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"Where's Wonyoung? Practice is not done yet?" Gaeul asked. "She's probably done. It's already one o'clock." Rei said. "Well maybe she chose to have lunch with her boyfie today. I mean, they only have a 4 more Fridays to be mcs...why not hang out together?" Yujin said. "I agree. I just hope people don't spread rumors if they see them together in the streets..." Liz said. "Don't worry those two know how to act. They'll handle the situation perfectly." Yujin said. Meanwhile, Leeseo was just listening and was busy eating her food to even speak. "Looks like you love the chicken Leeseo. You haven't said a word." Rei said, laughing at her. "Well what can I do? It's taste is amazing!" Leeseo said, taking another bite out of the chicken. "Okay guys, let's eat now. Leeseo already started early she might finish it all." Liz said, laughing. They nodded and muched on their meal. "Oh by the way Rei I heard Niki had a crush on you." Yujin said making Rei choke on her food. "What are you talking about?!" Rei asked, flustered.

Enhypen's POV:
We were in the living room
"Niki we need an explanation right now. You like Rei? Since when?" Sunoo asked. "Yah. I was just kidding in our group chat. Nothing to worry about." Niki said. "Yah. Why would you say that in our chat if you didn't mean it? Who knows, maybe Rei likes you too." Jungwon said. "Oh come on that's impossible. We just got close yesterday." Niki said. "So you don't actually like her?" Jay asked. "Yeah, I don't," He answered, chuckling.

Sunghoon and Wonyoung's POV:
We entered the restaurant and were greeted politely with a smile by the restaurant owner. "Hello! Welcome to the restaurant!" The owner said. "Oh hello maam." We said. "Oh uh, a table for two please," Wonyoung said. "Sure. Follow me." The owner said, we followed her and sat down. "Thank you ma'am." Sunghoon said with a smile. "Wow... You two are so good-looking. Are you guys idols perhaps?" The owner asked. Wonyoung looked at Sunghoon and he nodded. "Yes, ma'am we're idols. The mcs of music bank." Wonyoung said, smiling. "Oh my. That's why you guys look familiar!" The owner said. The two chuckled and looked back at the owner who asked, "You're Wonyoung and Baekku right?" "Yes...looks like you have been watching us on TV ma'am." Sunghoon said, making the owner smile. "Uhm can I take a photo of us three?" The owner asked. The two looked unsure of what to answer but just agreed. The owner takes out her phone and takes a selfie with the MCs. "Thank you so much you guys are so kind." The owner said. "No problem ma'am. Just please don't post it online... It might cause a few rumors..." Sunghoon said. "Yes yes of course. Now, what do you guys want to order?" the owner asked. Sunghoon looked at Wonyoung and Wonyoung said, "Anything that tastes good ma'am. But I'm sure everything you make tastes amazing." Wonyoung said, making the owner happy. "Well, I would recommend our Nangmyeon and Galbi. It's a very nice pair and since the sun is shining bright today, I'm sure you will enjoy it. Most of our customers come here during summer and order these two together." The owner said with a smile. "Oh~ hot and cold combo. I like that. We'll get that then." Sunghoon said. "How about you Wonyoung? Anything else you want to order?" Sunghoon asked. "Hmm...maybe I'll try their lamb skewers too." Wonyoung said. "Okay. Coming right up! It will take about 10 minutes I hope you can wait that long. I know your schedules get a bit busy." The owner said. "Oh, it's fine ma'am we're free today," Wonyoung said with a smile. "Okay! I'll go prepare the food now." The owner said with a smile and left. As the owner was cooking our food, people started coming inside. Luckily, we were seated in an unnoticeable spot. Well, unless you really pay attention.

"Yah what will we do if they spot us together?" Wonyoung asked. "Don't worry let's just introduce us as other people." Sunghoon said. Wonyoung shrugged but just nodded. A few minutes later their food arrived "Enjoy your meal!" The owner said. "Thank you maam!" we said. We started eating when a group of friends that seemed to be high schoolers entered the restaurant. "Yah what do we do? They might actually notice us." Wonyoung said. "Wonyoung, chill. Just don't look too noticeable." Sunghoon said. "How?" Wonyoung asked. "Just keep eating like a normal person," Sunghoon said. "I- okay," Wonyoung said and they enjoyed their yummy meal together. The group of high schoolers left after 15 minutes which made the two feel relieved. After half an hour, they finished all their food and left the restaurant, thanking the owner.

"I'll get going. I'll just walk to the dorm." Sunghoon said. "Yah, Your dorm is so far away from here. How are you going to walk that far." Wonyoung said. "Don't worry I did this before." Sunghoon said. "Okay stay safe..." Wonyoung said softly. "Just go already. Someone might see you." Wonyoung said. "Okay bye, my love," Sunghoon whispered and walked away. "Yah! What was that?!" Wonyoung asked loudly causing people to look at her. "Nothing!" Sunghoon said, giggling.

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