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-The Next Day-

It was a cloudy and dark morning in Seoul and people were at their homes, enjoying the bed weather. Everyone's cuddled up in bed and chilling. Some are scrolling on the internet and today was a day for some fruity news and trouble for the two mcs. The article Yoon Youngmin just published started spreading all over the Internet on all social media platforms and the two didn't know anything about it.

Yoon Youngmin's POV:
I wake up and see my phone getting bombarded with notifications. I check my social media and find so many people commenting and sharing on this post I created yesterday.

 I check my social media and find so many people commenting and sharing on this post I created yesterday

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I smile, satisfied. "People are doing all the work for me. How great..." I said, laughing.

Jungwon's POV:
I was cuddled up in bed, hugging my pillow and I kept getting woken up by notifications on my phone that was from our group chat. "What's going on?..." I said in a sleepy voice. I check my phone and open our chat, dang there was a lot of messages. I scroll back up and the first thing I see was an article about the two. Everyone was going crazy and panicking, thinking about what will happen to their groups when the company finds out. "Shoot. We're in trouble." I said to myself. I immediately get up and wake up Sunghoon hyung. He groans, rubbing his eyes. "HYUNG! WAKE UP ALREADY! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?" I asked him, frustrated. "H-huh? What do you mean?..." He asked, clueless. I show him the article in my phone and he immediately takes it away from me. "Hyung give me back my-" I was cut of by him and he said, "Where did you find this?!" Sunghoon was obviously frustrated, he knew what's gonna happen next. He opens the link to the article and sees multiple comments such as:

"What the hell? How did their companies allow this to happen? They knew it can cause rumors and why out of all places each others' dorms?" and "I wonder what they did in there."

Sunghoon immediately gets up and fixes himself. "Hyung. Where are you going?" I ask, confused. "I can't just wait here until our manager gets mad and decides to puts us on a hiatus. It's not just me that will get affected here. You know how people react to this kind of things. " He answered. He walks out the room, slamming the door shut, waking up the other members. I sigh and follow him. The others who were already awake and were in the living room stare at him, looking concerned. "What are we going to do?" Heesung asked aloud. "You can't just leave hyung! Do you know how much we'll get affected by this?" Niki asked, visibly mad. "I'll fix this. I promise." Sunghoon said. "How? Tell us how hyung!" Niki exclaimed, frustrated. "Niki. Shut your mouth for once. We'll find a way." I said. "You better." Jay said. Sunghoon exits our dorm, running to the HYBE Building which was a few kilometers away.

Sunghoon's POV:
I finally got to the building and took the elavator to the top floor. Our manager was there, sipping on some coffee, looking bothered. He was looking around the room and found me approaching him. "Oh. Park Sunghoon. You got something to say?" Our manager asked. I was standing infront of him, out of breath from all the running. "Sir. I can explain everything." I said, looking down. "WHAT IS THERE TO EXPLAIN? SNEAKING OUT TO GO TO SOMEONE ELSE'S DORM WHEN YOU SAID YOU WILL BE GOING TO DANCE PRACTICE?!" Our manager yelled, spitting some coffee out from his mouth. I wipe some of the drink that got on my face and look up. "Sir I have something to say. Me and Wonyoung are dating." I said, getting ready to get yelled at. Our manager's face was turning red in anger and said, "What did you just say? Do you want to go on hiatus starting today?" "Sir you can't blame me for falling inlove! You've been so strict on us ever since we debuted and we can't even catch feelings for someone? It's more difficult than you think!" I exclaimed, leaving our manager speechless. "You won't be the only one affected here Sunghoon! Do you know how much your group's image will be damaged?! Not only your group but Wonyoung's group too! If you wanted to be in a relationship you could've discussed it with us and we could've helped you kept it a secret!" Our mamager said." If I discussed it with you sir, you would've made us break up anyway!" I exclaimed, frustrated. The staff who just came into the cafeteria were staring at us, taking videos and photos. I walk out in embarrassment and left our manager behind. "You rude- Park Sunghoon come back here! Yah! Can you not hear me?!" Our manager yelled, infuriated. Tears started to fall from my eyes unconsciously, making me want to hide.

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