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We were on our way to Inkigayo for rehearsal and we caught Heesung fiddling with his fingers and looking everywhere. "Hyung is there something wrong?" Jake asked. "H-huh? What are you talking about? It's nothing." Heesung said. "Hyung. Tell us. Are you not feeling well?" Sunoo asked. "Of course not! I'm just so nervous for some reason." Heesung answered. "Nervous to meet Haewon? Hyung come on. You better practice. I heard you talking to WJSN last week. You were a total mess." Niki said. Jungwon laughed at him and so did the others. "Well what can I do? I'm just like this." Heesung said. "Jay hyung will show you some advice later. He's good at these kind of stuff." Jake said. "Yeah until he brings out those jokes of his." Sunghoon said. "Can't you just let me be for once?" Jay said annoyed. "Anyways, how's it going with Gaeul?" Jungwon asked. "Yeah. When did you guys last talk?" Heesung asked. "Last night actually. She called me randomly..." Jay said. "Ohhhh what did you guys talk about?" Sunghoon asked. "Another I love you convo?" Niki asked. "No not that...She said she just called because she wanted to see me for some reason." Jay said, smiling. The members start teasing him of course. "Awww she misses you" Sunoo said. Jay couldn't hide his smile anymore and covered his face with his bucket hat. The members were feeling butterflies for their member but then, Jungwon asks, "Wait. That's all she said to you?" "Probably not. Jay hyung said he was up all night." Jake said. "Hyung~ tell us everything!" Sunghoon exclaimed. "Okay, okay. So I was ready to get to bed when I heard my phone ringing and of course I answer it. It was Gaeul and we had a video call. Since she called randomly I ask why she called." Jay said. "Well duh. Anyways, continue." Sunoo said. "I lay down on my bed with sleepy eyes and she asks if she disturbed my sleep and I said no. So she just stayed there looking at me for a few seconds, looks like she was about to go to bed too. Then she says she just wanted to hear my voice and see me." Jay continued. All of them squeal except Jay making Jay blush even more.
"TELL US MORE!" Heesung exclaimed. But since they were too busy talking they didn't know they already arrived at Inkigayo. "I'll tell you more later." Jay said. The others nodded and they get off the car and enter the building, get on stage and rehearse.

More and more groups were coming and Sunghoon noticed Wonyoung waving at him as IVE enters. He smiled brightly at her, waving back. The IVE members notice Wonyoung. "Wony~ I forgot to ask. When's your first date with Hoonie?" Gaeul asked. "Date? Uhm...maybe this weekend?" Wonyoung answered, unsure about her answer. Rei squeals and says, "This weekend!! They're gonna be outside, holding hands while cherry blossom petals fall from the trees!" The members were going crazy but then Suddenly remembers what Gaeul just called Baekku. "Wait. Did you just call him hoonie?" Wonyoung asked. "Yeah. Why?" Gaeul asked. "But that's what I call him too." Wonyoung mumbled to herself. "My girl's looking jealous over there." Yujin said, teasing her. "Oops was that his nickname he gave to you? Sorry~ I won't use it again I promise." Gaeul said. Wonyoung nodded and the members laugh at her.

Sunghoon's POV:
She's looking pretty as always. If only I can run to her right now. "Sunghoon! The music's starting soon!" Jake exclaimed, making me rush to my position. We start rehearsal as usual and it goes pretty well on our first try. We always perform like it's the actual stage. It's kinda tiring but, I enjoy it so much.

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