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Wonyoung's POV:
I was at the dorm, watching my performance with Youngmin who's also known as "Lee Chaemin" and yes they changed his name so he wouldn't be suspected of posting that dating rumor article. I was cringing so hard at the performance, especially the comments. "Wow! They look so good together!" "Aww, they're so sweet!" I was disgusted.
I decide to exit youtube and go on K-news instead to read about comebacks, debuts, and new stuff about other groups. But then I see this.

"WHY DID I SIGN UP FOR THIS?" I ask myself, frustrated

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"WHY DID I SIGN UP FOR THIS?" I ask myself, frustrated. I throw my phone on my bed and walked out of my room just to see Gaeul panicking. "UNNIE? WHAT'S WRONG?" I ask worriedly, not knowing what's going on. "They're in trouble. The two of us need to go." Gaeul says, trying to keep calm in front of me. "Who?! Who's in trouble?!" I ask, worried. "SUNGHOON AND JAY." Gaeul exclaims, running out of the dorm with her phone. I immediately follow her and ask her where they are... "Jay and I were calling earlier and- they were on their way back to their dorm- Sunghoon was there with him- their driver screams and I hear- crashing-" Gaeul explains, running out of breath. "HOW FAR IS THE TRIP TO THEIR DORM FROM HERE?" I ask, panicking. "Not that far. We can reach it in a few minutes if we hurry up." Gaeul says. We run as fast as we can, not caring about the people around us. We hear the sound of ambulances close so we follow the sound and see a car, wrecked by a truck. The passengers were all bleeding and unconscious. "No..." Gaeul said, hopelessly, not being able to do anything. I run off to the car without even thinking, Gaeul and some police officers hold me back from checking what's inside the car. "Miss, please step back. The passengers are on their way to the hospital and are being taken care of. Don't worry." The police says. "LET ME GO WITH THEM!" I exclaim, as tears flow from my eyes. A police officer nods and lets me go to the ambulance with the two. I was scared to death, i know there are doctors that can treat them but they weren't even conscious, they were bleeding and they had scratches on their forehead...We were in the ambulance, rushing to the nearest hospital and we got to the emergency room..

"What happened?"

"A truck hit their car"

"current status: unconsious, minor bleeding and scratches"

"what about the drivers?"

"they're conscious but have jaw injury according to the nurses"

"let's take them to the operating room"


"PLEASE...HOLD ON." Wonyoung exclaims, bawling her eyes out. A doctor guides them to the lounge and they wait for the doctors to report their current status. A few seconds later Jungwon, Heesung, Haewon and the others arrive. "WHAT HAPPENED?" Niki asked, panicking. "They're in the operating room." Gaeul said blankly. Haewon approaches Wonyoung who was in tears, sitting beside her. "Hey...everything's gonna be alright. There's doctors treating them and they'll get better soon." Haewon assured, wiping Wonyoung's tears and letting Wonyoung's head rest on her shoulder. The others sit down next to the girls, feeling hopeless. "Yah. Why are y'all like this? The doctors will find out their condition and treat them as soon as possible. They won't let them suffer." Sunoo stated. "Yeah but we didn't even see the accident happen. We didn't see how severe it was." Jake said. "I don't think their condition is good right now. I mean, they got hit by a truck after all." Wonyoung says after her breakdown. "A TRUCK?!" Everyone exclaims in unison except Gaeul and Wonyoung. "Yeah. You didn't know?" Gaeul asked. "NO? WE THOUGHT THEY WERE ONLY HIT BY A CAR." Heesung exclaimed. "Look, they're going to be fine. Like Sunoo said, the doctors here know how to do their job and treat patients. All we can do right now is stay positive and have some faith." Haewon says. Jake nodded but Heesung couldn't seem to get a hold of himself. "Hyung. You heard Haewon. Sit down and wait for the doctors. The more you worry the more bad things will come to us." Jungwon said. "How did you know they got into a car accident though, Jungwon hyung?" Niki asked. "So you see, I was trying to call Sunghoon for a while but he wouldn't answer. But I know that hyung always has his phone on silent so I tried calling Jay but he wouldn't answer as well. So I tried calling their driver because the last thing Sunghoon said to me when we were chatting was they were almost at the dorm. But no one was coming so I knew something was wrong." Jungwon explained. Wonyoung lets out a big sigh, what could be the reason they got into the car accident? Who's fault was it?

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