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Sunghoon's POV:

I exit the Music Bank building alone, walking on the red carpet and being surrounded by loud cheers and sad comments from my fans. I get in the van and wave goodbye to my fans, shutting the door. I sigh and look outside, mesmerizing the Music Bank building for the last time as an MC.


Yoon Youngmin's POV:

I was hiding in the crowd, smirking as Sunghoon leaves the building. My plan is working! First I have to get him unemployed at Music Bank, gain Wonyoung's trust, and ruin her relationship with Sunghoon. Once that's done, I could get all the fame for being her perfect partner and everyone will forget about Sunghoon. After that, I'll get money from the company that can help my father out and help my family become successful people that people will regret mistreating. Oh and of course, since I'm not close to Wonyoung's sister, I will use Wonyoung to ruin her life as well. I wave goodbye to Sunghoon happily and head to the HYBE building to settle my contract as a replacement MC with Sunghoon. I could also get my stage name assigned to me later on. This is going to be fun! I laugh by myself and walk away. I call a taxi and it pulls over... "Take me to the HYBE building please." I say, smiling. "Yes sir." The driver says. We drive away and an hour later, I was dropped off in front of the building. I enter the building alongside some guards and make my way to the meeting room once again which needed face recognition to get inside. "Why is this building so secure in the first place?" I ask myself, frustrated. When I was about to get inside, someone called me from behind. Obviously, it was Sunghoon. "Yah!" He yells, making me look at him and turn around. "Yes? Still bitter about the fact you had to leave Music Bank today?" I ask, laughing. The staff around us look at us, concerned and curious about what's happpening. "What are you even planning to do huh?" Sunghoon asks quietly, furious. "I'm gonna talk everything away from you. Starting with Wonyoung." I answer. "Why?! What we even do to you?! What did I do to you?!" Sunghoon asks, feeling wronged. "If your girlfriend's sister didn't get in the way of my family, this wouldn't be happening right now!" I exclaim. "Lay a finger on Wonyoung and I'll kill you with my own hands." Sunghoon whispered, grabbing me by the collar, not minding the people around us. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Our manager exclaims, barging out of the meeting room furiously, embarrased by our actions. "Do you think this is the right attitude of an idol?!" Our manager questions us. "Sorry sir." We both say, bowing down to the manager while facing each other, glaring at one another. "Get in. NOW!" Our manager yells. I get in quickly, leaving Sunghoon behind. Sunghoon sighs and gets in banging the door behind him.


Jay's POV:

Of course, I was chilling at our dorm, waiting impatiently for a notification to pop up on my phone. "Hyung. You've been sitting there for half an hour already. What's with you checking your phone every second?" Jungwon asks. "She hasn't text me for days..." I reply, disappointed. "Who? Gaeul noona?" Jungwon asks, smirking. Everyone starts teasing me, making me embarrassed. "You miss her already?" Heesung asks, laughing. "Wait they're dating already right?" Jake asks. "Duh." Sunoo answers. "Don't worry hyung, she'll chat you later. Maybe she's busy." Niki says, smiling. "What's taking her so long?..." I ask myself. Suddenly, Heesung screams and gets up his seat happily. "WHAT'S THAT?!" The members ask, shocked. Heesung smiles and slowly walks to his room and closes the door. "Aish. When will he ever share what happens between him and Haewon? I'm getting curious." Sunoo complains. "You're not the only one." I say.


Heesung's POV:

"Want to meet up today Heesung-ssi? I'm free...Only if you want to that is. Just to make up for not chatting you often hehe." Haewon says in our chat. "WHAT DO I SAY, WHAT DO I SAY?" I ask myself, excited. I can't stay in one place and I keep moving around. I was too busy thinking what to reply and didn't notice Jake get in my room sneak up behind me. I was about to send my message, looking for an emoji to go with it. Suddenly, Jake presses the 😙 emoji, sends the message and runs out of the room. "YAH SIM JAEYUN! WHAT DID YOU DO?! ARGHHH" I can hear the other members laugh loudly from the other room, making me even more furious.

Heesung: "Sure noona...Where do we go? 😙"

Haewon: "Maybe we can just meet up somewhere we can be alone to avoid scandals 😊"

"Somewhere private...What about that cafe Sunghoon always go to? He likes it there since no one ever goes there. It was quite hidden..." I said to myself...

Heesung: "Is it okay if we meet at Han Bat Cafe??? It's quiet there and it's hidden. I'm sure no one will find us there."

Haewon: "Okay then! I'll get ready now, see you later! 🙃"

"JAY HYUNG!" I yell from my room. "YES?!" Jay replies. "Can't you two just talk to each other quietly-" Jungwon asks, irritated by their loud voices. Jay walks to my room lazily and asks, "Why? What do you need?" "If you were meeting your crush at a cafe, what would you wear?" I ask. "YOU'RE MEETING HAEWON?" Jay asks, surprised. "Yeah..." I reply awkwardly. "Wear something casual like a jacket and some jeans." Jay suggests. "Okey Dokey!" I exclaim. Took me a while to choose but in the end, I wore this.

(Imagine he doesn't have the flower headband and the necklaces)

(Imagine he doesn't have the flower headband and the necklaces)

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"Time to go!" I say to myself, excited. I leave our dorm and walk to the cafe which was nearby.

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