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Sunghoon's POV:
I got back to the dorm and as usual the members started imitating our performance AGAIN. "When will you guys ever stop?" I ask. "I don't think the answer is soon." Sunoo said. I roll my eyes and went to the bathroom to take a bath quickly. I put on comfy casual clothes and checked my phone, hoping Wony messaged me. But...she didn't. "Yah. Why are you pouting over there?" Jake asked, laughing at him. "She didn't chat me yet." I said. Jake laughed at me, leaving me confused. "Sunghoonie...she might not be at their dorm yet. Or maybe she's just resting. You guys can talk later." Jake said. I sigh and just nodded. "Sunghoon hyung misses her so bad." Sunoo whispered to Jake, laughing. Jake giggles and says, "Couple thingz" "Ugh. When will I ever find THE ONE? Why do people in kdramas find one so easily?" Sunoo complained. Jake gave him an I-Don't-Know look, shrugging. "Maybe when you stop eating mint choco." I answer. Sunoo rolls his eyes, puts his headsets back on and quietly continues his k-drama. Meanwhile Jake went to his room to fix some stuff.

Wonyoung's POV:
I got back to the dorm and was laying on my bed as usual, scrolling through my phone. While I was doing so, Sunghoon messaged me.


Love...Are you there?

Why do you keep calling me love?
We're not even a couple yet Kkk

I don't care.
We'll be one soon anyway


I asked you out already love
All I need is your permission to court you.

3 weeks left Baekku.
All you gotta do is wait.

Wait. What if we can't even keep
In touch after our MC contracts end?

Don't worry. I'll promise you l'll keep in touch with you.

I will chat you everyday if I can.

You better keep your promise
My love. I might miss you too much

Yes yes I promise.
I gotta go Baelku.
My sister is calling.
Goodnight! ❤️

Goodnight love! 💕


While I was chatting with Sunghoon, Wooyoung suddenly called me...Of course I answer the call and turn on my video. "Hi Wonyy!" Wooyoung exclaimed. "Hi unnie! It's been a while since you last called...Is there something wrong?" I asked, worried. "Wonyoung..." Wooyoung said, making the atmosphere heavy. "I have something to tell you..." Wooyoung continued. "Huh?... What is it?..." I asked. "Remember we had this party at work late at night..." Wooyoung said, making me anxious. "Unnie...What did you do?..." I ask, worried. "So...I was driving home and I started to feel dizzy..." Wooyoung said. "So you crashed into someone. Did you?" I ask, panicking inside. "Did that someone...Had a son named Yoon Young Min?" I ask. "How did you know?" Wooyoung asked. "Unnie! That creep pretended to be our dance teacher! He's trying to take me away from you!" I exclaimed, not being able to control my emotions. "Sis...calm down okay? I'll figure this out." Wooyoung said. "Figure this out?! Unnie you almost killed a human being because you were driving home late at night when you weren't feeling well!" I exclaimed. My sister was about to say something but one of the members suddenly knocked on my door. I sigh and say, "Unnie. You better figure this out." I end the call, frustrated, and open the door. "Wonyoung. Let's eat!" Yujin exclaimed. I sigh and just go to the dining table. "What's up with her?" Yujin mumbled to herself, following me to the dining table.

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