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"YOON YOUNGMIN!" Jisung shouts as he and his son barge in his room. The doctors surrounding him were shocked by the sudden entrance. Youngmin sighs in annoyance, knowing his father is gonna scold him again. "Where's your mother?" Jisung asks impatiently. "She hasn't come yet." Youngmin replies bluntly. "Can you please give us some privacy?" Jisung requests. The doctors nod, leaving the hospital room quietly. "WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME?!" His brother asks. "I don't think you wanna know." Youngmin replies, annoyed. "Answer me properly son! What happened to you?!" Jisung asks. "What's going on?!" His mother yelled, interrupting the conversation, rushing to Youngmin. "Wow...long time no see mom." Youngmin said sarcastically. "Why are you like this Youngmin? What's causing you to do all of this?!" His mother was completely clueless, her husband just got out of the hospital and this happens? "It's you who caused the car accident right? You crashed into Sunghoon and Jay's van on purpose didn't you?!" His brother yells, in disbelief. "What?! Why would he do that?!" Youngmin's mom asks, confused. "You see, he's been having this plan to put Wooyoung, Wonyoung's sister behind bars. We all know why. Now, he's targeting Sunghoon, the guy Wonyoung has fallen for because Wonyoung won't open up to him." His brother explained. "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO GO THIS FAR!" His dad said, out of control.

Everyone in his family was stressed out, feeling hopeless. "Youngmin. I don't want to do this to my own son, but you and Wooyoung should go behind bars together. You two were both in the wrong. You've gone too far son. You almost killed 3 people over there! Do you know how much trouble you're causing right now?!" My dad yells right at my face, clearly disappointed by my actions. "It's fine dad. As long as Wooyoung goes to jail and I don't go alone, I'm fine with it." Youngmin says. "You've gone crazy Youngmin. What are you talking about?!" My mother asks, not being able to believe that it's her son that she's talking to. "I say you stop right now Youngmin. Keep your mouth shut and sit quietly here in the hospital until you heal. After you get discharged, we won't let you lay a finger on Wooyoung and the others. You've caused enough trouble." His brother said seriously.

"I'm not going to stop until we put her behind bars! She's out there, having the best time of her life. While you, dad, you just got out of the hospital due to her negligence!" Youngmin yelled. "SON! ENOUGH! THIS IS NOT GETTING YOU ANYWHERE. THE ONLY THING YOU'LL GET IN RETURN ARE PUNISHMENTS!" My mother yelled, walking out of the room. "We've had enough." His brother says. His father agreed, unable to look at his own son due to his disappointment. The two hesitantly leave the room, still slightly shaken by everything.


Surgeon's POV:

After four hours of treating our patients, we could finally put them to their own hospital rooms so they could rest. I went out of the operating room to tell the members and their manager about their current status. I head to the hospital's lounge and found out that some of the members fell asleep from waiting. Only Wonyoung, Gaeul, Jungwon and the manager were awake.

"Doc! Are they okay?! What's their current status?!"

"Was the surgery a success?..."

"I saw you take Jay and Sunghoon hyung somewhere, can we visit them?"

"Doc, please tell us about their cureent condition.."

"I have good news and bad news. Good news, the surgery was a success!"

The four jump for joy, relieved.


"But... What's the bad news?"

"Well, since their accident was quite severe, it will take about 6 months to heal. So you will have to cancel group promotions."

"It's fine with me as long as my hyungs are okay."

"Can we visit them please?"

"Sure, but please, keep in mind that they still need to rest and they might still be sleeping."

"Let's wake up the others first."

The four woke up the other members and Haewon and told them about the status of the two. The members were delighted and followed the doctor to the two's rooms.

"I told you they would stay strong." Jake said. "Yeah...I was way too worried." Niki admitted. "I hope you guys can talk to them..." Haewon said softly. "I hope so too..." Everyone said in unison. We enter their rooms quietly and find them sleeping peacefully. "Hyung...we were worried to death!" Sunoo exclaimed, tearing up. "What matters is their surgery was a success and that they'll wake up soon." Heesung assured. Haewon sighs, looking at the members, hoping they'll have a quick recovery. Meanwhile, Gaeul was already beside Jay, caressing his cheeks, "Get well soon Jay..." She says, staring at his face.

Just then Sunghoon starts waking up. He looks around the room and finds his fellow members and Jay beside him. "Jay hyung...are you okay?" He asked weakly. "Baekku! You're awake!" Wonyoung exclaimed, rushing to him. "Wony...thank you for being here." Sunghoon said, holding her hands. "Hyung!" All of his members exclaimed, walking to him. They all gave him hugs and assuring words, happy to see him again, talking to them. On the other hand, Gaeul was waiting impatiently for Jay to wake up. "Unnie...give him some time to rest. He'll wake up later..." Wonyoung assured. Gaeul nodded, joining Wonyoung and the others. "I love y'all so much with my entire life. You even stayed here for so long just to see me wake up and talk to you." Sunghoon said, grateful.

A minute later, they heard a knock on the door. It was Sunghoon and Jay's parents, rushing to see them. "OH MY GOSH SUNGHOON? JAY? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Their mothers asked. "Yes mom, we're fine, nothing to worry about," "WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING JAY? WHO GOT YOU INTO THIS ACCIDENT?" Jay's dad asked... The members were reluctant to answer him. "We think it was Youngmin," Gaeul confessed. "SUNGHOON YOU'VE BEEN SO WORKED UP LATELY" "AND THEY DO THIS TO YOU?" His parents were furious. "Mom, dad, we're fine...we just need some rest," Sunghoon answered. "We're going to put that guy behind bars no matter what. How dare they do this to you two?" Sunghoon's mother said. Everyone agreed, "Did you check up on the driver too?" Jay asked. "Yeah, he's still resting, what matters now is that you're okay," Jay's parents answered.

😔I FEEL SO BAD FOR NOT UPLOADING FOR SO LONG. IM SO SO SORRY. Exam week just finished and I just got back to writing chapters... I hope you like this chapter though! Thank you for all the votes and support and for being patient with me! ❤️

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