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Sunoo's POV:

I just woke up and it was already 10:00am. "Pretty early. Sunghoon must have already left. Let me sleep again." I said to myself. When I suddenly remember the two's conversation yesterday. "Oh right, I forgot. Let's spill some tea." I said, smirking. I get out my phone which was under my pillow and enter our group chat.

Wonyoung and Sunghoon's POV:
I was on the way to the dance practice studio when a notification made my phone vibrate. It was from our group chat.

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Wonyoung's POV:I just exit the messenging app and look outside the car window

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Wonyoung's POV:
I just exit the messenging app and look outside the car window. I started to get annoyed when my phone kept sending notifications so I just mute the group chat and keep my phone in my bag. We were almost a the studio so I started fixing my hair and preparing my stuff. I was already in my dance outfit and I get off the car as soon as we got to the studio and thank my driver. Suddenly, I heard someone call out to me from behind and it was Sunghoon.

"Wonyoung! Wait for me!" Sunghoon exclaimed. I stand in my place and wait for Sunghoon to get to the entrance where I was. Sunghoon ran to the entrance and I just froze, staring at him. "Why are you so handsome today..." I said to myself. "What are you talking about. I'm handsome everyday. Nah just kidding." Sunghoon said. "Just- Let's just go inside." I said awkwardly, I didn't expect him to hear me. I can tell Sunghoon was smiling widely behind me and it made me smile too.

"You guys are here together at the same time? It's pretty early. Excited to practice together?" Our choreographer asked. "Yes hehe..." I said. "Good morning sir! Looks like we're more ready to practice than you." Sunghoon said, making me laugh. "Aigo Park Sunghoon. You're always like this. Put away your stuff and get ready. We'll start practice in a few minutes." We put our stuff on the floor and take a sip out of our water bottles before beginning our practice.

"Okay! Looks like you guys are ready. Let's start now. I bet you guys have been practicing on your own even without each other so show me what you've been learning." The dance teacher said. We get into our positions and he plays the music. We start practicing and after a few minutes, the music ends and the dance teacher was actually very satisfied with our performance. "You guys really improved from your Butter stage. Before you couldn't even make eye contact with each other. But now, you're chemistry was so good!" The dance teacher said. "Thank you sir!" me and Sunghoon said in unison.

"Now, let's talk about improvements. First of all, don't be awkward with your moves you should perform like you haven't heard your favorite song for years and it played on the radio. So, you guys should dance like you're enjoying the music so much that you can't stop dancing." The dance mentor said. "Okay sir! We'll try our best." Sunghoon said. "Also, smile a bit more on some of the parts just to make the performance more lively." The dance mentor said. "Okay sir. We'll do that." I said. "Okay good. Now, let's practice one more time." The dance mentor said with a smile.

The two of us nodded and continued practicing until it was finally 12:00pm. "You guys did great! I don't see any more parts you guys need to improve. I'm sure the bank patrons will love your performance. You guys look like a happy couple having a beach vacation." Our dance mentor said. He chuckled and me and Sunghoon just smiled. "Thanks for your time you two. See you again in 2 days for our final practice." the teacher said. "Thank you sir! Goodbye!" The two of us said. We exit the studio and Sunghoon suddenly speaks.

"Even our dance teacher thinks we're a great couple." He said. "Well. Where's the lie?" I said. Sunghoon laughed at me and asked, "What are you having for lunch?" "Why? Wanna have lunch together?" I asked, giggling. "How can I say no?" Sunghoon said, laughing at himself. "How about the restaurant near your dorm?" Sunghoon asked. "Which one? There's quite a lot." I asked. "Hm...maybe the restaurant a few steps away from your dorm. The one where only a few people go to." Sunghoon said. "Oh the one me and my members always go to? Okay!~" I said making a thumbs up at Sunghoon. Sunghoon laughed at me and we walked to the place.

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