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(Sunghoon, Heesung, and Jay not included)

We gathered quietly in the living room, exchanging glances. "What's with the tense atmosphere? Shouldn't we be celebrating because of the fact Jay and Sunghoon got discharged?" Sunoo asked. "Yeah..." Jake agreed, not knowing what was going on and why they were all gathered here in the first place. "Guys, think about it. How will we start working as a group again after going on hiatus for 6 months." Niki opened up. "Come on Niki. Do you really not believe in our fans? They could wait. Plus, we're having interviews and other promotions in the meantime. Although we haven't been promoting as a whole group, we can now." Jungwon pointed out. Jake nodded silently. "Jungwon is right. There's nothing to worry about Niki." Sunoo said.

Youngmin's POV:

"You have visitors." The police officer said. I get up lazily and rubbed my eyes. "Aish, who would even want to visit me now?" I asked myself.

"Youngmin..." My brother said through the glass. "Why are you here? You said you didn't want to see me anymore." I answered coldly, avoiding eye contact. "We made you your favorite. Mom and Dad couldn't come so I came here to give it to you alone." He said, showing me the bento box. I look down, my eyes tearing up slowly. "Yah...we'll find a way to reduce your sentence. Look, I'll work part-time somewhere to save money to help you out." He comforted me. "You don't have to do that," I said, discreetly wiping my tears.

"Hyung. You're family to me. You're my brother. I won't just let you...stay in there, hopeless."

"I'm not hopeless."

"Hyung. Just let me help you, alright? It's the least I could do for you."

"Focus on yourself for now, I can handle myself."

"No, I don't want to see Wonyoung's sister free from jail while you're stuck in there."

He said, standing up.

"They'll give this to you after I leave. Just...Hang in there."

And in the blink of an eye, he left the room.

Tears unconsciously flow from my eyes and I bang the table in front of me, and I was deep in thought. I shouldn't have done all that, for revenge my father couldn't even appreciate. What happens now? I ask myself.


Laughter filled the room as the two watched movies, cuddled up on the living room's sofa. "Hold on, lemme get something," Heesung said, standing up. "Sure" Haewon answered with a smile. "I bought popcorn this time so we won't have to make them ourselves again" Heesung explained, a bag of popcorn in his hands. Haewon laughed, remembering the time they cooked the kernels. A few minutes passed and the movie was coming to an end. Just then, Haewon looks beside her to see Heesung staring at her. She gave him a confused look, giggling. "You know, Haewon, I never imagined I could end up here with you the first time we met." He confessed. "Me too. I never thought I'd end up with someone younger than me, someone this good-looking and talented." Haewon said. "I'll promise you, I will never let you go. No matter what happens. I'm so grateful to have someone like you in my life right now. Just seeing you makes me feel at home." Heesung assured.


As the other members leave the dorm for their promotions, Jay finally arrives after meeting up with a good friend he hasn't hung out with for a while. He flops himself on the sofa and lets out a deep sigh. "Right, Gaeul and I agreed to meet up here today." He remembered, reaching for his phone in his pocket.

Jay: Love? When are you coming?

Gaeul: I'll be there in a sec :)

Jay: Alright, I'll be waiting for you!!


"Knock knock~," Someone said from outside the door. "Coming!" Jay yelled, opening the door. "Congrats Love!!" Gaeul exclaimed, handing Jay some corn ice creams he loved. Jay laughed, hugging her. "Thanks, Gaeul... I didn't expect you'll get me this" He chuckled. "You don't like it?" Gaeul pouted. "I love it. Let's have this after lunch hm?" Jay said. "Okay!" Gaeul nodded.

💫Hi guysss sorry for the late upload...This chapter was shorter than usual but I hope you still like it! I'll try my best to upload more often in return for all the love and support you gave for my stories! I really appreciate y'all and I want to thank you guys so much for being so patient even if I take really long to upload. Anyways, stay safe y'all!! Have a great day ahead :)

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