talk to... I miss you so much sis.

I sigh and open the article once more, viewing the comments. "Aish these rascals. Are idols not allowed to fall in love? Like they ever stand a chance dating Sunghoon or my little sis." I said to myself, furious at the comments. I put my phone away in frustration and decide to cook something for lunch, I can't get hungry for a long time. I take out some canned tuna out of the kitchen cabinet and eat it with some orange juice. Weird combination I know. I just like having orange juice with my meals everyday.

Wonyoung's POV:
I was trying to reach Sunghoon because he wouldn't answer my texts which worried me. "Baekku...What on Earth are you doing right now." I say to myself, knowing all the capable things he could do. Suddenly, I get calls and texts from my sister but I didn't answer them. I knew the reason she was calling. I don't wanna hear stuff like, "Why didn't you tell me? Don't you trust me?" from her. It's just hard to tell your family, even your closet family member everything happening in your life. It gets uncomfortable too...

Just then someone knocks on my bedroom door gently. I open the door and it was Yujin. "Wony! You opened the door! Finally!" She said, delighted. "You had lunch already right? I bought you your favorite tart for dessert!" Yujin exclaimed. "Unnie...can I talk with you?" Wonyoung asked. "Of course! Is there something wrong? Or is it about the article?" Yujin asked. "I just need some advice..." Wonyoung said, sitting down on the bed in her room. Yujin closes the door and sits beside her. "What do you need?" Yujin asked softly.

"It's about my sister...I haven't told her about everything yet." Wonyoung said, letting out a deep sigh. "Well...when was the last time you talked to her?" Yujin asked. "2 weeks ago I think...I just don't want to let her feel like I don't trust her like I did before. I know she's also having some struggles because of her pregnancy and I don't want this situation to add up to her stress."

Wonyoung said, looking down at her feet. "Wooyoung unnie...She doesn't like it when people lie to her. You should go have a talk to her or meet with her someday and have a talk. You never know, she might have something to tell to you too." Yujin said, looking at Wonyoung and patting her shoulder.

"But what about Sunghoon? Don't you think his company will put him on hiatus because of the article?" Wonyoung asked. "Most likely they would unless the company denies the rumor. But of course, as you know, people wouldn't be convinced and just make the situation bigger," Yujin said, frustrated. "Yeah. That's what I'm worried about." Wonyoung said. "Don't think too much right now. Only time will tell. Now, eat this scrumptious dessert I bought for you." Yujin said, getting up from the bed and opening the door of the room. "Thank you so much Yujin unnie," Wonyoung said, getting up from the bed to hug her. They exited the room and ate the tart in the living room and took some pictures, of course.

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