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It was getting late and the members were getting hungry. "So... What you guys wanna eat for dinner?" Gaeul asked. "You guys can order anything. I'll just eat what you ordered." Jay said. "Same for me." Sunghoon said. "What's your favorite food to eat for dinner?" Jungwon asked. "Beef!" Wonyoung exclaimed. "Samgyupsal!" Sunghoon exclaimed. "Beef and Samgyupsal. Looks like we're going out tonight." Leeseo said excitedly. "How about we go out instead of ordering?" Jake asked. The others were a bit worried because they know people are watching them 24/7 but they agreed anyway. Jay reserved their seat in a private room of the restaurant. They all changed into hoodies and had bucket hats on, while the others just had regular caps. They walk to the restaurant which is near IVE's dorm and take a seat in their private room.

"Samgyupsal and Beef only right?" Jay asked. "You can buy more. Jay has a lot of money." Niki said. Making the others laugh. "Where's the lie though? Hahaha" Heesung said. They ordered their food and chatted while waiting for their food.

"Wonyoung you've been staring at me for a while. Did you finally catch feelings for me?" Sunghoon said jokingly. "What are you talking about? I was just zoning out." Wonyoung said. "You two love zoning out do you?" Leeseo said. "Thinking about each other so much hm?" Yujin asked. "No way!" Wonyoung exclaimed. "Don't be so lovey-dovey in here. Just a reminder, we're single." Sunoo said. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself..." Sunghoon said. Wonyoung glared at him but Sunghoon kept on giggling. "Aigo you two are so cute together. You guys are straight out of a K-drama love story." Heesung said. "Oh, hyung is jealous. He doesn't have a girlfriend." Niki said. "Why would I be jealous? Why would I want to cuddle with someone all night and have dinner dates." Heesung said, obviously jealous of Sunghoon for having someone to be with. "I can cuddle with you all night." Jake said. The others widen their eyes and chuckle awkwardly. A second later their food arrived.

"Wow! This looks so good!" Sunghoon exclaimed. "Of course it does. It's your favorite protein meal." Wonyoung said. "How did you know?" Sunghoon asked. "You think I wouldn't know? On the way here you looked like a happy child who was about to go see his friends after a year." Wonyoung said. "So true. He was skipping and jumping around." Liz said. "He's always like that when he gets to eat protein," Niki said. "Before he would even sulk for not getting to eat protein," Jungwon said, making the others laugh. "When did I sulk?!" Sunghoon asked. Jungwon just laughed, shaking his head

Sunghoon uses his chopsticks to take a piece of samgyupsal that Jay just grilled and also got some fresh rice from his rice bowl. He took a big bite but since it was still hot and he got excited to eat, he accidentally burnt his tongue and yelled in pain. "What's wrong?!" Wonyoung asked, worried about Sunghoon. "Girl-" Liz couldn't even finish her sentence because she also took a bite out of the hot meat. "What's with y'all burning your tongues?" Niki asked. "Blow the food before eating it. It's hella hot." Sunghoon said. "Hella hot like me." Jay said proudly. "I'm hotter than you." Sunghoon said, rolling his eyes. "Aish!" Jay said frustrated, eating his food aggressively. "Bro calm down," Heesung said, laughing at Jay.

They all continued eating their meal happily together. Suddenly Sunghoon pats Wonyoung's arm and asks, "You want some?" while holding a spoonful of side dishes. "Yeah." Wonyoung answered. Wonyoung opens her mouth and Sunghoon feeds her the side dishes. "Mmm! That's so good!" Wonyoung exclaimed. "Oh how cute. Even feeding each other now?" Heesung asked. "Here. Eat." Jake said, feeding Heesung a spoonful of rice. "Wow. That's so good!" Heesung exclaimed. "Is it just me or am I getting Deja Vu?" Sunoo asked. "You guys sounded exactly the same" Yujin giggled. After half an hour, they finished eating and of course, Jay paid for the bill. "Thanks Jay!" Gaeul said happily. "No prob hehe," Jay said. "How about you guys come to our dorm next time?" Jay will cook for us! Right, Jay?" Jungwon asked. "Sure. You guys can come anytime." Jay said with a smile on his face. "Yay, free food!" Leeseo exclaimed. The members laughed at her and they exit the restaurant. "We'll get going now...See you next Friday at Music Bank." Sunghoon said. "See ya! Thanks for coming by today!" Yujin said. "Thanks for the food Jay!" Gaeul exclaimed. Jay just chuckled and the Enhypen members get in their car and back to their dorm. After saying goodbye, IVE walked back to their dorm together happily.

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