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After the two talk on the phone, Wonyoung hangs up and looks for Yujin who left her seat earlier while the two were talking. "Unnie? Where did you go?" Wonyoung asks herself.

Yoon Jisung's POV: (Youngmin's dad)
I started calling Youngmin as I heard about the article. I knew it was him who uploaded it. "That brat. Does he know he could be sued for this? He doesn't know who he's dealing with." I said to myself. I started getting flashbacks of the moments I, myself got sued and kicked out of my own company because of my negligence. I lost my job. I lost everything. I couldn't even get enough money to feed my two children three times a day! I don't want my son to experience the same just because he wants to get revenge, for me.

- Ulsan, South Korea - Sep 6, 1984 -

The 60th trip was planned by Sinar Tours. Today was the day the people who inquired at Sinar Tours were going to travel to Brunei for their trip the company offered. Thousands of people were at Ulsan Airport, ready to board their planes. There were a few delays but everyone boarded their planes safely and their journey starts. Everyone settles on the plane and puts their luggage in the luggage bins. "Please fasten on your seatbelts and get ready for take-off." A flight attendant says over the speakers. The people start taking their seats and chatting with their families. As the plane took off, James Park and Yoon Jisung's voices were on the speaker. They were talking about the history of their company! "Good day passengers. I hope you are doing well and enjoying your plane ride. This is James Park and my partner..." "Yoon Jisung." Jisung continued. "Our company wants to develop tours and adventures for our fellow South Koreans to showcase the beauty of the other countries around us." James Park explained. "Not only that, but we also want you to have memorable experiences with your family and loved ones." Jisung added. "So if you need a travel agency to help you out on your next trip, you know where to go." James Park said. "SINAR TOURS!" The passengers responded. "Today's trip is the 60th trip planned by us and we are sure that you will be amazed by everything that awaits you. See you at your destination and have a nice flight." The two said in unison. 5 hours passed and the plane finally landed in Brunei at Brunei International Airport. The passengers start getting off their planes and bringing their luggage with them. The passengers were greeted by James Park and Yoon Jisung themselves! People started taking pictures and gathering around them. The two led the passengers to a bus that will take them to a paragliding site, their first destination. While on the bus the two explain the history of Brunei to the Koreans and they were fairly interested in it. After a while, they finally arrive at the paragliding site. Now, you may be thinking this will be the best adventure ever. But you're wrong. This is where things go wrong. The instructors Yoon Jisung were assigned to hire were unprofessional and didn't secure the people in their seats properly before taking off. Of course, this caused major problems. Some people got fractured and broke their bones, some got scratches and some were even bleeding. Luckily, no one's lives were taken but James Park was very disappointed, especially the people who thought they would have the best day in their life! Doctors immediately treated the people affected and the other people were even taking videos and questioning the two presidents of the company about what happened. The news started to spread and the people were heavily disappointed by it. The people who were in Brunei lost their trust in the company and insisted to go back to Korea instead. James Park brings Yoon Jisung somewhere private and asks him, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED JISUNG?!" James Park asked, infuriated. "I'M SORRY I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. THEY SAID THE INSTRUCTORS WERE PROFESSIONALS." Jisung replied. "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT THE INJURED PEOPLE? DO YOU THINK THIS WILL AFFECT OUR COMPANY IN A GOOD WAY? THEY WILL SUE YOU, THE INSTRUCTOR AND YOU COULD GET OUT OF THE COMPANY!" James Park exclaimed. Jisung had tears falling on his face without him knowing. James Park walks out and leaves him behind. Jisung was devasted.


Everyone got back to Korea and Yoon Jisung and the instructor was sued for Professional Malpractice and Personal Injury. Yoon Jisung was kicked out of the company and only James Park was left. He was devasted himself, losing his partner was his worst nightmare. He had no choice though if he wanted the company to live that is. 2 years later, he slowly brings the company back and partnered with someone else from Canada but he would never forget that day.


Lee Heesung's POV:

I was alone, casually singing at our dorm and checking out our Weverse, communicating with Engenes. That's when I received a message from Haewon. "Haewon noona?!" I exclaim, shocked that she messaged him. She probably got my number from the sandwich wrapper. I thought to myself. "It's a bit late though noona." I said to myself, pouting. I check the message anyway and it said, "Hi Heesung-ssi. Sorry for chatting so late, I was a bit busy for the last few days... let's get along well!" I smile and got excited. My heart starts to beat faster and faster as I type my reply. "Argh, what do I reply?!" I asked myself, frustrated. I eventually send her this, "It's okay noona :) I hope we can chat often despite our busy schedules!" I was going crazy, looking like an idiot. Love...feels weird. In a good way

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