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Kim Haewon's POV:

I put my phone away with a smile on my face, I quickly get dressed up and this is what I decided to wear.

I let my hair down and get my things, ready to go

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I let my hair down and get my things, ready to go. I was kinda excited since it's been a while since I've met fellow idols...I walk to the cafe since I didn't really wanna go by car. The sky was clear and the cold wind was blowing softly while I was on my way which made me happy. I love it when the weather is like this. A few more minutes of walking and I finally get to the cafe. I look around and see absolutely no one. "Is this the right place?..." I ask myself. Just then I see Heesung come out of one part of the cafe. "Haewon noona! You're here already!" He exclaims. "Yeah..." I reply with a smile. "Welcome to Han Bat Cafe! What could I get for you?" The worker asks.

"What do you want to order?..." Heesung asks shyly, blushing a bit. "Since I can't drink coffee, I'll just get the French Vanilla." I reply, pointing at the menu infront of us. "One french vanilla coming right up. How about your order sir?" The worker asks, encoding our order. "Uhm...What's your best selling one?" Heesung asks. "Not a lot of people come here but most of the customers order our Aura Chocolate Frappe." The worker answers. "Then I'll get that." Heesung says. "Don't you want to get some food to go with the drinks?" I ask. "Im still quite full right now so I'll pass" Heesung says softly. "The total is 5,500!" The worker says with a bright smile on his face. "I'll pay." I say, handing out the money to the waiter. Heesung grabs my hand gently and hands money instead. "But Heesung...Its my treat you didn't have to..." I say shyly. "Don't worry its fine." Heesung replies.

"I'll prepare your order now. Please take a seat!" The worker says. "Let's go?" I ask. "Yeah" Heesung answers. We take a seat at the very back of the cafe and wait for our order. It was pretty awkward between us and I decided to start the conversation. "So...how are you?" I ask, looking around the cafe. "I'm doing great..." Heesung says nervously. "Why? Are you uncomfortable talking with me?...It looks like you're nervous " I say, making him laugh. "It's my first time meeting you. Of course I'll get nervous." Heesung says, chuckling.

"How did you know about this place? Not a lot of people go here and It's so pretty..." I said, admiring the place. "Well...I just did some research and I go here quite often." Heesung answers. "Okay but, why did you want to talk with me in the first place? Giving your number to me in secret and stuff." I ask curiously. "I just...felt like I wanted to be friends with you since you looked friendly " Heesung replies, chuckling. "Friendly and pretty?" I say, trying to make him laugh. Heesung giggles and says, "Yes." Not being able to lie. I laugh at his cuteness and stare at his eyes. Now I know why they call him Bambi...He has cute doe eyes and a cute personality too.

"Hello! Here's your order! Enjoy your time at Han Bat Cafe!" The worker says, bringing us our order and going back to the counter. "Thank you!" The two of us say in unison. "Wait! Let's take a picture first before we try it." I said, giggling. "Yes of course" Heesung said, laughing. I take out my phone and snap some pictures, secretly taking pictures of him too. "Hey... i see you." Heesung says, teasing me. "Hm? What do you mean?" I ask, pretending not to know. "Send those pictures to me later" Heesung says, laughing. "Aish...Just finish your drink already" I said, embarrassed while he just laughs at me. Heesung takes out his phone and takes pictures of me as well. "Yah! Let me see!" I exclaim, standing up. "I won't let you," Heesung says, laughing. "You even have coffee on your lips hahaha" Heesung points out, getting a tissue and wiping it off. My heart beated like crazy...it was the first time a guy did that to me.

"Why are you staring? Admiring my face? I see..." Heesung says, teasing me even more and blushing. "No way!" I said, in denial. "Ayyy I see it in your eyes." Heesung says. The worker was watching them from afar and smiling, "What a cute couple..." he said to himself.

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